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Everything posted by dpositive

  1. Wholegrain bread I hope to enhance the nutritional benefits of the peanut butter and banana combination. Like a good team the attributes of each individual component needs to be recognised and enriched with an appropriate combinbation of different yet complementary values. With the right strategy I could see that this could become the match day supplement to put MFC ahead of the rest just like Hirdy and essendun OH Wait..........
  2. Not quite the same league Sorry to divert you but I was in a state of near exhaustion and was playing with a new technology tablet (not the Essendon type) while the cycling race (LA Vuelta) was on in the background Orica do resonante as doing many things well and I include the latest, (a quote from one of the cyclists re-signing for another season "The team spirit is the most important thing for me. It’s a team full of fighters. We don’t have a lot of riders on paper who can win big races, but we’re always there. In the team’s first year, people didn’t think we’d get results because we didn’t have a lot of big names, but we did. That’s because of the team spirit.” This is an Australian team including other nationalities which has indeed exceeded expectations As I said MFC could do well to observe their practicesa
  3. MFC could do worse than watch LA Vuelta and emulate the culture and character of the Orica Green edge team
  4. Good on you and scoop for extending the demon support line I always enjoy your comments and can remember seeing Scoop jnr on the land Congrats for the marriage and may there be many more demons to come They can even support liverpool if they want
  5. Not sure about the well coached strategically. Certainly an improvement and some flexibility but watts in defence in last quarter when suns kicked around him and we needed someone to finish in the front end was an obvious fail. On the other hand the treatment on Ablett rotations and constant niggling by all players was a master coaching tactic. At least and at last some positive signs
  6. Im enjoying reading all the comments as I dont get to see many games only the televised highlights. Did go to QB and was surprised at Toumps size as on this site he was described as small. I did think he was underutilised and thought this may have been the coach . pleased to see he shown a little more last week and I reckon he will become a very good player when he adjusts to the requirements of this level. As others are saying he is only 5 games into the business I dont expect him to dominate every game just yet.
  7. For a moment there I thought it read banana beard So many possibilities
  8. Your lucky to have that much technology option We were recently the centre of more lightning strikes and even my steam powered system was put out of action. Telstra Repair date was given by my supplier as 26 April so I was not a happy camper. I rang to say as I had no internet facility I couldnt arrange payment of my Telstra telephone account. Miraculously the fault was fixed by 5.00 that night ensuring access to Demonland. My supplier (not Telstra) was equally astounded. We do have the occasional victory over the grander forces so dont despair
  9. AAHHH we must be getting closer to footy and further from the tank Enjoyed the banter I did have the tanking conversation with the squash crew last night I used Rpfc line that we are the only club to have been proven not to tank and it was worth the 500 for that. The essendon supporters leading the conversation were already into the AFL and its bloody hopeless management and they shut up as soon as said my bit. Thanks again Rpfc restored respect
  10. Id have thought giving your doc your "ring" would be enough Wouldnt involve an acronym or you could end up with an 800 page report 18 months of inuendo before being found not guilty but having to outlay $500K
  11. Brilliant. Confirms my self diagnosis of others far more able than myself. And no one likes a tla or fla more than me .
  12. Almost too cryptic for me Dc/ err on the deliberatly unthinking side. I do have a reputation for BS although I think it is undeserved. Am working on my deliberation being too slow and my thinking too irrational so may have to consider freudian reference to add a degree of pseudo legitimacy
  13. It is. Although it is also the noB$ thread and I would be devasted if that was enforced
  14. Am really appreciating this travelogue. Hope that your efforts to restore the reputations of all involved in the sordid tale are rewarded. (restoring does not imply only improving) I am confident that we have the most able and determined representatives undertaking this task. Only the obvious talent that is being exposed through Dland reporting will resolve the greatest threat to life as we know it. continued expose will make Dland compulsory reading for any journalist, sportsperson, politician needing to retain a link to reality. What will the Sydney perspective on Melbourne tanking be??? The next gripping episode promises so much! Lets hope that unlike the Wilson inspired fairytale it can deliver.
  15. What a delight WJ I trust the cruise continues for some time! Seems to be developing into a case of "Wheres Wally" .
  16. I doubt that Hef could have the stimulating conversation likely in your company (if this thread and site is anything to go by) and while his much publicised life has had its highlights I am sure they are all proportional to those you have had. We can all conentrate on what we have not what we wished we had or what others have and we can progress. I unfortunately do not have the pleasure of your company but then you are not enjoying a swim in my pool. Its a bloody great life and the Dees will have some sort of a year. Dont get me started on "living" on $35 a day either
  17. Thought I responded to this post and all went blanck Eggnog??? Fire????? Normal???? I must be in a parrallel universe its so bloody hot here. Perhaps need to bunker down and watch a different replay to see that demon flag In the meantime wish all on Dland a happy festive season with a great new year I think we are due for one .....it must be happeneing somewhere...lets hope the reality bus takes us there.
  18. Did the world end? AmI still alive or am I in some parallel dimension where the opposite of reality exists?? And if so why didnt Melbourne win the flag and sydney tank?? Its all too much!!!
  19. I prefer this thread so little B$
  20. had a visit from fellow D supporter and after consuming most of the Woewodin celebratory port he had brought, we solved quite a few problems of the world and agreed that the dees give us reason to hope. Even felt ok the next day recommend the woewodin port.
  21. Bananas @$1.99 here could Moloneys indicated move to the Lions impact on the balance of trade from the banana republic Is there likely to be wholesale market (of the fruit variety) movement to cater for the economic shifts arising from the move. The Banana led recovery could be in full swing assisted by recipes such as the above to be included in the series of AFL endorsed magazines devoted to diet and performance enhancing natural substances. Leveraging off the controversy of Lance Armstrong ("the king of doping") AFL sees that they can engage with a new demographic to spread their reach. MFC is well positioned with an array of under developed body types to promote the potential and future of such aides. Can MFC benefit from this exposure as Morton Cook etc bulk up or move out! opps sorry Got a bit carried away and distracted even myself Banana excitement can do that!!!!
  22. Maybe we have to use this as incentive to our existing list. To get the rewards you have to lift your game. Who will step up to be our Wellingham, our Lynch, our Caddy or our Kennedy, our Ablett, our Swan Maybe an excellent thread for those who know the capabilities and talents to align them with the top brownlow voters or the top performers at other clubs. In spirit of my title I would only like to see this in a positive fashion as the humour would be to easy generate Jones = Chapman???Ablett??? has the motor the toughness the ball winning ability and even the hair style
  23. Bloody amazing Good ball handling skills and strong on both sides A lot of forward progress and still an emphasis on containment. It would appear some overindulgence with complexity to satisfy what could be analysed as a simple outcome. Has maybe some comparisons with our game. with the right tools and systems a consistent outcome can be expected. Even some of the randomness still achieves the required result. There is order in the chaos. Sorry just diverted into an old obsession.
  24. Gotta love this thread!!!!
  25. Dale Roberts seen making furtive entrances at some Claremont fashion boutique. Apparently looks great in a blazer! If we only had his current twitter contact we could see how this potential champion shapes up. Been told he is the type that Neeld likes. Hard at it no compromise player. Has the ability to remain hidden in the contest until he bursts free making something out of nothing. With his alleged aerobic capacity can play forward back or on the side. Would be prepared to bleed red and blue if necessary Too much????
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