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Everything posted by ijbfossil

  1. History will judge the Rudd,Swan,Gillard,Brown and Milne era as a monumental disaster - it is impossible to see how Australia will ever get back to the strong position it was in pre these - I will be kind and call them people - albeit hopeless ones.
  2. The players aren't voting - we are. Have the intestinal fortitude to honestly ask yourself - what would Checker or Smithy have thought. (Checker dumped the Fuschias and christened MFC the Demons - have a look at Smithy's statue - these guys did more for the Club than anyone else has done) Does anyone seriously think Checker and Smithy wouldn't care about finishing last AGAIN.
  3. beelzebub and stuie - as I have posted before - my grandson is on the brink of abandoning the Dees "because we never win" - how many very young future life time supporters/members has the Club lost already - how many more are gone with each loss - it is not as though MFC is flush with young supporters - kids like winners. Young kids are the future supporter base/members of the club. Simple. And please tell me what Checker Hughes and Norm Smith (responsible for 10 of the 12 flags) would think. No-one knows for sure if the future will be any better - we looked forward to what Jurrah would achieve - GONE - we looked forward to having the passionate Mitch Clark starring - sadly finished by injury etc.etc. (Templeton had a bung knee, good as he was, Schwarz would have been an absolute superstar but he did his knees etc. etc.). Trengove this year with his foot - don't take anything for granted in the future - So worry about the NOW.
  4. Still cannot believe "I don't care" is the highest vote catcher. Two simple questions: What would Checker Hughes think? What would Norm Smith think? (they only won 10 of the 12 premierships between them)
  5. And it is beyond belief that "I don't care" has got the most votes.
  6. And I have lost count of the number of spoons in the last 50 years - probably more than 12 (the number of flags). And I don't recall being satisfied with any of them.
  7. Spot on Curry and Beer - very few wins and so many losses - the first 64 years were great - 12 flags - 6 G F wins against the Pies - 4 agst the Bombers - and nothing to show for the last 50 years (some joy under Northey and a bit under Daniher - that is all) - yep searching for an even better word than depressing but that will do for tonight.
  8. I haven't been sold anything - if you think a huge deficit getting bigger by the day is better than a surplus - well I feel for you. I don't want our grandkids and their kids paying it off forever. You only have to look at the mess in Europe to see the path Rudd, Swan and Gillard have set us on (was the waste on School Halls, pink batts etc. etc.O K? - I know it wasn't). What happens when the next crisis occurs - there is nothing in the kitty to bail us out again.
  9. Must win a game or 2 more this year. Not on accepting being bottom - again. Fed up with being the laughing stock. Cannot bank on the future - thought we had a gun in Jurrah, then the same with Clark - who knows how Hogan will come up or what else may go wrong - every win is gold. And vital for Membership numbers. MFC have a higher percentage of ageing members than most Clubs i.e. not so many young members for the future - my grandson who is a Junior Demon is wavering in his support "because we never win" - last week he was barracking for Pt Adel because he had picked them in our little fun tippiing comp - I wanted the Dees to win so I could put my arm around him and say isn't it great, the Demons winning is much more fun than our silly tips - but I didn't get that chance - with every loss there is the danger of young Demon supporters giving up and being lost forever - we need all young supporters to have a reason to stick - they are the future membership. Anyway surely we are all sick of losing (and tonights game showed how far the Dees are from the Hawks/Swans standard) - so any win that MFC can get is vital. Don't agree with No 17 - but you must know something - because Brett Lovett was a highly underrated champ who I loved to see in the red and blue.
  10. Interesting looking back on this. Rudd, Swan and Gillard blew the budget to smithereens - we went from a good financial position to massive debt - as usual under a Labor Govt. - even worse with the Greens in bed with them. Have to give Abbott and Co a chance - even tho I don't necessarily like things such as the PPL and some of the stuff in the budget. Abbott showing great leadership re the horrendous shooting down of the Malaysian plane and the loss of so many innocent lives.
