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Everything posted by Demoneyes

  1. Yes, great news. Now to win some bloody games with the bald headed warrior crunching the packs as always! May open a nice red tonight to celebrate for something completely different!
  2. Great effort in December. Can't do it myself as it is the season to be jolly....well pizzed! Good stuff that MS!
  3. I think you need to go and make another bad movie RB
  4. Not going anywhere. Have had a lot on my plate. None of those in my case but some drinkable types, doing my best!
  5. I have a few mates around Beaumaris Brian. Is it still available?
  6. Changing the subject just a little, just received a nice case of Barossa reds. Gonna have a good time tonight!
  7. All I can say D'Ox is that my mate says that everything is positive and progressing well between MFC and Nate. If not before Xmas more than likely in the New year, but tells me we have nothing to worry about! Merry Xmas
  8. My thoughts too! I have to say though that you couldn't be more dedicated than that! Through all the pain and misery with only a few highlights and then more misery.... hang on, that sounds like my first marriage!
  9. Don't worry, they will win. I won't be picking us! Thought you'd be out with the crew tonight HH? Hope they are not at thew Wong Restaurant!
  10. There was only one of them and I think that is more than enough!
  11. Everything I drink is decent! Tonight its a nice Baileys of Glenrowan shiraz. Not old but lovely full mouth feel
  12. Fantastic info. But hope you get a job soon...after pre-season. Yes. I feel like we have won the premiership already! Hope is a wonderful thing at this time of year
  13. Okay. I think this subject is getting slightly fanciful!
  14. Reading your post again as if anyone could go past holding up the premiership cup? I think all the others would be forgotten by then!
  15. I believe you may see both picks 2 and 3 in round 1. My mate knows them both and says that you couldn't see 2 more competitive hard at it kids. Will be busting the doors down!
  16. Thanks but would prefer to watch grass grow!
  17. Exactly! its what happens on the field that counts. Apparently Sam mitchell doesn't do that well in time trials and beep tests either!
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