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The heart beats true

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Everything posted by The heart beats true

  1. The umpiring has been horrific this quarter. Completely inconsistent.
  2. Thanks for these updates Katrina. 👌
  3. I just saw JJ on the red carpet on the clubs instagram.
  4. Ghost are playing at John Cain Arena tonight. I was driving down Olympic Boulevard and all of sudden it looked like Halloween, but with mostly middle aged men in too much make up. It’s been a weird week.
  5. That’s weird. I’m convinced @JimmyGadson and Eeyore are the same person. I can’t read your posts without doing the voice Jimmy!
  6. This. Regardless of what happens I will always love him as a player. He literally changed our club.
  7. I just want to officially be on the record, and have written it down somewhere, that there’s a lot of talk about the work Collingwood have done with De Goey floating about - as if he’s suddenly been cured. I’m not buying it.
  8. That doesn’t stand. He’s never played a game of football at the top level.
  9. The Oliver story is classic click bait. ’Clubs are weighing up whether to make a play…’ - so no club named, no details at all. This is designed to get a huge players name out there and a photo attached to drive clicks. Don’t believe me? Go check out AFL.com right now. Front page - Clarry.
  10. I think I was just interested if anything had been reported except the confirmation of the ACL, and then what that means for a timeline. It was round 24, and someone more knowledgeable about these things might know, but isn’t the usual rehab almost 12 months exactly?
  11. Anyone know if he’s doing the standard ACL route, and what his timeline looks like?
  12. I reckon they will. The AFL will quietly change the rules this offseason so that incident can never happen again. Just like the Cripps fiasco. We feel disappointed, but that’s part of the journey. It’ll make it so much sweeter when we get what we all want. Theres no justice in the world - so you’ve just got to dance when it’s your turn to dance. I hated how our season ended, but we are still the best team to support, have the best supporters, and play at easily the best ground.
  13. Yep, he’s definitely a Collingwood supporter, and doesn’t even pretend he isn’t. He’s the same bell end that said De Goey was only a ‘split second’ late when he knocked out that Eagles player - even though he had time to run past the ball, jump, and shoulder charge him in the head AFTER he got rid of the ball. I wish the media had some bite. You can’t have such overt bias in legal decision making. It’s opening the AFL up to a mass of future claims. I hope they get sued into oblivion and someone else takes over the game.
  14. I don’t hate Thursday night games. Admittedly I have no children, and work for myself and set my own schedule, so I’m onboard if they play games on Wednesday mornings. I’ll still go. Work is for suckers.
  15. We feel hard done by as Melbourne supporters, which I think we are entitled to feel in terms of a lot of things not going our way. The Carlton disallowed goal that cost us a home final against an interstate team, the horror show of Angus’ concussion and the subsequent selling of players health for ratings, and the disappointment of killing our on field chances again with an issue that’s been an issue for a painfully long time. I will say that this kind of disillusionment and disappointment was almost my entire experience of being a long term Melbourne supporter up until 2 years ago. I guess the upside is it’s nice to know that things can actually get better.
  16. Yeah fair enough. I don’t doubt that Collingwood deserved the flag, and Bobby Hill was the player of not just that game, but that entire finals series. I think my expectations had more to do with the way Brisbane usually score. They have a lot of very dynamic forwards, so I probably expected more magic from them.
  17. Here’s an interesting stat. 2 of the last 3 premiers have gone from 17th to a Premiership in 2 seasons.
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