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Bad Demon Pun

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Posts posted by Bad Demon Pun

  1. Wow that actually is good news. I wonder how much Howe is on. On output ATM you'd give him around 250,000 but on the potential of becoming something great and stopping other clubs from poaching him you have wonder what we're paying him.

  2. It's interesting that he's listed as having the exact same dimesions as Howe and Howe doesn't seem fragile at all. Though some people are simply more brittle and injury prone than others despite their body size. Jack Grimes being the template for fragile players.
  3. Only a bad tradesman blames his tools.

    Our team is as good as any.

    FB: Nicholson, Garland, Rivers

    HB: Watts, Frawley, Grimes

    C: Trengove, Jones, Blease

    HF: Sylvia, Jurrah, Howe

    FF: Davey, Clark, Green

    Fol: Jamar, Moloney, Mckenzie

    int: Martin, Tapscott, Mcdonald, Pettered, Jetta, Bail, Dunn, Strauss, Sellar, Morton Gysberts, Bennell, Bartram.

    This is a pretty talented list. One that should make the finals.

    Stop blaming the tools or injuries. Start looking at the real problem.

    Are you serious? Do you see a single player on this list that rotates through our midfield who on a regular basis gest 25+ possessions and delivers that ball with skill and nous consistently? Nathan Jones gos all right and we all hope Trengrove has what it takes. After those 2 I'm struggling for names. Morton simply no. Blease will need to take a quantum leap with his fitness, as great as he looks when he does have the ball. Tapscott's an interesting one, but I haven't really seen any signs he'd make a top liner. I've run out of names and please god don't mention Bail or Bennel.

  4. If he was a year or 2 younger he'd be a perfect fit in my humble opinion. He demands the ball is and is an elite kick. So what if HBF is one of the easiest positions to play, if you play the position as well as he does, so what?

  5. Here's a thing. Is it Bruces fault that towards the twighlight of his time at Melbourne he was being overpaid? Clubs have to pay 92.5% of their salary cap. Would people have preferred the money going to a lazy Yze or some other even flakier player. We obvioulsly don't have any current stars and Davey finds himself being grossly overpaid. Is that his fault ? I'll always fondly remember shouting "Cameron the Bruce" at the MCG as a kid and whilst he did in later years master the hospital handpass he was consistently a B+ player with occasional moments of brilliance and for that I salute him.

  6. We are screaming out for a pure footballer or two. By that I simply mean players that always take the right option and nearly always executes to perfection (see Simon Black, Lenny Hayes or Luke Hodge). Simply having even one player on our list that fits into this category would give others a bar to measure themselves against and to highlight how woefully inept many off them are. We simply don't have an A grade player for others to measure themselves against. Trengrove makes relatively good decisions but simply doesn't get enough of it and Grimes work one on one is exemplary but once the ball hits his foot it's more often embarrassing. Mitch Clarke has been aggressive and decisive, but we are screaming out for a footballers footballer to raise the bar in the midfield. I personally feel we don't have enough players with good football brains.

  7. Everything I hate about football is is on display currently as a result of this Richmond incident. Seriously it's one thing to be passionate about football but the over analysis of the game, purification of players lives and expectations that players behave like robotic saints is getting ridiculous. Yup, they screwed up. They're kids. They didn't beat anyone up or even cause a public scene. They missed a training session. Roughly a quarter of the people denigrating them are probably repressed borderline alcoholics. So what if they both got blasted and took a few sleeping pills. This is hardly a black day for football or even the Richmond football club.

    • Like 1
  8. Bail wont be going anywhere.

    Why pray tell do you say this with such authority? Does he play a specific role with great aplomb ? Does he play consistently with hardness and decisiveness or with natural flair and skill? He's averaged less than 13 possessions a game this year and it's his fourth year on our list. I'd say he is and should be far from safe.

    • Like 1
  9. I say go after Leroy Jetta at the end of the year. He's on track for 30 goals this year, is young, fast, averages 4 tackles a game, a couple of goal assists, and with Alwyn Davey in good form and salary cap pressure might just be squeezed out if we'd offer a late first round or early second round pick.

  10. The ox was my favourite player as a lad, but as a commentator he is an embarrassment. I remember watching a game a few years ago when he was doing "special" comments for television and I was actually convinced that he'd recently had a stroke or at the very least alcohol induced brain damage. Every comment he made seemed to either make no sense or contradict itself. The other commentators were stumped as to what to say every time he finished a sentence. Did I hallucinate this?

  11. On the money assessment bar one "Frawley - just a shadow"... Drop the just and yes he was indeed Clokes Shadow. Considering the quality ball coming in from the likes of Side Bottom, Beams and Swans restricting the big man to a couple of goals and one contested mark isn't a bad day at the office.

  12. Impressive again today. 24 disposals across half back. 7 marks. Reads the play beautifully.

    I say leave him there and let him build up confidence as a league player.

    Couldn't agree more. Leave him back and as long as young Mcdonald keeps performing refresh Garland as a forward.

  13. By definition Schadenfreude is a German term meaning to take joy in others displeasure and a Roman holiday translates to roughly the same thing. National holidays in ancient Rome consisted of taking the kids to the arena buying them a dubious looking piece of goat on a stick and then spending a good part of the day watching men kill each other. My question to the masses is can you personally still actually go to a demons game and enjoy yourself? I found myself having this drunken debate with a fellow demons supporter at a bar last night with the resolution was yes yes you can, but you have to be a sadist. So the term Schadenfreude needs to become mien (my in German) Schadenfreude or my own Roman Holiday as a rough translation "taking joy in your own displeasure". I work 50-60 hours a week and appear to be genetically pre disposed to be genuinely grumpy. Do I really need to try and wring some happiness or joy from our weekly spanking? In theory it would be nice but the only way to actually enjoy a demons game as a spectacle and not feel miserable at the final siren is to treat the whole things as a farce. Next time you see Morton running down the wing only to kick it out of bounds with no pressure, laugh. Jamar taps the ball directly to an opponent, smile and not approvingly. Molony pulls the old don't argue only to get gang tackled and pinged for holding the ball, cackle like a mad old witch and when some buck toothed opposition supporter informs you in colourful language that your team isn't worth their dental plan sagely agree with them and compliment them on the astute observations. Will I be at the game tonight, you bet, just look for the demons supporter with a big blond beard grinning from ear to ear and laughing like a mad man.

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  14. Could delisting rookie-listing Cook be a viable option? Hasn't shown anything special but may need to be afforded more time

    Woa there tiger. A little early to be pulling the plug on him just yet. He's a skinny young key position who's been injured. Besides kicking 5 goals in a half for the VFL ressies there hasn't been much to write home about him but he's hardly been able to string more than a few games together through no real fault of his own. I think you'd shatter his confidence if you rookie listed him in his 3rd year. That or it'd be the making of him... ?

  15. I think Rivers is an interesting one. He never became that All Australian centre half back we were hoping for in his early playing days and despite being maligned for being slow and not capable of racking up a big possession count has proven that he can perform fairly consistently as a pure old school defender. Considering the amount of quality ball that's been assaulting out backline recently he's stood tall in most peoples opinions. On the flip side if Tom Mcdonald keeps improving Rivers may outlive his use and end up taking the position of someone who can actually use the ball which is what our backline is screaming for. He's out of contract at the end of the year and if he could be traded to a team that's in finals contention (though lacking a key tall) ie Hawthorn for a skilful midfielder I think it would a win win deal for all parties.

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