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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. Match ups may play a role in a change in the side. Selection is not always based on performance. Personal opinion here but I would give Garland a run in the twos and bring Rivers back up. Staker was all over Garland and Garland gave a few too many free kicks away. I think he needs to find his touch back at Casey. Rivers is extremely underrated on this forum. If it wasn't for injuries,god only knows how many people would have him as their number one backman. I say one change. In - Rivers Out - Garland
  2. Funniest thing I have ever heard. Geese !!? ] I could have sworn it was too many turtles that Wonna had been consuming back home and MFC specifically asked him to keep off them because of the high fat content. Almost quote of the year from you Harcourt ! Thanks for the report nonetheless. Can't wait for tomorrow night. Go dees.
  3. I'm not sure you have read every post deeoldfart. Read my last post. It has been one year. I like your enthusiasm but can we just wait a little longer before stating the recruitment of him was a masterstroke?
  4. I will settle and agree. They are the cream of the crop of the PSD in recent years and I am very aware of the transition Liam has had to make and how different all aspects have been for him in moving to Melbourne. I guess I am just worried about all this expectation Melbourne supporters exert on our players. Players that could potentially crumble from such pressures. (Watts) With Liam I think I am extra sensitive because he really has come from such a remote part of Australia, surrounded by a culture that is so different to that of big city life. (Western Civilization). I still believe that if we really nurture this kid through the system and we continue to establish a strong relationship with the NT, then we can congratulate not only the recruiting dept, but the whole club. Here's hoping.
  5. I'm struggling to understand what you meant by that comment. Am I a fence sitter on whether or not Liam Jurrah was a good pick up? I am simply saying he has played one season and we have no idea of what could happen in the future so rather than congratulate our recruiters, why don't we wait a couple of seasons, see him settled and playing consistent footy before we congratulate anybody. Collingwood once had him and he left due to unfortunate circumstances. Just like the Jack Watts issue, just like the Melbourne making finals issue, we need to be a little more patient. Jason Porplyzia Eddie Betts Shane O'Bree Tyson Edwards Peter Bell Simon Goodwin Shane Woewodin Ben Graham There are many more... And in contrast the list above proves there are also quite a few who have turned out to be jems. I agree with you Rhino that it was a courageous selection. For me however, it's far too early to judge whether he was/is a good pick up. The potential is there and I wish all the best to him and I really hope we continue to support him in an AFL football club environment. Let's hope he can get a few games this season and show us some more of that magic.
  6. Should they? After one season? Thing's can change very quickly and Jurrah has shown some glimpses of excitement last year. I wouldn't be congratulating anyone just yet. Let's wait a few years.
  7. Lost Highway is absolutely correct and I think Rogue knows this. He made a very valid post. If Dunn had been given the opportunity and belief that has been given to Bate then I'm sure they would be on the same boat. Neither of them are top AFL players. And a couple of goals isn't good enough AdamFarr. Not when a couple of them are cheapies and we are playing the worst team in the AFL by far and win by 50 odd points. I expect more contested marks from Bate as that's about the only thing he should be able to do. Not cheap goals. Get a grip.
  8. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. and I see Newton as possibly our Jonathan Brown. I can see why you chose your username mate.
  9. Man am I sick of these posts. Why don't you just wait and see what happens with him? Is it really that hard? He hasn't even played 10 AFL games !!! Anyone that is getting worried this early on about Jack Watts really needs to immerse themselves in something other than football for a while.
  10. It was Moloney's bump but the idiot commentators and news presenters on every station couldn't tell the difference between Stevie Wonder and a melbourne player.
  11. A few points. We played Richmond yesterday. We won by 55 points and kicked 20 goals. Bate really only kicked two goals. The other was Petterds. My view on Bates performance: Presented well but should really take more contested marks for a player with his strength and size. (Col Sylvia's mark on the mcc members wing is a prefect example of what Bate should be doing week in week out) Other than that he kicked a couple of goals in a side that kicked 20 goals. What was so great about his performance? Do tell? Do people understand he needs to stand up in this area of his game as it's about the only thing he can do?! I'm so sick of these "apologise to players" threads. I am allowed to have my views on players, and I have every right to express them on a football forum. I do not think Bate is part of our best 22 at the moment and I don't see a spot for him in our future 22. Bate is in no mans land. He is not good enough, strong enough, imposing enough to be our target go to forward. He is not quick enough, doesn't pressure enough, chase enough, man-up enough to be considered a pressure forward. What is he? He is a forward who's strengths are his penetrating kick, kicking to leads and contested marks SOMETIMES. If those are his only strengths which I think they are then he should be kicking more than 3 goals in a side that is playing the worst team in the AFL. Wake up ffs.
