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Everything posted by Demonland

  1. Posted just now. I guess his earlier post was a whisper from a source. This might be more official.
  2. You might be thinking of a different Richmond person.
  3. I believe it's isolate until negative test for secondary contacts. I believe the player in question has to still isolate for 14 days.
  4. New fixture and new times and venues for Round 11.
  5. I can't see it not being prolonged. There is no way they will know in a week if the lockdown has been effective. Even if the case numbers come down or level out. They will need to wait a week or maybe even 2 to make sure.
  6. Any chance they'll go back to 16 minute quarters again particularly if we have a compressed fixture because of any further COVID disruptions? This is what the ladder would look like if the whole year had been 16 minute quarters. Well it probably wouldn't have turned out exactly like that but ....
  7. Exactly. However I was under the impression that he perhaps caught it in HQ after his final test on day 13.
  8. Disruption would more likely be mental than physical.
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