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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. Frawley has added to the poisonous culture we have. The guy is a guerrilla, he is quick and can take a good intercept mark but conversely he is one of the dumbest players we have which is seen through his decision making, awareness and the way he plays football. The guy has zero leadership. Every time one of our backmen kicks a goal when we are 50 points down I can see him joking and laughing with his team mate. If anyone on our team 'goes through the motions' on the footy field, it's Frawley. There is no intensity from him and we need a hell of a lot more out of someone of his physical stature. He should be directing, instructing, yelling, encouraging, getting physical every single time he steps on to the field. He doesn't. He just goes through the motions of playing footy. It's his stupidity that kills him. People are still concerned cause he had an AA year and we don't have an immediate replacement but if we could trade for a gun mid, I'd do it.
  2. Once this has occurred, get the right coaches in and bang. We have a club moving forward.
  3. Macdonald, Nicholson, McKenzie, Bail, Spencer, Fitzy, Magner, Couch, Sylvia, Pederson, Jetta, Jamar and Davey. They all need to be gone within a couple of years. Our core is is here: Garland Frawley Watts Gawn Hogan Dawes Clarke Jones Viney Toumpas Barry Taggert Terlich Kent Trengove Grimes Howe I believe Taggert is a player and should be playing AFL. When he gets his turn, just watch. All we need to add to that list is quality young mids from the draft, a few more middle aged mids from other clubs, another mobile ruckman and perhaps another middle aged quality defender who can use the [censored] ball. Key attributes for all players drafted must be kicking skills and competitiveness.
  4. Well I believe that it is as simple as that. Obviously there are number of factors that have contributed to where our list is at right now. Lack of leadership, below average recruiting and below average player management and coaches. All we need to do is get those three things right, and we are set RP. We have a new recruiting team. We need to identify genuine footballers. Players who can use the ball, players who are strong minded and smart individuals. Players that want to succeed. Midfielders and more midfielders. BP and his team have made some horrendous decisions in the past which has added to the predicament we are facing. Through free agency I hope we can snag a couple of middle aged midfielders from other clubs. We should be going after Daisy for sure. Prestia as well. Even going for someone like Cooney wouldn't hurt. We need to turn this list over on its head. It's a sick playing group and we need to target some mids from other clubs to lead the way just as Mitch Clark has done and just as Dawes has been doing behind closed doors. I don't know where poor Jesse would be if Clark hadn't been there from the start or even Dawes. People underestimate their presence and abilities as teachers. We need more of that from our midfield but with middle aged players. Paul roos. Get him, and get some serious assistant coaches down there for even more support and development. We need an injection of life in every facet of the club. It's as simple as that for me.
  5. Jnrmac is spot on. Jordie and nicho wouldn't be getting games at any other AFL club, I'll tell you now and we'll never get anywhere with them on our list. Paul Roos and a 15 player overhaul again. Draft and trade for young players who are smart, tough and can kick. A new game plan. Neeld is such a malthouse traditionalist. We need to draft kids with kicking skills for Christ sake. It's the most important part of playing afl. Being able to kick! One on one in the backline. No zones. Tough and uncompromising. Get another dean terlich type for the other flank/pocket. Our forward line is fine. Midfield is what we need. Young enthusiastic players like viney who can kick. If they are outmuscled for a couple of years I don't care. At least I will know they can play. Nicho, jetta, mcKenzie, bail, evans, magner.. These guys are not afl players. End rant.
  6. As if he'd come us one season after we overlooked him in the draft. He will stay with port. They are at least on their way up. You're dreaming.
  7. Give me Roos and a 75 percent cull of the list and ill take it.
  8. I still see far too much attention put on the coach. Have a look at our list. Do you think lazy ingrained habits will change from Sylvia if Roos is appointed? Do you think Jamar will gain some speed in his legs? Do you think Bail will start hitting targets and no longer tackle opposition players too high? Maybe Roos is better than Neeld. He has proven himself at a completely different club with completely different ethics and culture. No coach will quick fix our club. I'm not saying everything Neeld has done for us is the right thing. I do question aspects of the game plan and some recruiting moves. But holy hell out list is an absolute disgrace. Y'all be blind.
