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Posts posted by IRW

  1. 3 hours ago, Bimbo said:

    On a stats level too basic to be mentioned in the Stats thread:

    Since round 10 (21 May) Collingwood have played 4 games only against teams in the finals.  They had a good 2 point win against Port in Adelaide and have lost to Melbourne, Carlton and the Lions.

    Over the same time frame, Melbourne have played seven games against each of the fnalists (excepting Port) including Carlton twice and have only lost to GWS (somehow) and the conttroversial loss to Carlton.

    I reckon that is pretty good form coming into the finals.


    The Pies were loading 

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  2. 7 minutes ago, binman said:

    My guess:

    Tmac in.

    Smith in the starting 22.

    Laurie on the bench


    The other possibility i can see is hibberd comes in for turner.

    Or perhaps Salem given he had not found his best form.

    That said I really can't see salo not being selected.

    After his first quarter in 2021 I decree that Salem should never be dropped. 

    The full back was a walking cripple if I remember correctly .

    They would likely have confronted a mountain too high to climb without Salo.

    He stays

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  3. 1 hour ago, daisycutter said:

    yeah, yeah ... and whoever loses, the fans will blame the weather (and the umpiring). the meja will just go with whatever is the most controversial and click bait worthy. i'm looking forward to a filth meltdown.

    Are you saying that "Land isn't the only place that it's always the umpires fault?

    Struth I better do a rethink and cut you guys some slack

  4. 14 minutes ago, Diamond_Jim said:

    De Goey worries me.

    He has that X factor like Petracca

    We must kick straight.... 10 goals 3 or similar ratio

    And hit that sweet spot of form at the back end of the game not the first quarter

    After half time at the very least..but 4 quarters would be good

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, Bombay Airconditioning said:

    Can’t wait, my wife and I are flying in from Sydney. My mate and his partner who are Pies supporters are flying in from Perth. I was at a bbq last Saturday explaining this to league supporters and they just couldn’t get….

    AFL  is the greatest game in the world, and we’ll be watching the oldest football club in the world play at the greatest sporting stadium. Hopefully back in another couple of weeks to see them hold the cup aloft.

    Lesgue tickets are so accessible come finals, says a lot really.

    League is "as tough as" but with a limited skill set compared to AFL.

    But gee it's brutal

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  6. 32 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

    well if you can remember back to the kb game you may find reason to be optimistic

    Perhaps, but my other intuition is that they were short DeGoey and several others( yeah Daicos I know) and two theoretically equal sides tend to trade victories.

    I know Pies fans who are nervous about this game .

    Hopefully it is good entertainment 

  7. 39 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

    guess you won't be going then?

    Actually I have a place ready to go in the 50 years member section.

    The point is that calling it by stats is why David King gets it wrong so often.

    I'm intuiting from what I've seen watching live as well as on Kayo 

    Both teams..the advantage of MCC membership. 

    I may be completely wrong of course


  8. 11 minutes ago, Deebauched said:

    I didnt mean it in the context of populaity just the fact its another golden oldie band from a foreign country. We cant do better?

    We could just have some peace and quiet

    There's far too much / quite enough noise already

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  9. On 9/4/2023 at 11:43 AM, ElDiablo14 said:

    Had a quick dip on the Collingwood BF.

    They are saying we are the most overrated 4th placed team of all time!

    All those nuffies can't understand why the media rates us so highly... Maybe it's because we are the only team in the top 8 with recent premiership success? 

    Or Maybe it's because we are the only team that has finished in the top 4 in the last 3 seasons?

    God I hope we smash them and win by 60!!

    You are talking about the ' Land definition of a "dynasty" then?

    We all want to win by 60  but the Dogs arnt playing

  10. 36 minutes ago, Lucifers Hero said:

    I reckon the 'we lose in wet weather' is being overplayed on here.

    I can't recall all the wet weather games we have lost this year but the ones that stand out are

    • vs Ess- we stuffed up our preparation and travel.
    • vs GWS - kicking for goal was atrocious.  A rare mistake by Lever allowed Kelly to kick a freak 60m goal just before the siren.
    • vs Port - we nearly won on one good quarter of football with Oliver playing it out injured.

    They aren't excuse.  We lost.  We wear it.  But I'd be careful of extrapolating that to the stress levels on here about it raining on Thursday night.

    Anyway, what is a few mm of rain at the G which has excellent drainage and with a mild wind blowing during the day/evening.  

