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The heart beats true

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Everything posted by The heart beats true

  1. I find that stadium impossible to get a feel for. The crowd never builds momentum. It’s just the occasional cheer - yet somehow I can hear every inane conversation happening around me. Terrible place for football.
  2. 11 goals to 5 from the 18 minute mark of the first quarter.
  3. Because we have the best defence in the game, and the most dominant forward on the ground. You are allowed to enjoy the game you know? There’s no law against it.
  4. I have a question… How many of you criticising that game went to the ground?
  5. It’s the worst stadium. No atmosphere, feels like you’re inside a basketball shed, and loud obnoxious music that does nothing to help with the atmos.
  6. After 2 weeks of wanting nothing more than to watch my team play in Melbourne there’s no way I’m missing the opportunity to go tonight. Show up. Shout.
  7. Nick Haynes as the sub? Wish they did that last week.
  8. I would have taken up this offer had I known! I brought a reserved seat for $60.
  9. Jokes on you Clint. I haven’t been invited to a party in years.
  10. I dunno about this theory. Popularity as a measure of success, versus the ultimate achievement. More people have seen Gangnam Style than Citizen Kane. More people own a One Direction album than Ok Computer, The White Album or Highway 61 Revisited. You get where I’m going here.
  11. What’s the expected crowd tonight? I need to know what time to arrange the driver.
  12. Collingwood memberships are still available for those of you who seem so keen.
  13. I had my money on Cox and Ginnivan.
  14. Good to see the Dogs have really worked on stopping teams from going out the front of centre bounces. Hasn't cost them games before...
  15. Paging the Demon Army @WalkingCivilWar Collingwood want to go from a point as quick as possible (usually from the ball bag behind the goals). If the ball comes into the cheer squad from a Demons point punch/throw it as far back onto the ground as possible. The umpire will stop the game to get the second ball off, and give us the crucial few seconds we need to structure up. Also... I got away with saying 'ball bag'. Cop that Demonland filters.
  16. Does channel 7 know not everyone barracks for Collingwood? This is worse than press Red for Ed.
  17. Yeah, but they are playing the game with the right spirit.
  18. Docklands makes teams look good - and causes they’re undoing on a real ground.
  19. I see the club is still selling GF guarantee memberships. Don’t be left out come September!
  20. I feel sorry for Tomlinson. I felt like last year he worked really hard to keep his head up. This year he got thrown to the wolves when May was out, and then he looked really good in his only game with both May and Lever in with him. He’s only human. I have a dummy spit when someone doesn’t rate me on Demonland (which to be fair my dummy spits are always justified. It’s not my fault I’m always right). I can’t imagine how I’d feel if it was my work, and so public.
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