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  1. Killed by Kindness It is said that Draco, the Athenian legislator, met with his death from his popularity, being smothered in the theatre of Ægina; by the number of caps and cloaks showered on him by the spectators (B.C. 590). Read more: Killed by Kindness — Infoplease.com http://www.infoplease.com/dictionary/brewers/killed-by-kindness.html#ixzz1suj3qiuD The Demon within, trying to Bust free, sedated by soft words & gradually, bit by bit, Suffocated By Kindness... until the fire is 'snuffed out'. The burning, the yearning, is it transformed from being merely an aspirational Footy player, to one of becoming something Else, a successful Business man, an Entrepreneur, a property developer, a councellor, a Politician... Why are these seen to be Deesirable, Over & Above, being merely a footballer? Why is it put other things in life ahead of being a footballer? Are we in fact subliminally teaching our boys that playing 'footy', it's just a game, the Big Game is, where the money is after footy???? Watts this actually saying too our kids? Why is it for decades that our talented kids turn out overly refined for footy, but make excellent business community people. What is it we're teaching these boys, because "it 'aint footy".
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