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Everything posted by jazza

  1. well at least ian botham was right about the result 5/0
  2. thought anderson got better in our second innings showed signs of a better line and lenght
  3. the changes that were needed have been made since the india/england debacles GONE=after seemingly having no standard for referals,this has changed for the good BOWLING=lyon was our best bowler in india and was shafted for the first 2 tests in england,reinstated and should of been MITCH=glad the pie throwing days may be over,poms dont like the pace and 3 over spells.somebody has helped with tactics BATTING=stick with smith at 5/6 and let him get 35 tests under his belt.good decision ROGERS=hopefully having a defensive minded player at the top will lots of overs out of oppo bowlers sometimes the worst can make you hungry and teach you how to improve and this has happened, even if the lose this series ,the lessons will hopefully make them stick with class and not start the rotating of players every time we lose syndrome with the bowling line up mostly settled pattinson/starc/cummings and others will get soild shield seasons under thier belt and gain more experience and knowledge
  4. P-man id say Watson sadly out of form he hasn't wasted one referral yet.he must be struggling when hes wasting referals and plodding his front foot down the wicket,then hes in form
  5. stokes/johnson low impact no damage ball wasn't within 5 metres 87.50 points loading all clear for perth
  6. not ex passed on 1year ago good try though
  7. terry alderman says a must for perth is an into the wind bowler speed and spin is irrevelent ,whoever does the job must be capable of bowling consistently into the WIND btw,saw Faulkner in the last series and was impressed DL
  8. rhino when the teams doing well its doing well I said clarkes back injury only gets mentioned when hes not making runs and were losing, do you equate making runs = leadership? remember,there is only ever one specialist in the team ive always said that and will stick to it theres always 4/5 bowlers 6 batsmen and just to remind you,my statement was because of gilchrist wicket keeping has changed forever he ultimately made selectors pick batsmen/keepers not pure glovemen keep going though.i think you've replaced my wife hope you can cook ball in your court nancy 2/0 btw bob, it seems k okeefe agrees with you, he spoke on radio about it yesterday
  9. got the distinct feeling mr cook didn't want to get his body behind the ball
  10. wrong again RHINO I don't hate for starters good leadership by Clarke mmmmm maybe but where was that 3 months ago? no appearance your worship ive also noticed his back injury never appears when were winning or he is making runs good to see the first all round performance by the team for a few years btw,ball back in your court
  11. rhino they probably pick the backstop because he makes runs that the top order has been incapable of getting for the last 4 years hhhmm but keep throwing the ball into my court,
  12. yep,dropped catches, this could send us to perth 1/0 even 2/0
  13. for the last time frogman hes a BOOKKEEPER
  14. google ramnaresh sarwan McGrath called him a [censored] repeatedly and then enquired "what does brian laras kock taste like" sarwan answered "I dunno ask your wife" I find that besides his wifes sickness OUR GLEN asked for this by throwing the first punch I don't want arguments just stating facts Antigua 2003 interesting we never seem to be the bad boys,its always the other persons fault wont even go into the symonds one.it will just create another 10 pages of nothing
  15. very immature by Davey.it smelt of watching to much rocky movies just hope it wasn't let pass by team management in answer to your question about aussies sooking biff some people will try to smooth this over but glen McGrath in the west indies, he slung some mud and got it back twofold and sooked along with his teammates to the press symonds did similar,some people will call it unfair some wont I was always taught,if you hit the ball over the net,be careful it might come back
  16. I would say those performances were terrific in the past 3 days but in fairness to the scribe from england.johnson/warner did have giant question marks with their recent test form mitch threw cream pies and bought our ashes series undone in his last effort that's a fact and warners last ashes effort wouldn't be described as passable still,lets kick them while weve got em down
  17. they need to protect smith a 5/6 until he gets 30 tests under his belt ive seen selectors before fall for trick of seeing lots of runs and promoting unready blokes up to 3/4 and the result disasterous my brother keeps harping on about smithy being the next captain, atm the bats are in a position to dominate ,so I wait until theres pressure before assessing the top6 something tells me its as brittle as a 13 schoolgirl
  18. on the tractor listening to Kerry and Andrew McDonald all day they made it so exciting,lets just hope MJ is in good mental nick for 5 tests the top 6 is still the big problem macca and I hope this test doesn't have selectors thinking the cracks have disappeared. still like cowan or quiney for their defensive technique and ability to stay at the crease for long periods
  19. thought watto was another golden boy,cant be dropped cowans technique is steady enough to help with the brittle battling line up hughes rabbit in the headlights game was exposed in india,good shield player not test always remember an ex queenslander saying because of the heat up there ,the gabba wicket can sometimes have the moisture drawn to the top of the pitch on the 2nd day,rather than the first, stuat broad did nothing wrong but stand his ground=see ian chappell.1973
  20. thank god we have tailenders who can score runs also just imagine if we had a top order that could bat one innings doesn't make a summer
  21. 6/240 300 would be a bonus ,considering the top order
  22. ok next prediction,and I hope its in aussies favour ooops Clarke gone and I just got HD telly it looks great but not when were losing wickets
  23. think you've just won 2 tickets to the furniture designers presentation night congrats
  24. saw that girl arrested at Tullamarine the other day she had 2 kilograms of crack in her undies
  25. TD during the debacle in india ,although not a lyon fan,i thought he was one of the few players to win a spot for the ashes was completely astonished when the selectors picked an unknown 19yo, with no form and even selected him to bat at 11 lyons confidence must have taken a battering. I think the revolving door for spinners is back in vogue and as soon as .agar lyon.fawad.do anything of note ,the calls for replacing the incumbent will come thick and fast same as cowan,thought he and rogers could take overs and time out of the opposition and let ,Clarke and smith do what 5/6 are meant to do.poor ed watched with absolute horror as hughes had bowlers raffling the chance to take his wicket in india.must have been devastating for ed to see him on the plane and get a game in England also. it seems they are primed to stick with watto and daveyboy.im hoping its all good and not hit and giggle.because if that's the case wer'e buggered again
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