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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Do people in Romsey have any rights?
  2. Not yet but the day is still young BBO To be honest I am more of a PvE player than a PvP one, but I do like MMO's. But the real question that needs to be asked BBO is how did you infect the DL servers?
  3. Now Moonie it is wrong to hack Reds account.
  4. Now what happens between a husband and wife stays between them RBB.
  5. Are you sure? HAWTHORN 3.5 9.8 16.13 21.16 (142) MELBOURNE 2.2 2.3 3.5 4.8 (32)
  6. Why do we have something to celebrate in 2014?
  7. Well you will go on these Hot Dating sites Red
  8. Well you will be pleased to know I have leveled my Mesmer in Guild Wars 2 to 78 (Max level is 80). I also killed a number of young players in World v World with my other new guild members. Of course my character is blue and red.
  9. There was two evil grumpy old men, one called the cute and innocent as well as brilliant Frog, [censored]! While the other one called him Toady ....
  10. The Monk does not believe in equity.
  11. Once upon of time there was a Frog who could see all and knows all .....
  12. So when does the 2015 season start again?
  13. Our BBO was an Angry man with regards to his computer and its various infections. But if I was forced to live in Romsey I would be too.
  14. Not sure about this OD as a gang of another server was hunting me down in Guild Wars 2's World v World last night. I think the Gods not only hate demons but also Frogs.
  15. Clearly the Gods are Angry at us OD
  16. Why would I want to watch Peel Thunder. Mind you their close to where I live, but awful colours.
  17. I think I will go back and do more online gaming. As I suspect 2014 is already over and may need to revise my 5 or 6 wins. Oh well there is always the WAFL.
  18. At lest the MFC ladies team win matches Red
  19. This one is for you OD http://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/2014-03-05/behind-the-scenes-membership-telethon One of the first two people is the man.
  20. PLAYERS WANTED No experience, talent or skill necessary.
  21. So when does the 2014 season end and the 2015 season start?
  22. As well as before and during the event BBO
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