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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. C'mon guys... I'm not that bad am I ? Am I ? Dear Garland, I'm sure you're a real nice guy. Regards, STMJ
  2. Cant really see him fitting into our back six for the simple fact that defensively, he's pretty poor. At the Hawks, he looks a million bucks. He's got such a strong group around him both through the midfield and down back that he's rarely caught out and has the freedom and luxury of zoning off more often and running offensively more often than he would in our side. Lumumba found that out this year for us and next year I'm really hoping we can see more from him. He was surprisingly solid defensively, but his run wasn't there and skills have always been hit and miss. I know I've made a case for us getting Yarran, which you'd think would contradict what I'm saying in regard to suckling. But if we were to get Yarran, I'd stick him on a wing and would want Vince playing HBF. I think we might see him there next year. Suckling doesn't provide much other than his lethal left-foot. He's not versatile as a player and is more of the a cherry-on-top kind of player for a team who don't have many weak links. Would still love a really elite user of the ball and a player who can provide run as part of our deep back three. McKenzie from GC I'd love in a BP, but I can't see it happening. Garland, Jetta and Dunn are all poor runners and none of them are elite users. Dunn and Garland in particular being two who can really butcher the ball and make terrible decisions.
  3. Just as embarrassing as when we picked up Bernie Vince? What'd you say again? 'Excitement level equal to that of getting David Rodan', or something similar? Haha. Club being embarrassing you say? Mate, have a look at some of those posts RPFC highlighted from when we got Bernie. Yours topped the list for embarrassing! You should just hold your tongue on this one and it's the same with everyone else who jumps the gun thinking the sky is falling. You're all being stupidly short-sighted. We won't pay overs and he'll turn out to be better depth replacement than the blokes we've just delisted with the potential to be even better than that. Sadly, not many can see that.
  4. Honestly, there is no point arguing if you can't see it. You must be another who was either listening to the commentary or read in the media that it was him who kept Walker out of the game. To say that it was Frawley who was solely responsible for curbing the influence of Walker and shutting him out of the game is completely ignoring and paying no respect to these two facts: 1: Hawthorn's midfield pressure disallowing Adelaide any quality inside 50 entries and therefore any sort of advantage to Walker. 2: Frawley wasn't Walker's only opponent. If Frawley is getting this (unwarranted) credit, surely players like Lake deserve it also? Seriously. You're a nuff nuff. You're whole argument is based on nothing other than the affection you clearly have for the guy.
  5. Now I understand why it is you rate Garland so highly also. We have a completely different understanding of what 'playing well' means.
  6. Sometimes I wonder what supporters watch in a game of footy. Walker had minimal supply all night. Barely any opportunities one-on-one. And Frawley was not his opponent the whole night. Clarkson's response was bang on the money. Hawthorn's pressure on the ball carrier didn't allow Walker anything. To say Frawley had a great game is honestly hilarious. Sure he made two or three elementary Backman spoils. When he has the ball in his hands, he stands out like a sore thumb in that Hawthorn team. Decision making is awful. Is just a dumb footy player plain and simple. Some of the posts are truly embarrassing on this thread.
  7. As I've said, we'll be laughing at their faces with demands like that. Of course they're going to begin negotiations with outlandish requests. They eventually accepted picks 17 and 37 for the Ryder trade, because he wanted out. If Melksham wants out, they'll deal appropriately. I'm also not sure why anyone would think we'd pay overs for him anyway. As for Greg Denham, is this the same Greg Denham that said Mitch Clarke to St Kilda was a done deal last year? Cool.
  8. It seems that Max now realises that he's an AFL player rather than a standup comedian. If he focuses all his energy into becoming one of the premier Ruckmen of the competition, (which I genuinely believe is possible) then he'll be huge for us. Agree with others he needs to work on his tank clearly. Part of that is putting his head down and working really hard over pre-season without any interruptions. Tapping to the advantage of our mids is also a massive one. Needs to be really aware of it and we have to see an improvement in this area for next year. Needs to look at tapes of Goldy. Must be conscious of where he's trying to tap at every contest. Get those two things right for next year and he'll be a huge factor in the improvement of our side.
  9. The same can be said about the posts on this thread. I don't think anyone is taking it too seriously.
  10. I'm sure he deleted the comment after realising it was a bit inappropriate whilst Adelaide are still in the finals. I doubt Danger would have found it overly amusing. But perhaps Petrac does know something we don't... #dangertodees
  11. One thing that excites me most when I think about the next few years is his change in body-shape. At 187 cm and already powerfully built legs, ( the main contributor to his body weight), I can't wait to see the damage he'll do inside the contest when his upper frame and arms are stronger. He already attacks the contest like a bull and is great at extracting and releasing a handball whilst being tackled. His long-ish arms help in this regard as well as his tackling ability. But he could well be a monster in a few pre-seasons which is scary to think about. Can't wait.
  12. Yeh and we'll say no...Essendon ended up getting picks 17 and 37 in exchange for Ryder. A fair trade off in the end in my eyes. WGAF what they ask for? We'll either work out a deal that works for us, or he stays at Essendon? Big whoop.
