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Everything posted by mo64

  1. Greg Swann, Brian Cook and Eugene Arrocca all left financially stable clubs for the challenge of changing the fortunes of a basket case. I'm sure there's well qualified people out there looking for a challenge. IMO, any move to replace Steve Harris has the blessing of the AFL.
  2. The selection process and concept of the "leadership group" gives the players a greater sense of power or ownership of the club. I recall an interview with David Parkin, where he says that there are 2 types of players: 1. Those who participate at the club, ie; they do all the training, play footy and socialise with the other players. 2. Those who contribute to the club, ie; they do everything possible to become better players, and help the club succeed. In 1995, he empowered the players with greater responsibility, such as taking training. He found that once the players felt they has some power and ownership, more players fell into the 2nd category. It's generally perceived that Melbourne have lacked leadership. Hopefully under the new "leadership group", more players become "contributors" to the club.
  3. Contradictary to that is the following statement: "Flexibility – Players have shown aptitude to be flexibility from its varied training venues through to the need for some players to be up to speed in a number of positions. DB said he is looking for footballers over athletes, and wants to improve those aspects (flair, ability, etc) that got them on to an AFL list, ie play to the players strengths." I didn't get the same underlying impression as Demonophile. The impression I get is that DB believes that we are a skillful side that needs to improve our discipline on and off the field. Hopefully that will bring a greater level of consisitency in our play.
  4. mo64

