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Everything posted by dpositive

  1. Need to start a new thread on this bloke He has only potential now that the glandular fever is under control Not only left foot which was why Hawks had him marked for attention but has elite figures on beep test at a west Coast footy clinic apparently they told him to avoid official contacts from Afl to fly under the radar a bit. Did have a reputation as a party boy and his twitter activities were conducted under some obscure name to avoid the obvious media attention hence the rep for singing apparently very strong in the contest due to great core strength and his cycling history had him with aerobic capacity equal to Indurain. Has been reported that he wants to become a one club player just like his dad. Apparently minor negative is that DB has shown interest in him for Adelaide which may deter a lot of Melb supporters. Rookie for mine nothin to lose
  2. Given the eclectic mix of this site thought I,d throw in a snippet Bloke in town who have had many conversations with about many matters but not footy saw me in my car today and noticed my Demons scarf (I know tragic isnt it??) Says "follow the dees do you" yes "I played 7 games with em" says Barry Hodges "Billy Barrott was taken off me in myonly memorable game" Didnt have the physiology capacity to make it at league level but did move to Port lincoln Same colours as DEES and made the team of the century there. Is now in Beechworth and gauranteed some more refined discussions on the higher order intellectual matters such as wether moloney should be traded or spencer perservered with OR maybe Ill just continue the existing friendship and discuss matters usely contained on this thread such as race results olympics etc?
  3. Just a thought on Injuries I could just be ducking for cover on the culture research Could it be that injuries are an outcome of how the game is played YES obviously BUT Do teams that receive more protection from the umpires reflected from the awarding of free kicks have a better injury rate than than those receiving less free kicks. If you play tackle or are tackled poorly does this produce injuries or are there more injuries occurring because of overextension etc. Perhaps our high injury count is because our younger smaller less developed body types are being smashed by older larger better developed body types. Can improved umpire protection restrict some injuries? It may require access to obscure statistics (where is stan from stradbroke when you need him)
  4. "What doesnt kill you makes you stronger" Neitsche??????
  5. So thats whats wrong with Cherries these days If I could only find that I blame Jack Watts thread now
  6. Good point JM but even pain can be positive.
  7. Have enjoyed all on this post even if the topic may have beeen derailed sometimes Keep up the banter it does divert from some of the more painful aspects of supporting the DEES.
  8. I thoght the throwing the tv bit was avery amusing lighthearted comment on what is obviously a divisive issue for Demon supporters. I suppose no player has ever made a mistake in the pressure of a match nor received a spray from the coach coz so many think this is unusual I must have been at too many matches and watched too much footy and I cant remember the perfect game played by anyone. \Its the mistakes; How you handle them, how you learn from them and how you develop from them thats more important. Wether Morton reads this or the article is probably less important than how he develops from it I saw him do some good things some ordinary things some hopeless things He wasnt alone. Why and How these acts occurred will need some reflection but he needs to concentrate on the good things and keep them coming I have been ambivalent on Morton and others but Crikey Id love to see the bloke play to his max more often coz I too reckon he just might have it.
  9. I was there at the time and it is still too raw to objectively remember. It seems as others have said more a takeover of the Hawks but the process being undertaken effectively meant the powerbrokers (the suits) treated the members with some disdain and certainly communications were not transparent. The vote tampering which was a perceived as legitimate was part of the arrogance displayed and when statements that "we had looked everywhere for sponsors and had nowhere else to go" was responded to by Joe Gutnick stating "you did not ask me" there was a palpable air of mistrust. While I have no doubt the intention of the board was to ensure MFC survival it was survival as they saw it not as was apparent for the majority of supporters Brian Dixon and the Gutnick camp may have lost the vote but won the court of public opinion. The fashion that JIm used in getting the club revitalised was a direct contradiction. Seeking and getting the involvement in a publicised fashion of all members and supporters. Democracy rather than a benevolent patriachial dictatorship. I hope we do not see the demise of Melbourne but believe we will need to have some on field success to maintain our relevance to the next generation of supporters.
  10. Just consider given the diversity of opinion What would the consideration been if Melbourne had won by 4 points despite Mortons and everyone elses blunders I would like to think a similar response but in the context that we won the game but there are still things that we need to do better and perhaps we would be congratulating Morton for the successful things he did including running down and turning a goal into a point
  11. Lots of good stuff here showing the complexity of the issue. I remember discussing Ben with Jim when Ben was up for trade. I proposed that Ben could represent a positive story to MFC using some of the experience and resources of Reach to contribute in a positive fashion. Jim said something along the lines of he is an addict and unfortunately his situation will end in disaster which the MFC and Reach do not want to associate with. Of course he hoped for the best and wished ben every success but felt it more appropriate and worthwhile to put energy into more positive and winnable causes. THank goodness he did. I often thought of these comments and witnessed Jims consistency in applying himself. I feel proud to be influenced by Jim and try in my insignificant way to emulate the passion and compassion he displayed. I also think no ill of Ben and feel strangely sorry for him.
  12. First post after months of following a lot of the discussions as observer. I am not rooted to the past but am old enough to have my memories which is what inspired me to be a demon supporter. I am also progressive enough to hope that we can go on to even better success. We may as well look as professional as we need to be and if the blazer "for special events" with personal highlights added displays a professional approach great. Asnoted above is part of branding of club and can forge greater engagement and hopefully attraction for next generations.
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