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Posts posted by kurtneverdied

  1. Hmm McCartin is a Geelong Grammar boy. THAT source is well connected there. I think i can find out what the teachers think of him at school. Another scoop coming guys.. Bahaha!

    And turns out the source knows McCartin, but didn't even know he played footy until I just told them...sigh...

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  2. Well done kurt!

    Put his balls on the line and cut straight to the chase. None of this pathetic riddles [censored] or anything like that.

    I also believe this is the second rumour you have got right before Kurt??

    Again congrats. You have definitely won alot of admirers and respect here already on Deeland.

    Thanks Dazzle, just one rumour from me i think. Now will try for info on picks 2 and 3, aim high and fail is better than doing nothing!

    Will more than likely fail though and you'll may never here any news again from me. But if I ever say trust me, then I've got something or I just want to get banned for the hell of it ;)

  3. Making GNF look like a rank amateur. Well done Kurt, but if you do get some inside info in future just make sure releasing the info doesn't hurt the club.

    Very good appointment. As Colin said, we've got experience and proven people now coaching our team, a far cry from the Mark Neeld days. Good luck Brendan and I'll now go away and try and learn to spell your name correctly..............

    ha! Thanks mate. I knew I wasnt hurting the club as he had already signed. Sure will let you guys know if any info in the future!

  4. I said it a bit earlier but basically my mum is friends with his wife and him. She knows nothing about footy and I tried to relay as much as i can remember her saying in the first post. She wouldn't lie to me, and I basically pried it out of her cos she didn't know the significance, and no one could lie like that with those details, and especially not her.
    It was all said to her during a night together out either friday or thursday.
    Nothing really more I can add. I was so excited I posted straight away.
    I'll never get another scoop, well maybe off Brendan hopefully ;) So of course i'm a tad happy i actually got one. And stoked he is coming!
    I'm telling you exactly what I was told and it's all good :)

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