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Everything posted by Satyriconhome

  1. So I take it you spent the whole game concentrating on a debutant, looking for any mistakes he made.
  2. He is Andy, don't think he is a fan of nicknames.
  3. You can blame Nev Jetta, when he was leaving, after I had along with my partner been doing volunteering with the Club and told him I was finishing with it as it was getting too much with work changes after COVID, but wanted to do something else, he said sponsor one of the new kids, but don't pick the top draft picks, pick a kid you can watch develop and encourage them along the way. Hence why Nev is going to be a Senior Coach one day.
  4. It is very sad on my part......like a surrogate parent.......met a skinny kid 3 years ago and watched him grow both literally and figuratively....he is great mates with Rooey and Koz so they will look after him pre game.
  5. Spoke to him at the Sponsors function, just told him to keep knocking on the door LOUDLY.......he is as tough as nails.
  6. Who said the Collingwood players were shocked....oh the media again.....who said Tracs family are upset....oh the media again............
  7. War? Dear me what century are you living in, fights?...........do you mean contested football which we have prided ourselves on previously, we have a few players out of form, Bowie, Oliver, Petty. Chandler....... changes will be made, move on to the next game. And your knock on Windsor is laughable, an 18yr old without an AFL hardened body who is trying his guts out on the wing each week.
  8. I am glad you are not, you would have lost the players in pre season.
  9. What posters need to remember is Andy is direct from Darwin. So no junior development pathway to speak of. And defence is not part of the footy vocabulary up there. And when he arrived he was like a stick with hair, similar to Jefferson who is also now beginning to look like an AFL player. Because Andy had not settled into a position, which is the go in Darwin also, the club has had a blank canvas to work with I believe in some closed training sessions he is thrown into the middle to give the AFL mids something different to look at. Consistency is the key for him and he is beginning to show it in a team not travelling well. As for the game Casey, which I watched live, were smashed at centre clearances and stoppages, too many got sucked in and Coburg got the ball out and were away. Also the channelling back by the mids and fwds to support the defence was poor until the last qtr
  10. How I love the optimism you bring to each thread, it is refreshing. We have drafted him, let's wait and see.
  11. Geelong flying at 7 zip and everybody gushing they are the team to beat, then 3 straight losses, the last one by 64 points. Slumps happen to the best. We have had a couple of poor games, as long as there is a reaction against the Saints, the ship will set sail again. It is a long season, we are not halfway yet.
  12. I will pass on your vote of confidence to AMW
  13. Andy came from Darwin as a B class rookie, so has not had the junior grounding as the rest of the players. His main sport was rugby with AFL on the side, hence the excellent tackling technique. Unfortunately he has had a couple of injuries that have hampered his progress. Just needs a clean run, would not be surprised to see him given a run in the midfield to round out his experience. Versatility is the key in medium size players these days.
  14. He knows how to be a 'small' forward, Goodwin believes in versatility, players able to play more than one position. As for the injuries, he is still growing and his body complains now and again.
  15. I came on to read the thread in the hope of reading how AMW went, as I have a vested interest. Only to find Demonland hasn't changed much, posters writing off young players, reminiscing for the past, posters sniping at each other etc etc Any chance of an actual report
  16. Are you trying out material for the open mike night at the Comedy Club?
  17. You have only just realised this about Demonland, hence why I only skim through these days.
  18. There was another reason, a sponsors function afterwards, entertained whilst hill running was taking place by that well known stand up comedian Choco
  19. Rivers in the midfield is not the only difference during a game we may see. Our main midfield group, Petracca, Oliver, Viney need a chop out more during games. The game will be even faster this year. Noting we already have another big bodied midfielder in Grundy, who looked in great nick yesterday.
  20. If you get there at gates opening, run up the stairs, you will still be lucky to get a table how they do it I don't know😀😃
  21. The difference with young players at MFC is there is no need to rush.these days Earn your spot and try and keep it, Bowey being the perfect example of trying to keep it JVR will have all the incumbent medium and tall forwards looking over their shoulder, a good thing for the team Nice Instagram post of a fit Tommy Mc running around his local track at Edenhope On other young players my tip is keep an eye on both Taj W, who improved week to week and Blake Howes, was close before injury. If everyone stays fit, we finally have cover all across the ground
  22. Not claimed, observed, he has all the attributes, including a nice dose of aggression, pleasing thing is he hasn't been rushed
  23. As far as I can ascertain, there wasn't anything major, Tommy Mc had the bits of metal that were holding his foot together removed and kept them. Everybody else are posting pics of holiday and off season work
  24. It's not devastating, @Dr. Gonzo, Mr Lawrence, in my opinion, seems to be seeking some sort of validation and using the Club as a means to do it. He cost the Club money, having to hire legal counsel, not the actions of a true supporter in my book The hypocrisy irks me also, what transparency, who are the members of Deemocracy, as you seem to be a 'defender' in a sense of Lawrences' actions, are you? He seems to be following the Trump mantra by playing the victim card, perhaps the fact he got no support when he tried to [censored] his way on to the Board in the last election still hasn't sunk in.
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