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Everything posted by jazza

  1. Hasnt passed the Tammi test as yet. Will need to sit yoga style and sing kumbayaa for 10 minutes and then hes in.
  2. The samba deer down here would round em up and give unprotected germs to em. Besides my grass is reserved for cows.
  3. Already have calousis on me hand,dont need any more.
  4. Probably a touch more soffistigated than DC.
  5. Output matched his preseason. Still highly regarded. Thats about the best i can be.
  6. No stetson{i dont wear hats} Spose i am a bit of a toff,now that i think about it.I dont rip off stubbie tops with me teeth. Its actually fox season and im spending more on bullets than beer ATM.bloody greenies got fox traps banned. Anybody who knows a young richardhead that wants too shoot and pay for his own ammo,send him my way. And no,not shoot as in needle shoot biff.
  7. Saw cunnington kick 10 as a 15 yo in his first senior game. Yes drafting is a lottery,but everybody i spoke to,including 3 scouts from different clubs,all said cunners would be top 10. He had pedigree,born leader,never give up attitude and skills inside to die for. Bet north are spewing they drafted him.
  8. Gravedigger of the highest order. Keep and be patient.
  9. Yep,take the dishes out of the sink before i urinate.
  10. Yep,had a holiday with missus when married,Barossa valley 6 days. Go to dees game at least 12 times per year.thats enough holiday for me. Although once booked a motel for 2nd honeymoon in melbourne and when realised it was the Gat,jumped into car and returned home,but did get missus, fish n chips on way home{im a romantic at heart} and parked for awhile at Mt Defiance and "whale watched"
  11. Never left australia and dont intend too. Most bleeding heart libs on this site seem to spend more time overseas than here. Poor old biff and bbo cant even get passports to move out of their respective enclaves.braceletts removed in 2034 so im told.
  12. Margareetas,injected for life preserving purposes or drank?
  13. I remembered,then realised that was very stalker like,so just dropped the hint for everybody. Unfortunately they must be dementia type posters on here who cant work things out. Anyway,is it true the cruise takes in mexico and you get to barter with cartel members for biffs supplies?
  14. Organ transplants? BTW,how was cruise?
  15. Listened to the "lone ranger" on the radio when i was a kid.Blue hills also. Chit now i know im old like red,OD,Mr walker,and R@B
  16. Elastic band and ice cream sticks would need replacing after one.
  17. So if "we dont bring in 3 more players? Its our fault he didnt get better? In good footy teams,outside delivery players are a dime a dozen. In chit teams{yes us}the first place s on your list go to grunters and then you fill in the holes . As george-on -the-outer post,players doing the tough stuff hate outside cream puffs{JW}cancer has plagued our club for years and we are still scared to get rid of it. could be worse,we could have the lazy,non chasing,non tackling J.Garlett playing for us and kicking 35 goals a year from the forward pocket.
  18. Both ways. But yes,playing a full season has endeared him a bit more to some.And won him some accolades.
  19. Agree,if he has 2 first names,we dont want him,NEXT
  20. If mitch sees another club as his "clear' passage back to footy after the darkness,so be it.
  21. Sure its full gramps we believe ya. Another body organ close down?
  22. Wong side of the wivver. Thays where all the swisho's live.
  23. So now we are talking about the tongue and groove set. At least its another subject crossed off the list.
  24. No not you,I thought you were compassionate enough to maybe understand the last year of mitchs life. Ive just recovered from a similar fate and its agonising to go through. If Mitch feels better in another place i completely understand.{spewing all the same} But we need to appreciate the circumstances of mitchs inner thoughts. Lets be fair on this subject.
  25. Less feeling,when getting the inside mail,you need thin silicone gloves that allow FEELING.
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