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Everything posted by dieter

  1. Hopefully when Tony and Corey and Eric convince their colleagues to declare all perverts and degenerates fodder for banishment to Nauru and such like Australia will become a better and safer place. Especially Demonland. Can you guarantee that once you are banished you won't hop on a boat?????Beware if you do, Corey and his gang will guarantee that Perverts, Muslims and Gays will no longer be able to access our fair democratic land. Then again, you can get either Robert Richter or that Human rights pervert Robinson to state your case. Look, I don't like you just because of your Photo. I'll now get Eric Abetz to make sure you get deported and banned for life. I think the USA, or, Sodom and Gomorrah is your gig.
  2. Yes, but a whole country founded on it!? Does this explain Pauline Hanson etc etc etc
  3. Robert Richter was the lawyer for the ones who didn't hang.
  4. Maybe they just liked the rum and the sodomy, the lash even. Strange place, British Australia.
  5. Two friends of mine visited the site yesterday, just co-incidentally. Neither of them are Leftie communist radical or feminist. One is a health professional, the other a curator at a golf club. Just normal ordinary folks who were quite appalled and moved. One of them pointed out that the killers were actually brought to trial by white fellas.
  6. Ah well, faulty just about covers the spectrum. All the best, bro.
  8. I protesteth too much. See you soon. I'd prefer Airlie, I have a sneaking suspicion the coffee might be better. I'll bring some wine to go with roasted animals.
  9. Anyway, how's the weather in Morinbah? I'll drive the 2000 odd ks to visit. We can play bowls. go to the RSI and watch Donald on TV. I hear the chicko rolls are very good in Moronbah...
  10. Don't watch it. How do you cope with a mental midget who controls the most evil empire in the history of the world? Do you root for him?
  11. No FD. I've just had a gutful of lies spread by lunatic warmongers who have not learnt one lesson from history.
  12. Pot calling kettle black. You make opening gambit that anyone who isn't straight has a mental disorder. My point is a sexual orientation does nobody any harm whereas the hatred and love of war which comes from the slimy gobs of those creepy dudes I mentioned spreads hate, misery and pain.
  13. Tony Abbott, Pauline Hanson, Malcolm Turnbull: Hatemonegers, Liars, Psychopaths, Warmongers. MENTAL DISORDERS!!!
  14. Good to see you dudes protecting the greatest Oz Cricketer who was, after all, a German...
  15. I'd rather that - if that's what boys and girls want to do - than pay for the other crap I mentioned.
  16. Get him. he's a German. Neitz, Mueller, Schwartz, I could go on.
  17. Jaysus, don't talk to me about wasting tax payers' money. Look at the third rate Malcolm Turnbulldust has churned out for us, look at the money spent on Tony Abbottoir's joy flights, Bromwyn's helicpoter, Barnaby's pork barrel relocation, we won't even mention the billions spent on concentration camps on Manus Island and Nauru.
  18. T'would make my day if he came to the Demons.
  19. Not sure about the 'injecting a dose of whatever' aspect. Sounds as dodgy as.
  20. peace, bro, was trying to be funny. Like cracking a joke at a funeral, I know. ( Happened to me once, I couldn't stop laughing. )
  21. If they do most of them will be wondering why you didn't get a real life after all. Sorry, them's the facts. It's a game of AFL football, doctored, twisted, manipulated, they don't bounce the ball till the Ads are done etc etc, in other words, we live in an imperfect world. Get over it. Take up bushwalking, nordic skiing, Yoga, Mindfullness, get a subscription to a gym instead of foxtel. Take up scuba diving..
  22. Have you been detoxed or had that Keith-like blood transfusion yet? You're in the wrong century, on the wrong planet, again. What are you putting on your cucumber sandwiches? Maybe you caught an infection after your last Brazilian??Has your Pimms been spiked? Are you aware the snow on Buller will melt soon? Is your pin number for the Cayman Island account with the Commonwealth still active? Do you even know the name of the Cellar master at the Melbourne Club? What day is it?
  23. This makes very interesting reading as Captain Schultz would say. Or was it Maxwell? The bottom line is the AFL mafia can tinker with the draft and bailouts all they like. It WILL NOT be an even competition until they make the draw an even proposition and not a lottery - god knows how they'll do that - till the 6 day break anomaly is evened out and the draw doesn't simply favour teams who pull the biggest crowds.
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