  9. What in the hell do you think that will achieve right now?
  10. So why then do you keep calling for his head ?
  11. Thank the lord RR is no longer a mod.. One can clearly see why. I'm a bit in between when it comes to Neeld. How Rhino thinks it's all his fault I will never know, but he has made some odd decisions in terms of recruiting as well as how the game plan looks to be. Whilst this is a thread about 'Neeld', I would like to highlight the fact that the MFC have the worst list in the AFL by a country mile. No coach can fix the conditioned skill level of players or their ability to make smart decisions. Neeld was given this list and whilst I dot agree with everything he has implemented, it is not him who is making terrible errors time after time. I don't know if people overrate our list or what it is, but it seems pretty obvious that our recruiters over the past 6 or 7 years have completely neglected key attributes such as disposal efficiency and decision making. When you mix that with a losing culture and poor/lazy training habits over several years, it's obviously going to be tough to fix. No coach can fix it in fact. People bang on about Port Adelaide and how they've turned it around so easily and it's very irritating. They clearly have a much better list than us. The only difference has been the intensity in which they play. They have smart players that make sound decisions. Hartlett on his own is unbelievable and makes a huge difference to their side. We have shown the required intensity it times to match it with teams. The only reason we seem to end up being down during those times in games is because of our deplorable disposal and terrible decision making. 80 percent of our side has below average disposal skills and decision making ability. Bail, Evans, Mackenzie, grimes, Nicholson, McDonald etc etc. We have such a bad bad list. There are so many factors involved, blaming Neeld solely is extremely naive. We've got a long way to go.
  12. You are sick. Any sign of criticism toward anything to do with the MFC and you yell fire. What cheap shots? Everything is spot on. Accept it. Stop being part of the [censored] problem.
  13. Supporters like yourself only add to the complexity of the issue. You are now conditioned to expect mediocrity. Congratulations. MJT was clearly using the membership purchase as an example to go with the many others.
  14. Firstly you're delusional by calling Hurley a spud. Secondly it has been well documented that all our back six were rubbish, there is nothing wrong with signalling out Watts as the guy had two kicks, couldn't stop his man and would not involve himself enough physically after another pre-season. Frawley and Garland were the same. No physical presence whatsoever. They need to grow a pair.
  15. I'm glad someone brought these two up in a separate thread. Garland just doesn't possess the urgency and intensity required to be a backman at AFL level. He is unaccountable all too often and is a very dumb player. Frawley is just a dumb player and doesn't think enough. He has the body, the agility, the marking and spoiling ability but he is just soooo stupid. He just does not think at times and has brain fades all too often. Again, it's as if it's all too natural for them to play this way. It's ingrained.
  16. There have been no leaders to learn from which has stunted development. We have an inability to develop players and leaders because of this. It's a merry-go-round.
  17. I'm very confused with this post.
  18. Quite frankly told or Quantum field theory?
  19. I can't stop. It's like verbal diarrhoea.
  20. And for all those including players talking about 'redeeming themselves' this Saturday night is making me physically ill. Firstly, if Melbourne win the game, it will not redeem anything. It will only bewilder me more. You cannot redeem a performance like Saturday's. No way, no how. It always takes a loss like that for our laughable players to come out and 'prove' something. That is under 11's talk. It's what juniors use for inspiration. Not AFL players. The whole thing is highly comical and gut wrenching at the same time. We are kidding ourselves.
  21. Whatever do you mean? The infection is mental and runs throughout our core group of 50 - 100 game players. We've waited six years Jens. Six [censored] years for this 'change' to happen. It's ingrained and Neeld has already replaced a few players for 'attitude' reasons so what do you mean replacing is not the answer? I would argue that for the majority, it very well is the damn answer! We need another list cull, an injection of youth with our new and improved recruiting team, and a couple more 'culture shifters' via free agency. Replacing and breading out is the answer for the majority of the list. An AFL team cannot train for 5 months and put on a show like that!!! What is wrong with you! We have major issues here with a core group of players!!! Wake the [censored] up.
  22. It's ingrained I tells you. You can do all the pre season training and analysing you like and it will look swell but as soon as some players jump on the footy field, they will revert back to old habits. Maybe not hard to change for a few, but we have far too many. Mix that with below average skill level and a moderate to high level of stupidity and you have the MFC.
  23. Another mass list culling at the end of the year. No more mature age bodies like Pederson and Gillies who are not doing anything for the club. I want Neeld to realise just how deep and complex this situation is. It is not a matter of filling holes with mature bodies. I understand it's an attempt to change the attitude and culture of the playing group but it runs too deep. It is ingrained. Neeld must know this. I don't care if we have to build with kids again however we need one or two stars through free agency who work extremely hard and will lead us... We have a new recruiting team so I trust we can make the most out of the picks we gain from the next couple of years and pick players who show the same desire as Viney does. It will make turnovers bearable at least. I don't care if we need to rebuild again and gut this list yet again. At least it won't be false hope. At least when I watch in the future I will know each of them have the want and desire to bust their arse at every contest. Jack Viney put every Melbourne player to shame on Saturday. How the [censored] can we have so many laconic players who have no urgency or desperation? It's as if an AFL game is a kick in the park to them. They are dumb. They are stupid. They are not AFL players. How did we recruit these types of players!?! It's disgusting. We are sick and broken.
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