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Posts posted by robbo24

  1. In the first 3k time trial for the year Jones ran just over 10 minutes from memory.

    Low 10's and anything under 10 is "elite".

    I heard Misson mention he expected AFL players to be getting low 10's. I attempted this and only managed to get 2km in 9 min. It really is amazing how elite these guys are. (disclaimer: not very fit myself)

  2. whats wrong with Moloney? he polled well in the brownlow in a crap team and worse midfield, dont see how he can be critised so much personally.

    Moloney is a flat track bully. Look at the games he polled in and the games he didn't. Goes missing with the slightest pressure.

  3. I've been playing around on the AFL website and found two players that stood out in the footage.

    Alex Woodward seems to be a small clearance specialist with lightning hands. He came up when I was searching for pace on http://draftmachine.afl.com.au/. Pace plus inside work would be a big tick for me. "Vic Metro U18 rep. Inside mid who reads play and uses ball well. Great work ethic, excellent in the air. Extremely team-oriented. From Dingley JFC."

    The second is Clay Smith. From what i've read he's an average kick but his footage shows a great determination for the pill and his championship stats were impressive. "Averaged 17.2 contested possessions and four tackles at U18 champs. Has fearless attack on the ball and opponent, wins contests. U18 All-Australian. From Lucknow FC"

    Has anybody seen these guys play or heard anything? Particularly interested in Woodward, he seems like a jet.

  4. No break after the Darwin game will upset a few here. We play North the following week at Etihad.

    It's at Etihad so we'd probably lose regardless.

    Average draw at first glance, although we play all the top teams once, so that's good.

    Thats what its all about. From a pure footballing term that is an outstanding result!

    Tough first half of the year

    I have us down for 3 wins 7 losses coming up to the bye

    If we can escape with 2-3 wins from round 5-11 then we are on track. Very hard run that hopefully doesn't demoralize the players like it did this year.

    All in all it would be good to have a few extra Friday night games but at least our 1 will be a blockbuster (please don't rain!!!)

    Only 2 Etihad games with 1 against Freo is a big win. Our final 10 rounds are also phenominal. No excuses next year

  5. That was a lot of fun! Played like a final should it, our match came right down to the wire. 1 goal or 7 kicks or 1 FA or 2 Hitouts. Good luck in the finals all. Robbo24 will be back again next year bigger and better!

  6. Just arrived back from the States today to go to Foundation Hero dinner..

    My odds are:

    Dappa Dan--7/4 fav-especially if Sandilands stands up

    JCB31---- 3/1

    JA--- 5/1


    HT--- 7/1

    D/L7-- 8/1

    R.R--- 12/1

    JACKO 13- 25/1

    I feel anyone can win this- it will depend on a little luck and injuries.The winner of HT & D/L7 will be a big shortener after this week.Sorry Range Rover but I think we have your measure..but will accept you can still stick it up me..

    Its hard to argue with those odds. You're stiff not to be favourite considering you finished on top. The top four obviously have an advantage with a double chance but I feel DL7 could be a good shot from here, especially if Riewoldt fires.

  7. Great stat! As we move forward and attempt to push for the top 8 then no the compensation is not worth it. For a team like Port Adelaide, or us 2 years ago this is a worthwhile exercise.

    It's time to stop selling games and putting success before everything else.

  8. I hate this topic. Players sign for the period of their contract. In this case, Tom Scully has signed to play for us until October 31st 2011. Until this time it is expected that Tom Scully does his all for the club in a professional manner. Regardless of whether Tom stays with us after this date is irrelevant right now. If Tom were to not give his all then questions would be asked, however there is no way that this would be the case. Get over it and move on.

  9. You're not requesting it ?!

    This is confusing... :rolleyes:

    Yes. In hindsight I have made a mistake and would like this trade not to go ahead. I did however agree to the trade so am willing to go through it. Similar to my stuff up with Walker/Ablett.

  10. I think what JCB is asking now is why the request for a veto after you've accepted it ?

    Oh I'm not requesting it. I'm just saying if you don't like it, click the veto button, that's what its there for.

  11. I can't make sense of that. Other than opinions change or some more news has passed concerning those players involved. The coaches involved would have all the answers.

    As I said above, when i logged on yesterday morning there were two trade proposals. I clicked accept and it went through.

  12. Yep- HT -I understand and accept your point.. however I don't understand if something has been vetoed and you re apply and now want out..it doesn't make sense at all.Please give me a reply on this.

    Click the 'Vote Against' button

  13. Back on the winner's list!

    Massive top-o-the-table clash this week Robbo.

    The multi-club bye will hit me hard unfortunately!

    I looked at your team yesterday and got a massive fright! Had another look now and its still quite imposing. Its gonna take some good coaching to beat you.

  14. I'm cool here, but your previous "fool" post may been the cause of some negativity.

    Yeh I can understand that. And I wish to apologise for the 'fool' comment. I don't expect Jayceebee to accept this though. Good luck this week lads!

  15. I got my email at 10:47 am today.

    Unless the offer was made last night in time (yesterday) and accepted today... making it still valid ?

    I don't know...

    Anyway JCB, JA is the UF CEO in this case regarding the trade deadline. I'm happy to help otherwise and where needed.

    The trade was there when I logged on this morning as was another trade that OMR offered me. I assume that you could make trade offers until the cut off and could accept afterwards.

    Anyway feel free to veto, however I'm feeling some negativity towards me so I'm guessing you all won't.

  16. Agree.

    Yes we are brothers. And believe me I in no way want to give him an advatange over me!

    But as mentioned earlier. This trade was a part of the Sylvia - Green trade that we did agree on earlier but I mangled up the trade when doing so.

    In hindsight I'd like to vetoe as I don't wan't to be without Broughton. However if this is done the Green/Sylvia trade should be vetoed too as it was meant to be in the one trade. Does this make sense?

  17. I'm going to post on here what I have just posted on the UF chat box. This is in response to OMR and JCB questioning trades between Snomed and myself. It seems very rich considering the amount of trade offers I have thrown out all year. Simply because Snomed and myself are willing to take risks to win this (See me trading out Ablett/Walker) you lot ask questions.

    You are kidding me. I have thrown out trades to EVERYBODY nearlly every week! Nobody can dispute this. You have vetoed 2 trades between us. The first was Ryder for Gray. Turns out that would be pretty even right now!

    This trade was meant to be part of the current trade that has Bartram and Swallow for Broughton for Watson. As you can see this is highly skewed in SnomD's favour. This trade was meant to include Green for Sylvia. But please inform me as how this trade is unfair? You fools. Learn to play before whinging about every trade.

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