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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Type, read and interact with humans in general but I am a Melbourne Supporter which makes me special.
  2. LOL Its my farewell to Mark in celebration of the last game of the season. TBH I am feeling a little pain. But without pain there is no gain.
  3. Welcome back Depends how big the bunch is!
  4. The Second one sums up my thoughts as Mark Neeld as Coach!
  5. Found a classic song on http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/28948-nuggets-music-videos/page-13 Though of Mark Neeld right away the lyrics are "your don't know how to easy my pain" and "you make me want to cry" Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!! Down side is there no banana in the clip.
  6. Plus MFC can not be beaten! Life will be good then.
  7. The Pain Ends Today. Banana Drinks for Everyone!
  8. Selling him and buy a few Mids
  9. No pressure of Mr Roos if he does come the MFC next season. We don't expect a Premiership until 2015 and then one every year after that. Oh and most MFC supporters are very normal, it just hard to find them these days.
  10. I thought the Mayan Calendar ended in 2012?
  11. He purchased a house there. IMO that means he intends to live there.
  12. Roos is never coming to the MFC. He going to Perth
  13. Dam I spent over $300 there a few months ago.
  14. But does mean the 2013 AFL season will never end? OMG I hope NOT!
  15. OMG Big Mistake! He been arrested for drugs so he must be the new Messendon Coach!
  16. OMG Bill Murray is the new MFC coach!
  17. You are a hard negotiator. You have your extension! Correct Messendon is on more then performance enhancing drugs. But with no more Hird immunity they are all going down.
  18. So the thread will be paying your legal costs?
  19. I spent 7 minutes investigating your story and believe charges are warranted for bring this thread into disrepute. We can conduct a hearing to hear you defence to the allegation which we from this threat have an open mind to your guilt or innocence. However after we find your guilty of the charges we can negotiate the following penalties: Plead Not Guilty and receive a 12 day suspension from this thread with a $100 fine, or Plead Guilty and receive 12 minute suspension from the thread and a $0.60 fine with no record conviction. The choice is entirely up to you.
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