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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. Dont worry HH Roos is ours.I know its hard because it hasnt been official but its basically a done deal.
  2. No one has said Roos has met with staff only you have been saying it. Basically they have been told that its a done deal.Leadership group and directors have with Roos. And Roos is no chance whatsoever to go to WC
  3. Anyone know what happend to the china connection? I must have missed something? Sorry if its been mentioned before.
  4. Absolutely we should be chasing him. Lazer like foot skills and would give us good dash and run of a win.
  5. Lol didnt someone say before start a rumour so it gets the place talking? Well i did and all i get is hate.
  6. I have 8 warning points... I have learnt my lesson.
  7. Lol of course im [censored] stiring.. i just wanted a laugh and i got it cheers folks! Ps nice display pic haha
  8. Nope AFL got in first.When PJ was contacted regarding the job of Interim CEO the AFL already told him that they sounded out Roos and would assist in any way to get him back coaching again. Andy D is a massive Roos fan and believed he was too good of a coach to be not in the game. Somehow the info was leaked to Tim Sheahan and we may never know how.
  9. Triple M basically confirmed press conference will be on friday.
  10. Yes he spoke before the Roos 50/50 announcement. The GWS game he met with melbourne. And what i mean by its all about to change is that Adams was willing to chat again depending on who we picked as coach.
  11. I might have missed something but what is the story with Judds Grandma? Seems like she has built up some sort of folklore lol
  12. Absolutely spot. The fact Mike Sheehan son tim tweeted as early as round 2 about us talking to Roos was also true. AFL phone Roos and put in a case for him to come back to coaching. Neeld was a dead man walking as soon as Schwab got the sack. AFL got onto PJ and basically told him to start and look for a new coach as soon as he was appointed.I was also told Roos has already courted 2 assistant coaches from current clubs and could be announced during his press conference. The leadership group were on a massive high after meeting Roos and couldnt wipe the smiles off there face. Word basically got around to the players and there was genuine excitement around the place and lockeroom. PJ spoke to the players and told em to keep it on the low down until announced. RobbieF is correct in staff have been told. Excitement first but alot of questions going around in who will be moved on when Roos comes on board. Taylor Adams has spoke to the club. Doesnt seem interested but about to change. The Scott Selwood rumour is true. West Coast will play hardball. Just on the leadership group meeting. The players were in absoloute awe of him. They all raved on how he has this presence and auroa about. When he talks there is a pin drop in the room. Roos put forward his coaching methods and what he had installed for them. Players were blown away.
  13. Roos will sign a contract either thursday or friday and press conference will be called friday. I can now rest easy! :-D
  14. West Coast refused to give Mitch Brown to the saints last year so I could imagine what they would do to Shuey..
  15. Is unhappy with the direction of the club and a new coach could be the tipping point for him to leave. Doesn't mean much but was a dee supporter and a gun player when up and going. Thoughts?
  16. Sam Blease is pretty excited about Roos!
  17. I called a while ago that if Roos becomes coach expect him to sign a couple lf international american rookies. The guy is fanatic over American sports and all other sports too.
  18. Omg i wanna get excited but until i see him in a melbourne tie announcing he will be coach for the next five years then i remain um...
  19. Glad im not the only one who takes him on face value.Somehow im still not as confident as everyone until i officially hear he has signed.
  20. Am i the only one that takes him on face value???
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