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Everything posted by mo64

  1. If he nominates for the PSD, what's stopping another club from drafting him?
  2. Didn't we make $1m profits from 2004-2006? As BPP states, when we're winning games the supporters turn up, and the corporates will follow in toe. Under Gutnick, we tried to make Sunday our day, just like the Kangas did with Friday night. Without having all the facts in front of me, during our good times between 1998-2006, our average home attendances was one of highest out of the Melbourne based clubs. Sunday games didn't seem to be a problem then, other than when we played interstate clubs at the Dome. Until we start winning games or at least being an entertaining team, the AFL, the media, the corporates, and our supporters will treat us with the contempt we deserve.
  3. Wasn't there an issue with Holland and Yze playing with Sandy towards the end of the year, because if a player gets seriously injured in his final year of their contract, the club has to compensate them for the following year? What would happen if Carroll does a knee whilst training with the Saints?
  4. If you believe that the world of elite sport is the same as a day to day job, you have no idea of life and world experience. The level of talent is the prime criteria when drafting a sportsman, if recruiters and football depts. think differently, they are second guessing themselves. Do you draft an introvert over an extrovert even though he has lesser talent, just because you're worried how the extrovert might turn out down the track? And don't pretend to know what I've done in my life you condescending prat. I've hired hundreds of people in my various occupations, and behavioural questions differ in relevancy according to the occupation and the age of the applicant. And I know to treat reference checks with a grain of salt.
  5. They can do all the research they like, but it doesn't factor in that people can change once they start earning a big salary and are involved in elite sport. And do you really believe that a person connected to a draftee will hinder the kid's chances of getting drafted by portraying him as a ratbag? And there is absolutely no guarantee of getting the ultimate glory by drafting model citizens of lesser ability.
  6. You make it sound as though a bad attitude is incurable. And your last comment is utter b#llshit. If you were at Hawthorn, the likes of Hodge, Lewis and Franklin would have been turfed out of the club long ago. And how does a recruiter assess the character of a 17yo draftee, who's more than likely just finished school, and hasn't been exposed to the pitfalls of being an AFL footballer? Gardiner and Johnstone would still be rated just as highly because recruiters aren't psychic, and can't predict how a person will turn out. They recruit based on talent, not on who will be the next Mother Theresa.
  7. Some coaches have got the confidence in themselves to get the best out of players, and will take a punt on a 20yo who may have some issues. Plus, any kid who gets picked up late in the draft, is a risk of some sort. Give me a wayward kid with talent ahead of a try hard who's a model citizen.
  8. I agree, I can't see Rhino's point, plus it's factually incorrect. Davey and Martin nominated for the national draft but were overlooked. And I would have thought that Davey has cemented an AFL career.
  9. O'Keefe probably looked very involved in the game because it was a highlights package of him B) BTW, Riccuitto wasn't a left footer.
  10. If he nominates for the National Draft, he'll get picked up for sure. Saw him play for the Tassie seniors in the VFL as a 17yo, and the kids got talent. If he's already knocked back a 1 year deal at Essendon, there's a fair chance that another club has already agreed to pick him up on better terms.
  11. A question for you Rflowering. Who calls the shots when it comes to set-plays at centre bounces and stoppages, the coach or the assistant?
  12. The most promising thing of his highlights reel was the vision he showed with his 1st kick, which was on his non-preferred right foot. Most left footers struggle kicking with their right foot, but he seemed natural.
  13. As for potential draftees, as I've never seen any of them play, so it's impossible to specify a player, other than it's a given that we'll pick up Jack Watts at no. 1. However, this is the draft where we have to address our needs. Hawthorn did it in the year they picked up Roughhead and Frankilin. So here we go: 1. Watts 17. Quality mid 19. Quality mid 35. Ruckman / Key forward 51. Attacking defender 67. Pass PSD: Best available
  14. :lol:Ha, ha. True. Back onto the baseball. It's a shame that Grant Balfour was the pitcher when the rot set in for Tampa Bay. Last year I made the mistake of betting on baseball. The saying "It ain't over till it's over", truelly applies to baseball. I had my heart and wallet broken many a time with 9th innings comebacks.
  15. Top 4 finish this year.....How terrible!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. It's not just about the drama hungry media and public, it's about the members and supporters. Personally, I would like to know what lessons he learnt from this season. Although you believe that his coaching performance was exemplary.
  17. You've obviously never heard Matthews or Roos being interviewed. They are honest, and don't come out with cliches in order to avoid the question. And what info could Bailey divulge that is "high risk"? I had this debate last year in respect of divulging the true state of our injury list. The cloak and dagger approach really helps, doesn't it? We really fooled every other club!!!!!
  18. I agree that on the topic of Nathan Carroll, it's best that Bailey doesn't comment until things have been settled. As for the rest of the interview, they may as well have interviewed a piece of wood.
  19. That's all very nice in theory, but the reality is that Geelong have to delist someone before they can offer him a spot on their senior list. Do you believe that playing Russian Roulette with an existing player's career is part of their negotiation process?
  20. Geelong have got the option of taking him as a priority, but it would mean that they would have to delist another player. If this kid is anything special, I would have delisted Shannon Byrnes, whose contract has yet to be finalised.
  21. No mention of us ever being in the race to get him.
  22. Rookie players are essentially those who can't crack it into the top 70 in the draft. The list of rookies who are 10 times better than Bell are endless.
  23. I think he meant Daniel Hayes. Or maybe he meant Danny Hughes the psychotic fullback who played for us in the '80s.
  24. Maybe Geelong should move it's training base to Melbourne. It'll make it easier for them to attract players. If any of the current players are unhappy with having to go to Cranbourne to train. Stiff.
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