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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. This may help https://www.google.com.au/search?q=how+to+handball&oq=how+to+handball&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.13591j0j8&client=tablet-android-samsung-nf-rev1&sourceid
  2. It time to send in our league side as our reserves side is not competitive enough.
  3. To be fair, we are about to kick her team out of the finals.
  4. Moonie what is wrong with these tattoos? If you choose to support the Cats you should expect bad things to happen.
  5. Moonie you have some much to regret. Where do I start? I know this post!
  6. Must be some strange legal term from back in the days when Lawyers only got paid for the number of words they used. Red, are you able to communicate using words us non-lawyers can understand?
  7. I work in the middle of WA at a remote town. I will be heading down south to watch the Falcons take on the undefeated Subiaco in the WAFL Grand Final. Need to spent sometime with the wife so attending two games may be a stretch.
  8. What a great weekend of football. The Falcons are in the grand final and Dees have a good chance of doing the same. GO THE BLUE AND RED!
  9. I do not blame Eddie, as even the Dees can beat the Eagles in the West. Another wasted session for the Pies.
  10. I see. So his real punishment is having to watch every Collingwood and Richmond home game. The law can be so cruel.
  11. To avoid a repeat of this issue, you need to follow Mr Bitters lead. That is why he only wears yoga pants to the football.
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