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Maple Demon

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Everything posted by Maple Demon

  1. Biffen, during this 'meeting', did you and Uncle Bitter manage to avoid attracting the attention of the local constabulary?
  2. Have it on good authority that Biffen and Uncle Bitter were very complimentary towards the umps during the first half of the game.
  3. I'm assuming that is a rhetorical question, Earl?
  4. Are you sure you really want Uncle Bitter to tell us all what he finds spine-tingling? We may not be able to recover from the mental image it gives us.
  5. Going with the fashion forward approach, I see. Are you sure the Glen Iris ladies can handle your sense of adventure DC?
  6. Why not double your chances and wear both?
  7. I'll leave the response to this to the likes of Bitter, Biff, and Moonie.
  8. I was planning to go relatively incognito. Should either you or Bitters get up to your usual shenanigans, I want to be able to make a quick getaway by blending into the crowd should the need arise.
  9. Yeah....didn't think about that too carefully with my original post, did I? I was just very confused by Fence's comment.
  10. I'll Ausify my original response to as below...... What the firetruck????? Would that be better?
  11. They couldn't imitate you if they tried Uncle Bitter. As for my attire, I was going to wear something a tad more inconspicuous.
  12. Uncle Bitter, I found a present for you and the lads! It is a 1.2 metre tall inflatable J. Hogan doll. Tried to attach a pic but the file was too big
  13. I'll be attending the game. After all it is part of my annual ritual to see how far away I am from the ground before I spot your outlandish attire. By the by, what should I be looking out for on Saturday?
  14. Thanks Uncle Bitter. Your navigation is a wee bit off. You went kind of askew after the Ca. Been enjoying a bit of that hollistic fruit juice again?
  15. They must not have been ready for your level of enlightenment BBO.
  16. He would never do that Biffen or Bitter.
  17. Say, Uncle Bitter, what is the opening round attire likely to be this year?
  18. I'm sure that Bitters, Biffen, and Moonshadow will get up to some sort of disgraceful mischief on their way to the G. Perhaps a beverage.....or 4 will be involved. And I can only imagine what will happen should the Dees be victorious!
  19. I think he has downed one too many banana daquiris tonight.
  20. Why oh why did I click on that link?
  21. He certainly isn't the entertainer you are, Bitters.
  22. DC, did you have to put the image of Bitters entertaining the lads by singing & dancing to Kylie's music into my head?
  23. It was more likely a meeting of 'associates'.
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