I can't believe this hasn't been discussed here. This decision to give Zeibell 4 weeks is a turning point in our game. Its pretty much saying that anything hard, tough or courageous is now illegal in our game. I can't believe he was even brought up on charges, two players going for a football, one arrives slightly late and connects with the other, but he was going for the footy the whole time.
What have they done to this once proud game??
All this shizen has occurred because of the so called 'what will the mums say group' who are these mums?? where r they??...just because 2-3 idiots call up a radio station and say i won't let me son play this sport because he could get hurt, all of a sudden we have to change our whole game.
I can understand and agree with being against the king hits and the sliding into heads rules, but if Jack Zeibell gets 4 weeks for what he did, then the game in my opinion has lost its most positive characteristic the thing that made it stand out amongst other sports.