    If it is damp it will favour us.  Pies rely on fast, slick ball movement.  We do not. 

    Whatever the conditions we have this.

    Yeah but they have crumbers at every contest and others waiting off the pack to move it on

    MFC has Kossi chasing screamers  and mids kicking it to packs  with no marking forwards

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  11. 9 hours ago, IRW said:

    Out injured?

    This September or next?

    ps TMac is also likely to be out injured...this game or next.

    Yeah it's obscure. 

    Grundy is an AA footballer currently on the MFC list.

    TMac imo is about 2 games away from another career ending injury and Gawn is too old to return from any serious knee / leg injury to any real level. 

    Why get rid of Grundy?

    It's only a matter of time before they need him or someone like him, and sooner rather than later.

    Find a way to make it work ffs

    • Like 4
  12. 15 hours ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Who's he replacing first up?

    Weather wise it's leaning towards being a wet Thursday night game, so already I'm putting a line through his name. His last performance under slippery conditions against Carlton was sub par hence Goody dropped him the following week.

    I know Goody has said he's in the mix but to be honest I think that's his way of wanting to deflect from all the Grundy talk as he's obviously sick of it being brought up every week.

    Imo they'll choose McDonald and only way Grundy plays September is if Gawn is out injured.


    Out injured?

    This September or next?

    ps TMac is also likely to be out injured...this game or next.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Deebauched said:

    What .  Are you in the media?

    Grundy came bursting in when a dirty Richmond player drove his knee into JVR on the ground after taking a mark. Tossed the young punk aside.

    He was also involved in a few other scrapes with opponents when teams were sizing us up. Silly them!   Grundy loved it.

    Grundy is a Dee so keep him.

    It was always a risky decision but dumping him for anything less than a golden opportunity to get a big marking  foward( no knocks on the 192 cm JVR competing with Kossi in flying from behind the pack) or a better pick than MFC got him for  ( 1st rounder please)  would be  DUMB..getting even DUMBER.

    Meanwhile, changing the thread title might be a sensible idea



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  14. On 8/29/2023 at 3:39 PM, Willmoy1947 said:

    Glad you owned up.

    Once I got over his previous Club I have been  regular fan on here and the old Ology.

    As someone noted above...footskills when no one seemed to think them a relevant skill.

    Certainly not the school children on here

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  15. 3 minutes ago, praha said:

    People saying the outcome doesn't matter.

    We have to and should win. Regardless of other outcomes. We need to go into games against Brisbane or Collingwood with a win. A loss just gives them added mental benefit. Need to shut down the crowds early and quickly.

    I have always imagined that the good teams always expect and play to win.

    Sensible supporters likewise. 

    It's not that difficult to understand. 

    After losing the team look for positives and supporters can please themselves

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  16. 51 minutes ago, Watson11 said:

    And Geelong are currently sitting at draft pick 8. Win this week and it is guaranteed pick 10. Lose and could be pick 6.  But nothing to see with half the team booked in for early surgeries or injured including Hawkins and Cameron.


    Seems fair to me .

    • Haha 1
  17. I reckon Cornes is good value; he knows exactly what he's doing and that its what he is employed to do.

    This is SEN after all ..Schwarta was a lovable "duffer" ,not a debate starter.

    King has created his schtik by pretending games are predictable by stats.

    Whately seems to think he's doing some sort of  post doctoral analysis..of a suburban footy comp and that he can  present horse racing as a sport for the intelligentsia!Hes the most colourless "voice of reason" in a colourful sh#t fight.


    Off SEN you have BT, Robbo and Matty Lloyd....I mean they make Cornes look insightful and entertaining 

    Caro has surrendered her outrage spot to Kane and is quickly becoming irrelevant. 

    As long as Daisy Pearce is doing the gameday comments live to air...they all are exposed as useless boys club "wanna bes:





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  18. 2 hours ago, Jaded No More said:

    Gees we are in a good spot. Not one player on this list who I will lose sleep over. 
    Hibbo will retire and I reckon Melksham will get one year deal. 
    The rest are a wait and see. My guess is JJ goes, we possibly rookie AMW, and the rest get delisted with Schache potentially getting another year if Grundy goes and we can’t find another ruck backup. 

    Yeah but we have to carry BBB and TMac which is frankly ( unfortunately) a waste of 2 places..

    The best scenario is 12 games between them and only 6 of them any good


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