  13. Adcock and Melksham fill completely different list needs. Why, when two completely different players at different ages and games experience come up to posters say I'd rather 'player x than player y'? How is it that hard to understand? It's clear we're still short of quality and professional senior leaders. Given that Cross has been moved on, Adcock could be a handy addition for a year or two. We still need the right senior players to lead the way for this young core group of future stars. Part of developing them to their full potential is to have some really strong personalities on the playing list. Cross has been monumental for Players like Viney, Brayshaw and Petracca in the knowledge his passed on. We need more of it.
  14. Fair enough on the argument count then. As for the bolded bit of what you've written, I tend to disagree. If we had the sort of depth that Roos and co' had genuine trust and belief in this year, I don't think we would have seen nearly the amount of games given to Stretch and ANB. I see the fact that they were given games consistently ahead of players like Bail, Jones, McKenzie etc is because Roos doesn't see them at the club going forward. Stretch is clearly an under-developed kid who wasn't exactly tearing up the VFL. He competed admirably when he was played in or firsts but it's fair to say that he drifted in and out of games as did ANB. Players like Melksham (who is a direct upgrade on those others I mentioned), is the kind of player who is the perfect target for this kind of role. If you look outside of his 'ability' or 'inability' as a player alone you see that a club like us needs to have depth players in Melksham's age bracket and who clearly possess some talent to allow players like Stretch and ANB to develop their games, bodies and minds at VFL level. When this happens, the gap in performances from VFL level to AFL level won't be as much. We've got to remember that it takes time with kids. Melksham wouldn't be getting games 'ahead of' or 'in place of' ANB and Stretch. They're still kids and we need to get to a stage where they're banging the door down in the VFL before getting games. It's not happening yet because of our problems with list depth. Here's a scenario: Let's say we have a couple of injuries in our starting midfield brigade and we've got a choice of bringing in Melksham or ANB both of whom have been playing VFL. Of course it's form permitting but if they've been playing their role but not dominating, I'd still bring Melksham in as ANB is a second year player and the more time he has developing and feeling comfortable and confident at VFL level, the better off we'll be in the future. Stretch and ANB have just played their first year. Go and have a look at a club like Sydney or Freo's depth and tell me how often they bring in first or second year kids who were picked in the second and third rounds of their drafts and tell me how many games they're 'given' in their first years. Unless those clubs have a terribly injured best 22 players, you'll find that most of the kids will spend their first and second year playing in the twos. We need to get to that stage.
  15. Good to hear. I know I'm stating the obvious, but it's such a good feeling knowing that we're targeting players at the draft who meet a completely different set of criteria to the ones previously targeted under our old regime. Compete like your life-depends on it, must be self-driven and must want to get the best out of yourself. The face of the club is changing.
  16. Unfortunately Jack is competing with a much deeper pool of talent than what Langdon is for a position in the under 22 AA squad. The fact that Luke Parker is under 22 is mind boggling. I'm sure Jack will crack the squad if he keeps this incline in form going and progresses like Jones. Love him.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1k5DFakV9E Tell me McKenzie, Matt Jones or Bail could kick a left-footed goal from 50...?! This was the year in which his talent was on display and without doubt it's something to work with. Happy to give him a chance and a change of scenery might be exactly what he needs. Like his anger and competitive streak too.
  18. Good rotating mid for the future. Hodge-like role. Get him in the midfield for some grunt at times and then he can rest on the HB-line and use that sexy left foot.
  19. It's a non-argument. We've got completely different lists and Essendon's has been much much stronger than ours over the course of both Watts and Howe's careers to date. We see players just like Melksham being given chances every single year on many different clubs lists. Blease to Geelong, O'Rourke to Hawthorn, Schulz to Port, Martin to Brisbane. Some turn their careers around, others don't. Given the fact that we will not be landing five A-grade midfielders this trade period, if we're not paying overs, and the club know the risks involved, (re WADA) and think he's in the clear, why would anyone be against picking up a player who will clearly help the midfield depth at the club given the amount of delistings to we're going to see. A handful of whom will be midfielders. Goodwin has seen far more of him than any of the posters who won't shut-up about how upset they'll be if we get him. I would much rather throw a lifeline to a player like Melksham than have McKenzie, Bail, Matt Jones etc on the list. He's better than all of them and you're kidding yourselves if you think otherwise. Zero risk as he's depth at best atm and plenty of reward if he can get his act together. Look at what Taylor Hunt has done at Richmond after being in and out at Geelong for years. He's no world beater and I'm sure Richmond supporters weren't thrilled in the trade most likely for the same short-sighted views that are being thrown around here. No-one has to be overly excited about the idea of getting him. Lists like the MFC's need more than one or two years to build a strong foundation of depth, the right personality traits and characters, A-grade talent, role-playing ability etc. We're trying to change the club. But jesus it's like the world is ending up in here.
  20. Love everything about him. If he can have a huge summer of running without injuring himself, I reckon he'll have a proper breakout year.
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