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Coq au vin

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Everything posted by Coq au vin

  1. What will happen to the culture of the rabid, feral, bogan supporters of the south Australian filth with our two nice boys from Melbourne playing for them?
  2. There were lots of tunnel balls this year in different games. Lots of throws too. Nobody commented much.
  3. He does turn it over a lot by bombing it long without looking...
  4. I'd want to see what happens with Vandenberg's foot before committing to a contract with him and I'm sure other clubs would too.
  5. Excellent summary!
  6. Pedo wasn't playing
  7. The press have been calling us "the young Demons" since 1965.
  8. It's Hird not Herd and there is no need for an apostrophe and an 's' in Dank. Yes Trengove should be in as much trouble as the Essendon players. Jamar ironically is now an Essendon player. I'm happy for both to be banned for a year. If someone slips something into a player's drink that is a serious criminal offence and that person is liable to prosecution.
  9. I think your implied stereotype of an MCC member is way off beam.
  10. He could go for runs, swims, cycle and go to the gym like the rest of us. Oh and do a regular job. He won't have an income from footy.
  11. Melksham is a drug cheat. None of the others have been found guilty of that. Employing a drug cheat is bad for the culture and morale of the club and the other players.
  12. The defence of "I did it because I was ordered to do it" went out with the Nuremberg trials following the Second World War. There is such a thing as personal responsibility.
  13. Interesting on here that most are laughing at the Bombers and condemning their actions but many are supporting Melksham (who did the same thing as the others who are being banned) just because MFC were foolish enough to draft him. MFC should condemn his actions and delist him now. How can we point the finger at Essendon when one of our own was one of them and we have welcomed this drug cheat into our club? Not to mention Trengove and Jamar who were accused of using Mr Danks' substances also but seem to have slipped under the radar.
  14. Lucas Cook, Jordan Gysberts and Cale Morton all over again.
  15. Technically there are no sentences in the post as there are no full stops. Do you mean "Welcome Jake"?
  16. I don't see much positive out of the trade period for us so far.
  17. Don't be silly. I'm not saying that.
  18. Nobody's saying he's a dud. He's just not dangerfield or selwood.
  19. Geelong gets dangerfield and selwood. We get..... Melksham. LOL.
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