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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. How about we play a dry game of footy before everyone loses their heads? Every game of football that is played in weather like that is mainly long kicks to congestion so I don't know why people think we weren't executing our skills. If it weren't for that stupid boundary rule, I think we would have been a lot better off as we were smashing teams with our contested ball work and getting yardage from kicks, but unfortunately they were going out of bounds and it resulted in a turnover. There will always be a few skill errors early on but from that hit out I found the following positives: 1 - No injuries! (A blessing for us) 2 - Mitch Clark sure does have an aura about him and god is he agile for a big guy 4 - Sellar did some good things. Spoiled well and kicked a nice goal. Will be good to see him in dry weather also. 3 - We had a hard edge to us. We were always first to/on/over the ball. Even if we made the odd turnover, the positive is we were winning the ball first. Can't wait for the collingwood game !
  2. Why do you think that you are the most argumentative moderator on this forum? Neeld is clearly a different breed of coach. One that we have not had for a long, long time. I'm not doubting the fantastic work Stynes has done. He united the club. He is a people's person. That's what he is so good at. Bringing people together, (hence REACH). Neeld is the one who has come in and pretty much taken control of everything within the FD, and said 'this is how it's going to be.' If you believe we would have acquired all of Mitch Clarke, David Misson, Neil Craig, Leigh Brown, all the line coaches, all the draftees and approached one of the best recruiters within the AFL without Neeld, then you're dreaming.
  3. Viney is clearly warming the seat until we get the guy we want, (looks like Collingwood's recruiter as the hun alludes to). Nobody should be worried. We are still trying to acquire the best in the business for every vacancy at our club. Best offseason feeling I have ever had!
  4. What planet have you been living on? We have been unbelievably proactive in trying to add the highest quality personnel to our football club, and that has been the philosophy since Neeld arrived. We have every right to be excited about future appointments. When was the last time Melbourne FC have been so aggressive? Wowsa. Wake up big guy.
  5. Back on topic - I am interested to know how many goals Watts could kick in one game this season with Clark as the new focal point? I'm hoping he can bag five in a game or two this year. Would be great if he could.
  6. Debate over. My first impression has been confirmed. All the best on your quest to understand football Roost It. Hopefully the four other poster's opinions on Robinson will make you think twice/thrice....(however many times you need to think it over) Over and out.
  7. Have a watch and get back to me. If you still think he's a dud and is a contributing factor to why 'Carlton won't win a flag' then we can end this debate. It will confirm that you know have a shallow understanding of the game AFL. Oh, and please stop using those corny comebacks. Time to reload cowboy? Seriously?
  8. Yes fantastic players at picks 10 and 13. You would trade them both if it meant securing a 'potential' star? You ain't making sense. Once again, Gaff is a silky skilled mover who would not have gone at pick 4 had there been a wealth of talent within the draft that year. We have the possibility of snaring two great AFL players this draft, or luring a big fish. Gaff is not a proven player. He is not impacting games like Martin or someone of similar ilk. He is a small straight line running silky skilled mid. Let's just see what happens. But I would be happy to bet anyone $100 that the MFC would not trade it's two compo's for Andrew Gaff.
  9. Wow. So let me get this straight.... I am 'bagging others' whilst you are going on about morals and you've also come up with the very creative 'teacher and the school bully' analogy, yet at the same time you're calling me 'very simple'....... God, I swear I'm onto something here.... Umm....
  10. One compo pick and a player is the logical way to go, even if they were to decline. Gaff isn't a superstar. He has played one season if football. How do you know how good he will become or even is? He was drafted at number 4 in a fairly shallow draft. We have a super draft coming up, (so the experts say) and we have the opportunity of picking up two fantastic players. Why in the hell would we give away two first round compo's for a first year player who has hardly set the world on fire? Logic? You are asking for logic? You are the no brainer sister.
  11. It is disappointing as I was also looking forward to seeing what Cale had to offer after a long pre season under a new coaching group. I just hope by seasons end, people won't be using this little two week lay off as another 'injury interrupted pre season.' Two weeks is nothing, so we shall see how much he has improved in the early rounds!
  12. But yes, I am still glad he's not our Captain, for the pure reason that I want to feel confident in the way our Captain handles himself and the club he represents during interviews. I guess that's part of the reason JT and JG got the nod. Smiles everyone.. : )
  13. Well then it's clearly an impossibility to convey tone via digital communication RP. It was a playful and fun dig at one of the best young KPB in the league.... Hopefully that will dry some eyes.
  14. The amount of defensive, insecure knobsticles there are is astounding. It's okay to laugh! I'm sure his team mates would laugh about it with him! You sad sad people.
  15. Fact - Robinson's fearlessness and attack on the ball/ball carrier is the sole reason he is playing AFL football. While he isn't the most skilled, he is in Carlton's 22 for good reason. Far from a dud. Again, get a clue.
  16. Nobody here has suggested they would prefer Robinson to Watts. Nobody here has doubted the attributes Jack Watts possesses. You're the only one who is making these accusations, and frankly you need to get a clue. All anyone has said, is something that many believe will decide just how good a player Jack Watts will become. ie - His attack and hardness at the ball/contest/marking contests.
  17. Best thing I have seen to date. * Constructive feedback to a tee. Too harsh some say? Harden up. Every player now knows their weakness's are on display to the general public and I'm sure it will only contribute in motivatating them further in their quest to become the best players they can. God damn Neeld and co. are a breath of fresh air.
  18. You're the guy who sums up most* of demonland as a whole.... It's a funny interview. Are you related to Frawley? Or are you the man himself?
  19. A priority pick and a fringe player like Jetta, Bate, Dunn etc is all I would be offering Rhino, yes. Giving away two priority picks with such a strong draft coming up would be ludicrous.
  20. Mono summed it up well. I rate Scully a lot higher than Gaff though. My younger brother played with Gaff and I saw him play a few times myself. He is a good, silky skilled player but I don't believe we should give away our two priority picks for him (if the situation arose).
  21. Obviously he can play... I don't know why you all continue to bring that up? Not the sharpest player going around though, haha. Never seen somebody so nervous.
  22. No way in the world is Gaff worth both our priority picks. He is good but he ain't that good. Plain and simple. One PP and a fringe player. That's it.
  23. Frawley's interview with Matt Burgan on the Melbourne FC website has to be one of the funniest I have ever seen. And to think some wanted the guy Captain ! Ha! Imagine some of the post match interviews we would get?! Get yourselves a pen and some paper and jot down the amount of times he uses the word 'spose.' It's got to be a world record of some sort.
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