  12. I tell you this now. If Moloney doesn't get off for his bump, then the system is a complete fail. Very similar to Kennedy's bump on Sylvia so I am expecting Moloney to get off. One more thing to add. Scott Mclaren had a 350th to forget today.
  13. I love you all. Thanks, and I can't wait until we move in. Sustainable future !!
  14. Gang, Sorry for having to start a topic on this but I couldn't find the old one anywhere when scrolling through. I am wondering if someone can give me a little clarity as to what and where our footy dep/board/players will be moving into, as there are so many talks about the bubble dome stadium, the new "MCG" sized oval being built next to Gosch's Paddock, Casey and the MCG As I understand it, we will be using Casey as a summer base to do pre season training? Hasn't there been a big refurbishment made with new change rooms and gym added etc? Is any of this correct? I have also heard talk that we will be moving out of the Junction Oval mid season? Where to? Will we have access to state of the art facilities soon? What's the gym like out at Casey? I am confused and don't really know what's going on so if someone has the answers, please that would be awesome. Can't wait for Sunday. Go Dee's.
  15. Because there are players that should be getting a game ahead of a few that are not pulling their weight in the Melbourne side.
  16. Maybe you are right. I was sitting MCC and it looked like the umpire just plucked it out of nowhere ! As you said, opinions opinions. I'm happy Melbourne won. I just disagreed with the fact that his game warranted a rising star nomination.
  17. Thought I would start a thread to talk about ins and outs for next week and to discuss who played well and who didn't today. I thought the first half was the biggest joke of an AFL game I have ever seen. Both sides skill errors were deplorable and the conditions didn't help. Positves : Bennell definitely made up for last weeks effort, I thought his decision making today was brilliant. Didn't crumble under pressure and give the ball up quickly. Took the opposition on. Frawley and Grimes were our backline generals. So confident in them at the moment. Davey and Green once again played as our senior guys should. Macca played a captains game too apart from the odd mistake. Jamar unbelievable again. Really strong game from him. Second best game after last week? They were the players who really stood out for me today. Another step forward for the youngsters too. Negatives : The fact that Adelaide flooded the whole match really made us look bad as we were constantly handballing in circles and putting our players under pressure. Reminded me of Round 1 against the Hawks and I was getting worried a blow out was inevitable. Newton just didn't do enough again. His first half got a pass from me as I thought he contested and chased well but after that he went down hill. Bate and Bruce. I understand everyone on this site has different opinions on these two. Bate may get a lifeline as he kicked two cheap but important goals which really makes me frustrated as he was so shocking for the rest of the match. Bruce just has no confidence. Can't kick goals he should, keeps passing to players under pressure. He is really playing like it's his first year and it's not good enough. So the outs for me this week. Outs: Bate, Bruce and Newton (Newton only out if Miller played well on the weekend) Ins : Sylvia, Rivers and Miller Overall I am very happy about the win !!! Great to get one on the board so early in the season. Would love to hear others thoughts ! Go dees.
  18. Definitely not worthy of a rising star nomination this round. I will call you biased. Cause that's what you are after that call. He was okay. The goal was from a soft free kick and he took one great mark. Other than that, he was serviceable at best.
  19. What?! He made up for it with pretty much every other contested possession he got. The man was one of our best !
  20. I hope that's a funny joke cause I'm pretty sure I heard the exact same words after the West Coast praccie game. Wonder how many more rounds we will be hearing that one.
  21. Apologies. I meant second year player. I'm sorry but who did Bruce play on? Really didn't notice him in MANY marking contests. He was just doing his usual floating round gathering useless possessions again. Yes maybe he was a touch better than last week but he is one of our senior guys ffs!!! He must show more! If Bailey is willing to drop players like Miller, he must be fair and drop Bruce because he is a rabble at the moment.
  22. Bruce... Cough... Bennell is a second gamer and he will be spoken to about that effort.
  23. Dear god. Great team effort today but I can't believe people haven't mentioned Bruce or Bate. If people are going to use the excuse that he isn't match fit, then play him in the twos. He is not doing anything but making mistakes. And Bruce. Holy god I can't believe people still rate the guy. Needs to be dropped for a wake up call.
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