  11. Re Jesse - agree stay low key about him - just ease him into footy and see how things go from there. Bit puzzled about James Frawley being in the promotion given the uncertainty re his future - or does the Club think that may play a small part in swaying him to stay - [censored] his conscience??? But I think he is already going. Anyway membership numbers for next year are the top priority at the minute - hopefully the team can snag the odd win to keep young Demons fans interested - imperative - they are the Club's future supporter base. Top brain fade by Vickery last nite - good one Tyrone. Aussie Rules is crap in the wet like last night - better watching the Storm smash the Broncos.
  12. Hird was an absolute superstar player but he is coming across as a bit selfish these days. What on earth was he doing in France given he was paid for this season anyway. Surely he should have been here watching the Bombers and the other 17 clubs, their players, their tactics and the overall trends that are ever changing in the game - compiling a dossier (like Bruce McAvaney does) for use next year and beyond. Great to see one problem the Dees don't have.
  13. If the umps were allowed to exercise any common sense no way that was a free against Watts - it was the perfect spoil. IF they pay every free strictly per the rule book there would be over 100 per game.
  14. Good point earlier Nutbean about not booing anyone who leaves but has played 100 games - father/son pick. Please if he goes which seems highly likely - no booing BUT he will be persona non gratis re MFC. Agree AFL created the probelm introducing Free Agency. Never forgiven Gerard Healy for going - got his right wack when the Dees smashed Healy and his Swans in the 87 finals (go Robbie Flower) - and Healy can jump in the lake as regards saying who is best to succeed Roos - tho I wouldn't knock Clarkson back. (remember Clarkson kicking the winning goal against the Dees for North in his first game - then he ended up at the Dees as well as knocking Ian Aitken out cold in the battle of Britain (Kangas v Carlton) post season at The Oval - and Dees went on to be World Champions).
  15. Thank you for your tolerance Wayne - and I like your Grimesy pic - he is one of my favourites as well.
  16. Oops - mucked up there - apologies for the multiple Posts. Go Dees.
  17. Firstly if any team is good enough they will win regardless of the umpires (even tho I screamed as loud as anyone when Jack Watts was penalised despite a perfect spoil right on three quarter time against Pt Adel). Umpiring is difficult - I did a bit after I stopped playing and it changed my thoughts on umpires (for a while anyway). The problems really started when a second field umpire was introduced in 1976. Up until then umpires had a bit of individuality - coaches would say at quarter time - this umpire is doing such and such - we need to adjust to that etc. So nowadays umpires are cloned - there is no scope for common sense umpiring with a feel for the game and what the players are doing. And we get umpiring to supposedly improve the aesthetics of the game - not to apply the Laws of the Game - such as a good tackle - the ball falls free i.e. incorrect disposal but play on so the game will supposedly look better - the player with the guts and desire to win the ball is then jumped on by three opposition with no chance of correct disposal but is pinged to get the game moving etc. etc. In cricket if the middle stump is removed you are out bowled - full stop - no argument - but in footy the Laws of the Game are not always enforced supposedly to improve the "look" of the game. Finally in the (good) old days there was scope for a bit of banter between players and the umpires - but nowadays especially with the umps miked up it is a "soft" 50 metre penalty and no banter.
  18. Firstly if any team is good enough they will win regardless of the umpires (even tho I screamed as loud as anyone when Jack Watts was penalised despite a perfect spoil right on three quarter time against Pt Adel). Umpiring is difficult - I did a bit after I stopped playing and it changed my thoughts on umpires (for a while anyway). The problems really started when a second field umpire was introduced in 1976. Up until then umpires had a bit of individuality - coaches would say at quarter time - this umpire is doing such and such - we need to adjust to that etc. So nowadays umpires are cloned - there is no scope for common sense umpiring with a feel for the game and what the players are doing. And we get umpiring to supposedly improve the aesthetics of the game - not to apply the Laws of the Game - such as a good tackle - the ball falls free i.e. incorrect disposal but play on so the game will supposedly look better - the player with the guts and desire to win the ball is then jumped on by three opposition with no chance of correct disposal but is pinged to get the game moving etc. etc. In cricket if the middle stump is removed you are out bowled - full stop - no argument - but in footy the Laws of the Game are not always enforced supposedly to improve the "look" of the game. Finally in the (good) old days there was scope for a bit of banter between players and the umpires - but nowadays especially with the umps miked up it is a "soft" 50 metre penalty and no banter.
