How does the age and games played stack up?
The list demographics suggest the Demons are in the premiership window. This year only three teams were less experienced on average (65.7 games) and just four were younger (23 years). The average premier's numbers from the past decade are 66.1 and 23.6, respectively. Jordan Lewis has retired and Jeff Garlett was delisted, so Melbourne might dip or remain similar in age and experience.
Do they have enough quality?
Just two Demons finished with 'elite' status after four started that way. There is potential for more than just Max Gawn and Clayton Oliver to be placed in this class. Players such as Tom McDonald, Steven May, Jake Lever, Christian Salem, Jake Melksham, Christian Petracca and Angus Brayshaw should be better next season – and must be if Melbourne is to improve.
What do the numbers say about the way they play?
Only Gold Coast was worse in coughing up points and scoring from forward-half turnovers, and the Dees were mid-table in differential for post-clearance groundball-gets and inside 50s. This is a team that openly builds from the contest out, but went from near-record numbers in the clinches a season ago to being a bit better than average in that department in 2019.
Is their premiership window open?
Ajar, and could be opening further.
The list demographics and what Melbourne produced in the 2018 finals – despite the dreadful campaign this year – mean there is still some optimism for next season and beyond. – Marc McGowan