    NAB Cup

    I just heard the tail end of an interview on SEN between Kevin Bartlett and DB, and DB was asked whether Cale Morton would play senior footy this year. His was response he's now involved in full training, and out of the young draftees, he would play one NAB Cup game, as would Stefan Martin, Shane Valenti, and Aussie W. This would suggest that we won't be just playing the kids. Only other question I heard was in reference to the leadership group, and the suspension of Nathan Carroll and non-selection of Brad Green. DB made the point that the players had made a decision to show greater commitment, and within a week of that, Carroll transgressed again. He also said that Green was training at such a level that he's been asked to pull back at times, and he stills considers Green and White to be on-field leaders. He expects Green to have a big year.
  5. Have to agree with Rhino here. A major factor in the success of the Brisbane Lions, was that Matthews has never tolerated a player not putting his body over the ball. They had many lightly framed players such as Hart, Ashcroft, McRea, Power and Lappin, all of whom put their body on the line when needed. Here's hoping the DB shares the same mantra as Matthews.
  6. Wouldn't be in my best 22, but as to where he plays will depend on DB's gameplan. Not too many teams play with a 6 man forwardline, so it's conceivable that Yze could play as a creative loose half back, with license to push forward.
  7. It was difficult enough trying to assess the recruiting record of CAC over 10 years, let alone trying to discuss the merits of an untried recruiting officer's appointment. And you'll find that CAC's appointment at Tigerland was greeted with mixed responses by their feral supporters.
  8. Dustin Fletcher 1993. But the issue is that Carroll ISN'T successfully holding down fullback and performing well against opponents consistently. If he was, he wouldn't have been put up for trade.
  9. Spot on Tigger. Those were my sentiments prior to his latest indiscretion. And Dapper, maybe your assessment of Carroll's ability is seen through rose coloured glasses. It's been reported that he was put up for trade last year, so your opinions of him being in the prime of his career, aren't shared by the coaching panel.
  10. So where does Robertson play? And Newton for that matter. My preference for the 3rd tall is Dunn, but unfortunately it seems that he'll end up being a jack of all trades.
  11. No he won't. He hasn't got the talent or youth like Steve Johnson to turn things around. For mine, this is a godsend. Although many posters here disagree, he's an average fullback who was just filling in time until the likes of Frawley and Garland are physically capable at senior level. I can now see Dutchy Holland being a permanent fixture in the side this year, whilst Carroll rots away at Sandy, and enjoying a beer with the boys on Can Hill!!!!
  12. I always want to see our players succeed, but how long do we keep players on our list just because they are solid citizens? And I don't buy the 'picked very late in the draft' argument. Simon Godfrey, Luke Williams and Alistair Nicholson were others that I felt were kept on because they trained hard and were good citizens. Sometimes you just need to assess their football capabilities.
  13. Sorry, my mistake. I misunderstood this to be a forum on footballers, not about solid citizens.
  14. I would have loved to see Brad Miller make it as a fullback, because he hasn't got the football brain or talent to be a modern day CHF. For mine, Bate and Dunn could play the lead-up chf role more effectively than Miller. Opposition coaches wouldn't care if Miller took 10 marks during a game, because his decision making and disposal skills are poor. As for his appointment, any player nominated for the leadership group should be considered an automatic selection before the season starts. Miller's deeds on the field haven't commanded that honour.
  15. Unless he proves to be an on-field asset, talk of his pre-season work ethic is fluff in my opinion. Hopefully his place in the leadership group doesn't guarantee him a spot in the side, because to date, he hasn't proven himself as an AFL footballer. Good blokes with a good work ethic don't necessarily make good footballers.
  16. A fluffy story with little on-field substance. What he really should have said was that 'this year is make or break for him'.
  17. Explain how the Geelong brand has been tarnished? Loss of membership or sponsorship, I think not! Sure, Steve Johnson's image has been further tarnished, and he's received an appropriate punishment.
  18. occo, you haven't explained how Steve Johnson's actions have anything to do with the Geelong Football Club. On the other hand, Sharrod Wellingham cost Collingwood a significant sponsorship. All your other emotive statements should be directed at our lawmakers, not the Geelong Football Club.
  19. I agree Rumpole. If the speeding laws are too soft, then that's a matter for our judiciaries, and Steve Johnson shouldn't be made a scapegoat. Unlike his drinking offences, his actions weren't deemed to be detrimental to his football output, hence the club didn't need to impose any further sanctions.
  20. Thanks for your efforts Fork. Isn't that Davey in the 1st photo in the 2nd last row, with his cap on backwards taking a chest mark? It's really encouraging that Rivers, Moloney and Sylvia all seem to be up and running.
  21. DeeReaming, who would be the type of players that Carroll could match up with playing in a back pocket? Personally, I don't think he reads the game well enough to play as a 3rd tall.
  22. Ben Rutten. And whether a player is drafted no. 1 or comes off the rookie list is irrelevant when debating whether he is capable of playing a position. As for Carroll, he doesn't rate in the best dozen fullbacks in the comp, and I'm pretty certain by our drafting in the last 2 years, that we're trying to groom a replacement for him.
  23. The AFL is the only football body that plays ducks and drakes when it comes to disclosing player injuries. And to my knowledge, it all started when Sheedy became coach of Essendon. In the NFL, full disclosure of player injuries is mandatory. The NRL clubs name their teams on the Tuesday. The advantage of not disclosing player injuries is beyond me. I also find it immoral that the AFL receives money from the turnover of some betting agencies, yet allows clubs to make last minute changes without penalty. And btw Rhino, undeeniable is spot on with his sequence of events re Loris Bertolacci. The alleged disclosure of intellectual property came after he was sacked.
  24. Well given that he launched legal action against the club for wrongful dismissal, it's fair to say that he was sacked. And I doubt that the people who made the decision to sack him were physical training experts either. Like most of us on this forum, they make assessments based on observations and end results. If you try to quantify everything, you end up finding excuses for people, and nothing changes.
  25. Well this obviously wasn't the case down at Geelong in 2006. Their fitness adviser Loris Bertolacci was sacked after their end of season review. The fitness adviser would have the autonomy to devise the fitness training program based on the coaching panel's direction. They would also devise the post game recovery sessions, and fitness programs for players in rehab. Fitness advisers are not infallible. They can get it wrong. Geelong was a case in point.
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