  19. Firstly if any team is good enough they will win regardless of the umpires (even tho I screamed as loud as anyone when Jack Watts was penalised despite a perfect spoil right on three quarter time against Pt Adel). Umpiring is difficult - I did a bit after I stopped playing and it changed my thoughts on umpires (for a while anyway). The problems really started when a second field umpire was introduced in 1976. Up until then umpires had a bit of individuality - coaches would say at quarter time - this umpire is doing such and such - we need to adjust to that etc. So nowadays umpires are cloned - there is no scope for common sense umpiring with a feel for the game and what the players are doing. And we get umpiring to supposedly improve the aesthetics of the game - not to apply the Laws of the Game - such as a good tackle - the ball falls free i.e. incorrect disposal but play on so the game will supposedly look better - the player with the guts and desire to win the ball is then jumped on by three opposition with no chance of correct disposal but is pinged to get the game moving etc. etc. In cricket if the middle stump is removed you are out bowled - full stop - no argument - but in footy the Laws of the Game are not always enforced supposedly to improve the "look" of the game. Finally in the (good) old days there was scope for a bit of banter between players and the umpires - but nowadays especially with the umps miked up it is a "soft" 50 metre penalty and no banter.
  20. I have little doubt that Frawley is going - it all sounds so familiar to others who have gone from Dees/other clubs. I wish he would stay. If he goes as I predict - I would never especially boo him etc. - but he will no longer be a Melb man so he will be the enemy and we should not care about him or anything that happens to him. Way back I didn't care that Alves and Wells went and I was rapt for them that they got to play in Premierships at North/Carlton - because they gave fantastic service to the Dees, they were right at the end of their careers and the Dees were a basket case. I still take an interest in Jarrod Rivers - probably silly of me. But if Frawley walks away from the Dees - his choice - but he should be persona non gratis as far as the MFC is concerned.
  21. Don't mind the one suggested above but I like the current one so don't see the need for change. Let's build some tradition again by not chopping and changing everything as in recent years - it is not like we would want to change the club song let alone the guernsey. Anyway as mentioned already - there are far more pressing issues such as the coaching situation, increasing membership - especially young members and wins are needed for that - young people don't want to jump on board with losers - so clearly the list management - still truckloads to be done there and the coaching situation are the priorities way ahead of a new emblem.
  22. 12 flags/cups in the first 68 years. 10 in 26 years between 1939 and 1964 and would have been more if not for the war - 39/40/41 team would certainly have won more - who knows how many - but nearly all of the good players went off to the war after 41. Those were the days (except for the war) - a premiership every 5.6 years and between 1939 and 1964 - every 2.6 years. 6 of the 12 premierships beat Collwood in the Grand Final - magnificent. I was the only kid at school who barracked for the Demons in the 50s/60s - wore my Melb Jumper to school every day in the winter (No 3 Peter Marquis - full back and No 5 Ian McLean - wingman) - all the other kids barracked for Collwood,Essendon,Carlton etc. - I was hated because MFC were hated - it was unbeeleeeevably good. (yeah the MFC was a sporting section of the MCC).
  23. Yep Sweet Dee - it was sooooo bad - had to be because there were plenty of other Dees shockers in the last 2 - 3 years - but the Wines one outdoes them all and that is really saying something. 4 points to tick off before taking anyone: Have to be tall - no midgets. Have to be strong. Have to be able to run all day. Have to have ability (I know I am not asking for much - but I just look at Freo's midfielders - their size - and the Doggies have some really good young ones - Hawks etc. etc.).
  24. Yep Sweet Dee - it was sooooo bad - had to be because there were plenty of other Dees shockers in the last 2 - 3 years - but the Wines one outdoes them all and that is really saying something. 4 points to tick off before taking anyone: Have to be tall - no midgets. Have to be strong. Have to be able to run all day. Have to have ability (I know I am not asking for much - but I just look at Freo's midfielders - their size - and the Doggies have some really good young ones - Hawks etc. etc.).
  25. Yep - players at top clubs who cannot quite get a regular game. If Roos can pick them like he did for the Swans I will be happy. By the way - it kills me to watch Ollie Wines play - why oh why didn't the Dees take him and not Jimmy Toumpas - surely Roosy cannot believe it either.
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