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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. Yeah its good that he was on but what did he say?
  2. Both got dropped this weekend. Should we have a crack at these two at years end? I think they are both good players and would add some depth to our midfield. Thoughts?
  3. Just by watching it all unfold on Fox something is not right at the footy club and there is a rat in there. I think if anyone is going to get punished it will be individuals. AFL not really worried now about the Drugs we took as it is approved. Dermie saying he really feels for the supporters.. Also said that to build a good football club you need good people, besides Jim Stynes (God bless him) there are no good people at that football club.. and you know what he is right..
  4. John Ralph just mentioned that Dan Bates will be stood down or sacked AFL now not worried that the drugs are not illegal but pretty [censored] that we lied.. More news coming up again.. ASADA expected to investigate the club
  5. Just announced on Fox Footy ... breaking news story coming up. Wait for it...
  6. Is this game broadcast on ABC? pretty [censored] off toumpas has to sit out this game.. Don't like this [censored] of dropping players all together and not even playing them at VFL level!
  7. Whats even more annoying is toumpas wont line up for casey..
  8. http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport/afl/peter-jackson-will-fill-melbournes-ceo-void-temporarily/story-e6frepho-1226623429746
  9. Need to get it down there first
  10. Carrying on in the spa having a laugh and a good time after being flogged by 148 points the next day? Who gives a flying f###? wowee and this is coming from people who are in the most professional sporting club in Australia. As Dermie said they knocked off the top side and they were straight into business doing ice baths being PROFESSIONAL athletes! whle we were prancing around in a warm spa.. Time for some serious changes, Our culture is a long way off from the best its quite sad. And its supporters like you who accept mediocre and think its all good and sweet..
  11. Don't shoot the messenger got it of ology...
  12. As I said in the other thread. All the players at carlton hated Pagan so much just ask Kouta and Fev. And it showed when he coached them. Stay right away from him.
  13. I remember last year someone posted a thread saying that one of the storm boys mentioned how the Melbourne boys joke and laugh around the gym and didn't take it seriously. The storm boy was mortified and couldn't believed it. And hearing that sums our culture up for me. The two captains was a mistake and it needs to be sorted out end of this year!
  14. Thought this was a bit of a positive read I got from demonology regarding his game on the weekend. I was at the game on Saturday, he missed a couple of easy ones so probably should of had 6. All of his goals came from marks, a couple were on the lead and the rest from strong contested marks. What I liked most was that I think he has a bit of the Wayne Carey arrogance about him. Had a good old fashion push and shove with an opponent at chf, jogged back to his position at full forward then decided he hadn't had enough so ran back to give the opponent one last shove. Another time he gave Dom Barry a spray for his delivery into to forward line, then followed it up with a 10 second mostly inaudible rant to himself. Love how he is spending the year at VFL level with no pressure and a chance to work on his game. The guy will be a beast in years to come.
  15. Wines will never set footy at this club mark my words.
  16. I just think since he has taken over he has built up there list really well. Forget about all the past with the Tambliing Franklin blunder ours is just as worse.. but you gotta admire the way Hardwick has built his team. Drafting kids that are physically ready to play and plus recruits that are still young and have made an instant impact.
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