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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. "Cale Morton is an elite runner" The amount of times I've heard that over the years is amazing. Where did he finish in the run? Outside top five but does anybody know what position?
  2. It's really quite simple. Bate doesn't have great ball handling skills, agility, mobility or flexibility. He is uncoordinated and will always struggle to kick on his right. He would be the kind of bloke that would also struggle to ski, roller skate etc. That is a fact... I'm not a basher. But if you look at the guy from a purely physiological perspective, he is not someone you would pick to play modern day AFL football. And as for him trying out in the midfield? I think the club are clutching at straws here. You need to be able to do more than have a long kick and run straight lines these days. All the best to the guy, but I have never rated him.
  3. Side note: Maybe Cale should have followed an acting career...?
  4. Makes me sick watching this rubbish. Maybe good for kids but that's about it. No wonder we are perceived as a 'school boy', 'soft' and 'nice' club. You never see clubs like Collingwood doing this and it's pretty clear why we didn't see Neeld featured. I'm all for Christmas cheer but seriously. It's a crock of S*^t.
  5. Cale's body shape should be a secondary concern. However for some reason, people on here still believe he has the necessary skills and attributes needed to be an AFL footballer. If Cale liked contested ball, then his body type would be an issue because he would be bumped off the ball a lot. However, seeing as we see him in a contested situation about once every 4 games, the body issue is a nonesense and people need to realise it. Seriously. I'll make it short and blunt. Not all 'high' draft picks make good AFL players. It's as simple as that.
  6. Franklin went top 5 in the draft of his year. He is not Franklin. Never will be Franklin. I will bet my life on it. Franklin went top five for a reason. This guy is not even considered top 20.
  7. Part A is correct Chook, yes. Part B was seperate. I am bringing Morton up because so many people love him for his running capabilities. But apparently he didn't run with the first group of runner's on Monday's training and I haven't heard his name mentioned for the 3km time trial. I am wondering why. Is he injured? He wasn't in the rehab group so why is he not leading the running sessions?
  8. Sorry. That was more of a frustrated remark with no explanation of what I meant. Here is an explanation. I hope people don't think that finishing top whatever in a 3km time trial means they are in for a top year, or that they are going to be a champion in years to come, or that we've got a 'keeper'. Again I will ask the Morton lover's. Where is this 'elite running ability'? Where the feck was he?
  9. Exactly. I couldn't give a flying f*#k who wins the any of the running trials. Where was Morton? I thought the only thing he was good at was running? Heard he was in the second or third group of runners in the first session also. Why is that?
  10. I agree it was good to see him fire up when the two Irish lads came over to the huddle. Hopefully he can add some aggression like that next year. But in all honesty, as some poster's have already noted, he looks past it. Some of those free kicks he received were embarrassing. He was fallng over, missing shots he should be kicking. The same stuff we saw from him playing for the dee's this year. Sad to say but it really looks like his days are numbered. I still want someone else to take over as captain next year but I would love to see him turn back the clock. Get back to the year you had in 2010 Greeny.
  11. I will not come to terms with something so ridiculous. It's the same jagen I hear on this forum about many players year in year out. Morton, Bate etc.
  12. And for all you demonland romantics out there that think I am putting a negative spin on a thread, I am not. My two cents/(sense..?) Congrats big Stef for a year in which we saw you take your first steps out of your enormous shell. You showed some real improvement in a number of games and if you continue to show this improvement throughout the next couple/few years, you may actually be seen as a 'gun' player or 'gun' second ruckman. Yours truly, Steve.
  13. He said 'gun'. Let's not go there again RPFC. Talk to any non baised supporter of the AFL, (including melbourne supporters outside of demonland), and tell me the percentage of them that think he is a 'gun' or a 'gun' backup ruckman. I'm telling you now, you won't find many. Realist. Realist. Realist.
  14. Haha. No way. We would be the laughing stock of the Vic sides. Imagine red and blue inflatable hammers filling the 'G'. We would be like like the West Australian supporters with their stupid stupid inflatable clubs they hit together. Nuff nuffs!
  15. Like it. A lot. Cheer squad to have a 'hammer time' banner.
  16. Yes, potentially Billy. But he's got a hell of a lot of learning and improving to do in all areas of his game before he can hold down a position like that. He is not an AFL footballer. He is still learning the game.
  17. Both I would say. Just don't stick him at CHF or CHB. That's a big no no.
  18. Yes. I agree. Jamar and Martin rucking. Clark in the square.
  19. I said I couldn't be bothered taking the time to look up which back-up ruckmen I would take ahead of Stef because if we are comparing them all on average stats over the season, I would need to look up more than a list of average hit-outs, (which is what you provided). And I am still surprised to see that you would take Stef over all of the six I mentioned. Nic Nat in particular. The end, end. Meaning what? He still kicked 5 and played the forward role well. He has kicked goals as a forward in many other games also? He has the ability to go forward and kick goals. Plain and simple. That was my point. Are you saying you disagree with that?
  20. RPFC, don't pretend that your comment that went along with the link you sent wasn't supposed to be smartarse. I'm trying to take you at face value, but when you are trying to prove a point by using a list of ruckmen you haven't even looked at and be smug about it, you will have to expect some stick! The 'goose' part really wasn't meant with malicious intent so I apologise if it came across that way. I'm happy to talk in a civil manner but all I really see from this is that you rate Martin higher than I do.
  21. Read the post again. I said he has the ability to go forward and kick goals and I used that game as evidence. He kicked 5. And yes that game we were beaten convincingly so doesn't that say something?
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