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The heart beats true

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Everything posted by The heart beats true

  1. There is heaps of construction at Docklands, so hopefully it gets better. Add that to Spencer St road works and no trains running to the West of the city for a month and it took me 90 minutes to get home to Yarraville in an Uber. It might also explain why I was a tad antagonistic post game. Apologies @demon3165
  2. I hope your mum is doing well. I usually like a lot of your stuff on here so I’ll clarify what I was getting at. I specifically asked those being hyper critical if they went to the game. I was trying to ascertain if people who said we were ‘putrid’, or that it ‘felt like a loss’ actually were at the ground. None of them responded. I was trying to find out why people saw the game the way they did. Not one person responded or started a conversation that justified their criticism. I saw us work really hard, so I wanted to know how that wasn’t coming across on TV. I was being a tad sarcastic, but also trying to highlight that it seems perfectly ok to make wildly inappropriate comments about players, coaches and game plans, but somehow it’s not ok to ask where you watched the game from in order to understand what others saw that I didn’t? Anyway, I hope that gives some context to my point. 👍
  3. To be fair I think they tried to be daring early on and Steven May gobbled each one of them up. Maysy was brilliant last night.
  4. I think this need to be taken into account when understanding the emotional context it creates for supporters, particularly during our games. Last night was the first game I’d been to since Queens Birthday. I really enjoyed it, and greatly admired the effort and discipline of both teams players. I see the game really purely at the ground - meaning it’s not seen through the lens of someone whose barracking for another team, or whose employer sees more benefit in the other team winning. I saw the saints trying really hard and being fully committed, and I saw us rise to it and be cleaner, more skilful and more level headed. I just get annoyed watching the TV. We aren’t sexy and glamorous, we are disciplined and structured and organised. That’s not what TV wants, and so it works against us, and impacts our experiences and expectations.
  5. Neil, I just wrote a post about this. I was asking because the early posts in the post game thread are so negative and critical of players. I wanted the negative posters to know that the Saints brought a lot of effort, and we matched it and beat them. I think watching on the TV it’s sometimes difficult to see that effort and intensity, and so I asked the question. Interestingly nobody responded to the question except to take offence that it was even asked. I was asking because I wanted to have a dialogue about what I saw at the ground (which I really liked). I realise now the question wasn’t asked correctly if I was intending to actually get into a realistic conversation. That was a tough game, and I thought we were well drilled, and worked hard for each other. 👍
  6. I definitely felt like our press wasn’t as high. Its hard to tell if that was a result of a coaching adjustment, or if that’s how we want to defend on a dryer deck.
  7. Lol. Never said that. I asked about attending the game because the first pages of these threads are so incredibly negative. I hate watching on the TV, as you get a very one dimensional perspective on the game - which is further influenced by mediocre commentary. St Kilda brought a lot of heat and should be given credit, and that was very evident at the ground. I also thought our defensive running and structure was very good last night, and our ability to absorb pressure was outstanding. You can’t see that in a tight contest shot on the TV. The first pages of this thread are a a lot of comments focussed on ‘fumbles, and mistakes’ when that’s the inside contest game we are literally trying to create with our hard running and team defensive work. None of that you can see on TV.
  8. Why is it so easy to hear so much happening around you at that stadium, yet the whole place has no collective atmosphere? It’s bizarre.
  9. The last kick for goal was right in front of me. He looked straight at me, but didn’t gesture or do anything after it sailed through. He just maintained eye contact. I can only assume he was transfixed by my beauty. It’s ok Christian. You’re only human.
  10. I was sitting on the opposite side of the race from the DA tonight. Clarry stood in the race in the last quarter, and some loser near me started yelling out about buying drugs from him. I went directly to the security and got him kicked out. I thought of @Clintosaurus straight away, because I feel like this really proves why I don’t get invited to parties! 🥳🤣 The way some people treat public figures is a disgrace. I’d never want someone in my family to have to endure the garbage they have to tolerate.
  11. Jeremy McGovern is on $1.2 million and has played 4 games for the year. Koz is fine.
  12. Sorry Kev, I missed this at the ground? Petty was subbed out with concussion protocols?
  13. Riiiggggggghhhhhhhhhhtttttttt? Theres a lot of ‘from my couch the players look lazy’ going on.
  14. Ok, I’ll help… ’Wow (comma) that’s an amazing answer (full stop). (Capital G to announce a new sentence) Guess you agree with me then (full stop). (Capital G again for another new sentence) Good another convert (full stop - you got this one right, good job!). Hope that helps. Let me know if you need a hand.
  15. In - Supporters. It’s been a month since we had a G game. Get to the ground. Help the players build momentum and belief. It really makes a difference.
  16. I find that stadium impossible to get a feel for. The crowd never builds momentum. It’s just the occasional cheer - yet somehow I can hear every inane conversation happening around me. Terrible place for football.
  17. 11 goals to 5 from the 18 minute mark of the first quarter.
  18. Because we have the best defence in the game, and the most dominant forward on the ground. You are allowed to enjoy the game you know? There’s no law against it.
  19. I have a question… How many of you criticising that game went to the ground?
  20. It’s the worst stadium. No atmosphere, feels like you’re inside a basketball shed, and loud obnoxious music that does nothing to help with the atmos.
  21. After 2 weeks of wanting nothing more than to watch my team play in Melbourne there’s no way I’m missing the opportunity to go tonight. Show up. Shout.
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