Cudos to Stynes, Lyon & co for their wisdom in going after and getting Neeld.
He is a powerful breath of totally fresh air and don't the players in particular, need it?
He doesn't give a f**k about previous years, coaches or players. He cannot change that.
He is only interested in today and thereafter. These are the things he CAN change and is already doing so rapidly.
There will be casualties on and off the field but this makes it even more exciting IMO.
Players who choose to wimp it wont be wearing our famous guernsey anymore.
Staff who don't perform will be shown the door. Perform, perform, perform or leave!
Excuses for poor efforts will no longer be heard. Excuses don't get you results!
Hardness on field will be the 1st priority, timidness will never again be tolerated.
Improvement is already demanded and expected by all, on and off field.
Work rates will increase across the whole club, with player's improvement and the resultant success, being the reward given.
I hope the resolve and toughness already shown by Neeld gets even bigger and too bad to the players who choose not to fully embrace this ideology.
"The dawning of excitement has arrived"!