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Everything posted by Demonland

  1. https://demonland.com/forums/topic/59075-farewell-josh-schache/
  2. Fixed * * That was rough for me too. 🤮
  3. That's a blow I'll never recover from. I'm off to Noosa. Too soon?
  4. It’s important to recognise that not everyone is a public figure, and publicly naming or blaming such individuals in situations where there is no clear or concrete evidence of their responsibility is both unfair and irresponsible. Such actions can cause unwarranted harm and can contribute to spreading misinformation. While I’m not saying that your post directly engaged in this kind of behavior, it’s crucial to be aware that the responses and discussions it generates could lead to a harmful pile-on effect. This kind of collective criticism, especially when directed at private individuals, can be deeply problematic and potentially damaging both to the person in question and to this community. Due to the sensitive and private nature of certain issues surrounding the club, we have implemented moderation protocols that require specific words or phrases to undergo approval before being published. This measure is essential to protect the individuals involved, those who post comments, and the integrity of this website. Please be aware that if your posts contain any of these moderated terms, they may either be subject to review or not published at all, regardless of the rest of the content within the post. Unfortunately, the site’s software does not notify users of the specific word or phrase that triggered the moderation, which I understand can be confusing. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. However, these steps are taken to ensure a safe and responsible environment that protects our community and its users. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain a respectful and secure space for everyone including the people that are being written about.
  5. Garry Lyon on Petracca on SEN this morning (27/8/24) from 4:43
  6. Hope Seven didn't sign him up to a long term contract.
  7. Thought you accessed Demonland via facsimile
  8. Jesse Hogan - 484 pages Luke Jackson - 324 pages Jack Watts - 275 pages Christian Petracca - 127 pages and counting with at least 7 weeks to go
  9. Yes he did. The last one I heard was either at the tail end of Noosa or the week he got back. Have not heard him since and definitely not since this story originally broke.
  10. I watched the 2021 Grand Final and the the goal that he kicked was incredible but when I tried to emulate it it went out of bounds on the full.
  11. Is that a new clothing brand that needs some exposure? I know a guy ... Too soon?
  12. I don't want to have to mention this again but please don't pin the blame on a certain person here. I don't know how much plainer I can be about this.
  13. Moved into this thread. No need for 2 Trac threads.
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