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Ted Lasso

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Everything posted by Ted Lasso

  1. What’s worse is jesses manager was told they were happy to use 5 or 6 on the deal by Fremantle and then they back flipped on it when negotiations started. Not a great way to do business but Brisbane and the giants are having as much trouble as us
  2. Trade radio last year mentioned freos pursuits multiple times, as well as dozens of articles, as well as the year before. I’m not sure how you’ve missed that. Not that it matters. It’s stupid to think he’s going there on a short term, low ball deal. Not in a million years minimum 5 years, minimum 900k.
  3. Based on the fact it’s been widely reported he’s received long term offers of over a million dollars per season, over the past few years I think it’s safe to assume it’s the same again. Or he’d stay at the dees, collect his 850 k next year and have a crack at a flag. I think it’s unrealistic to think he’d leave us to go to freo for a 2 year 600k deal... i believe this is a negotiation tactic because no one heard any of this until freo started negotiations, then suddenly there are rumours flying everywhere about Jesse. And yet freo are still willing to offer pick 11 and a second rounder plus what is presumably a sizeable contract for him. Issues can’t be that bad can they? They want Melbourne to budge and I’m very confident if we hold firm peter bell as arrogant as he is will realise it’s a massive failure from him personally to fail to sign jesse when he was as close to a sure thing as you can get. Perhaps if these rumours were around half way through the year dees fans might have taken them more seriouly but they weren’t because Jesse was right in the mix for the Coleman and all Australian at the time
  4. What I find interesting is that Fremantle have been chasing Jesse for years, surely they know him inside and out by now, I don’t understand why they would make him a long term offer, offer us a deal that we were never going to accept but still quite a lot and go all this way if there was some major Off field issue making him damaged goods. I’ve got no doubt if Jesse went to josh Mahoney today and said I want to sign for 7 years we’d sign without hesitation.
  5. This is all being piggie backed off the same rumours freo tried to spread around. If he were damaged goods, freo wouldn’t have offered him a truck load of cash, and wouldn’t have offered picks 11 and 20 odd. This is a weird, amateur negotiation tactic and the media are totally misreading it. And it’s pretty annoying they run with this stuff with no basis for it.
  6. Oh god... they’re painfully delusional..
  7. For anyone who can’t stand freo/peter bell this will make it worse, talks for Jesse have not stopped, they aren’t on hold and talks are locked in to continue early next week. Not sure what games freo are playing but don’t make a public statement saying you’re not interested and keep talks going. What a joke.
  8. Don’t agree at all but I do think the AFL need to give freo a clip around the ears because four young men are currently in limbo due to their unwillingness to deal fairly with clubs. They chase these guys for years, finally convince them and then refuse to come to the party at all trade wise it’s insulting and disrespectful and will hurt them badly in the long run. So far there is no way to judge bells appointment but a failure
  9. I doubt this rumour is true but GCS could offer him crazy coin
  10. I thought the statement freo made was pretty embarrassing, it felt a bit like throwing the toys out of the cott and giving Melbourne a clip on the way out. I suspect that’s why our offer was released to purple to just show what we were dealing with. Melbourne, the giants and Brisbane have all complained about the way freo are doing business this trade period. Freo could have had Lobb, hogan and pick 11 in the draft if they didn’t behave like this
  11. I can give you a summary - vic bias media -hogan always injured - dees asking way too much for hogan - he’s a free agent next year lots of absolute dribble.
  12. We’ve shown we are happy to accept unders or pay overs to get deals done. We don’t muck around. 5-23 to me is slight unders for hogan but we’d happily taken, bring in May and move on
  13. seems to be getting around that even within freo people are butting heads over this. Bell claiming our asking price is too high. There is zero value to this deal from our point of view if it doesn’t result in us landing may. Simple as that. Basically any deal that gets that done I suspect we would accept
  14. Freos supporters just scream “VIC BIAS” any time a journo is critical of Fremantle.
  15. I guarantee you he’d be firmly on the side of angry. Freo have been chasing him for years and the moment they actually get him they offer an insulting deal and then pull out of the race the moment the dees don’t bend over and take it.
  16. Would you counter with just pick 5 for hogan for the sake of just getting May in, or wait and hope freo fold? i believe it is some kind of ploy from freo who believe we want May desperately and will accept unders to make it happen
  17. It just doesn’t sit with me that they’d chase Jesse for the last 6 years including before he was at Melbourne offer him a truckload if cash get him over there for the tour for four hours get his hopes up, finally convince him to join them. And then only low ball us but make an offer they know we won’t accept and refuse to budge. It’s insulting to us and especially to Jesse. This is absolute amateur hour from the freo people.
  18. I’m speechless. Fremantle really are a joke.
  19. We told Fremantle we would have accepted 5 & 23 and they wouldn’t do it!!!! Amazing....
  20. I think they think we want May so badly that we will cave and accept unders. I would be shocked if it happened. What we asked in my opinion was fair and freo have just shown the whole industry, they demand overs for their own players and lowball the players they want to bring in, even if they’ve offered the same players a boat load of cash. I’d be shocked if Jesse wasn’t amazingly disappointed by this and I can’t imagine any way he considers a move to the dockers in the future now.
  21. this is what happens when the CEO and a guy with the worlds worst case of little man syndrome are in charge of your list management. Freo finally had a gun key forward on the hook and they aren’t willing to pay close to his value. Why even bother wasting your time.
  22. Barrett going to town on freo on trade radio
  23. 5&14 to me just about nails Hogan’s trade worth in my mind.
  24. Giants happy to accept an early second round.... 5&23 for hogan so for hogan we’d get May, Kolo and Scully potentially. Fills 2 major holes and we are a massive show for the flag.
  25. I don’t understand why the AFL media besides Damian Barrett ironically seems to be totally talking down Hogan’s value. He’s easily the best player on the move this trade period. Sam McClure the nuffie thinks wingard is worth more
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