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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. As always,it's the inner city elite,the fourth estate ,and the intellectuals (the bourgeoisie ) that caused all the problems.
  2. Redleg- Marie Antoinette actually said" let them eat brioche" . The peasants were revolting.
  3. You've missed my point entirely, no doubt clouded by your personal and emotive narrative. One point does not make the other untrue, or true. Life is more complex than that- as I'm sure you know.
  4. Fake News sells . Collingwood and Essendrug fans lap it up! At least there has never been one factually incorrect statement made here.Not one.
  5. Jon Ralph is the type of guy to bet $100 on Black Caviar for the place. he never gets it right and he belongs on SEN for that. mid season there will be a few who try to get on the Demons bandwagon but I hope not too many. the Pharisees and oracles never saw the Bulldogs coming, never saw Leicester,Cronulla,Brexit or Trump. glad to be under rated at this stage of the year. we will finish fourth or higher in my opinion.
  6. The stats are ridiculous ,particularly the sexual harassment claims in the workforce which are a gold mine for women contemplating"settling down", the stats are admittedly skewed by Aboriginal culture ,which has ancient laws and a seperate system of punishments not comparable to western culture yet they are handily thrown in for white ribbon day. weak policing is as much to blame for these figures if we are honest.
  7. The family courts have ruined men's lives in the past few decades with ridiculous rulings in terms of custody and asset dispersal after divorce. There is no doubt that in an attempt to placate the feminist lobby ,our court system have used an uneven hand . hopefully the courts are now able to recognise the damage done to perfectly decent men who have divorced their wives. lets remember some women are violent,aggressive,domineering ,verbally and physically abusive toward their spouses and children and importantly, very , very capable of lying to the court. we cannot discuss white ribbon day in the one hand and suicide prevention on the other as if they are totally seperate issues. men have been forced to give custody and assets away when their earning capacity is assumed to be more resilient. women are more likely to gain acceptance into uni, earn more in their twenties,and graduate. they are also just as likely to break their marriage vows in this day and age. The Sir Walter Raliegh treatment of the Australian and British courts has led to a latch key generation of kid without dads in their lives due to punitive judgements made on automatic formulas . Surely each case must be judged on its merits. Feminism was supposed to be about achieving equality. it achieved much more than that. it achieved positive discrimination and so called "affirmative action" targets, a weak willed society of limp confused boys who've never known a father,high drop out rates at uni for men who politicall didn't fit,a wipe out of the trades and technology sector in favour of feminist studies and other rot . knock on effects of having greater female participation in the workforce have killed off industrial staples and innovation. Doubled mortgages in 15 years because they can(banks),and caused a crisis in child care . not only has there been an over reach of feminism in western society , in which women have achieved the same levels of sexual promiscuity as men, an 80% increase in divorce rates since 1970,and the sexualisation of teenage girls through an imagined "sexual power",it has lead to many men simply not being interested in marriage ,having seen the power disparities played out live before them. Meanwhile this same Marxist indoctrination has done little to irradicate the real inequalities existent in Muslim countries,India,Africa and societies struggling to battle out of an agrarian based existence,concentrating merely on an extension of girl power in the more advanced countries instead. how many men lose jobs so a woman can pursue her course for 12 hours a week? Real jobs lost for dilettante students. i think it's time western women look to emancipating their Muslim sisters but of course that's left to western men who die in places like Iraq and Afghanistan for women's rights under an archaic theology not even western men would support. forced marriage, genital mutilation, child infanticide,polygamy,domestic slavery- last time I heard its a Muslim problem- not caused by western men but you would not know it because it doesn't fit the media narrative. As my father said- if men were meant to raise children they would have been born with breasts- the real oppression is in ideological fallacy that diminishes a mans right to legal recourse for access to his children and his assets after divorce. well done feminism!!
  8. It will be a triumph of hope over adversity if she ever does manage to run.
  9. But he's a white male!!! How dare he get elected! The actors wii have to go back to acting in films now I suppose.
  10. Four days an no anti Donaldisms. Did the sky suddenly stop falling?
  11. Only when gay marriage gets rejected in the senate .
  12. Jimmy Stynes was a woeful trainer. If JW gives us on field brilliance every week I will be happy. Some guys just look more nonchalant than others on the track.
  13. Maybe the problem is that he gets a lot of goals In St Kilda but not necessarily against. He's one of our best 5 players. Pre-season is a place to have a look at the best trainers. It's a mild warning shot to JW-nothing more. He will play for sure.
  14. The sooner we go Nuclear the better. We're not running an alfalfa farm here-we've got perpetual students to light up so they can fight against their own governments, if they ever graduate.
  15. These Magazines wouldn't take government money if it was offered, unlike media produced by AF and the friendly folk at the ABC. But most charities ARE parasitic rorts.Set up by layabouts, for layabouts and spent in layabout countries. Beats ploughing it into government housing , transfer payments, immigration programs for taxi drivers, basket weaving for bhurkas and the other brilliant schemes the left adore.
  16. Don't pay any tax and give your money to a sensible and honest news outlet like Breitbart,Takimag,or The Spectator.
  17. My retirement plan is to [censored] the Gen Y and Millennials to exhaustion daily until they make me so rich I won't need super. Either that or start a laser tattoo removal chain/monopoly and charge excessive fees to remove the tough stickers everyone under 40 seems to have these days.
  18. Moon we all know you're an inner city trendy with chardonnay socialist views,crowding out the working classes with your over-priced ,over-renovated terrace house and 3 investment properties crammed full of unused "How to vote Green" cards and flyers but that doesn't give you the automatic right to pour scorn all over the simple country man with his rustic habits and poor hygiene. Although the estate has that "lived in, genteel poverty" type feel, it will be a good place for the orphanage,after the cellar is filled in and a liberal dose of anti-septic is applied. I realise most of the Calder highway has towns that should be bulldozed in any sane world but Romseyites view themselves as like the poor cousins Macedon and Gisborne never wanted. Not only that, it keeps the unwashed a safe distance from the CBD so you can enjoy your soy chai lattes without deserved ridicule.
  19. But he knows they are both as mad as cut snakes. I know Brent C personally-one of the funniest, wittiest and most well read men in Australia.Bonkers. Sam K I'm purely judging off the Lamb ads. Jack Watts is a top clubman and kids love him. I bet he will have a great year.
  20. My 2 cents on Tmac . He was woeful in his disposal at the beginning and gets better every year. Had a cracking start to 2016 and I'm sure he will improve again. In a pack situation when he gathers it he tends to burst into tacklers a fair bit but he has a good long (20-30m) handball. Has stopped using the long handball as much as he did but its not a bad trick to have from HB. Lots of players give away goals from a bad switch kick. At least we aren't hugging the boundary ,and we have the ability to score again quickly from the middle. We all hate to see a sh!tty kick get intercepted-it deflates us all which is why a longer, wider option is always better if the heat is on around the ball in play.
  21. What do you suggest we do Choke, besides a slow poisoning? I prefer to malign the younger generation-the Y lot ,or the the tattooed layabouts from the 90's. I'm a gen X er- the highest taxed,hardest working group in history. I've never had to fight a war and never known a depression or hunger. All I've known is huge industrial upheaval and uncertainty but I'm in a fairly bullet proof industry. Doesn't the term Boomers refer to those born from the post war period ?
  22. May I mention how lucky you are to have me back. I have been to a re-education program , in a dark room,isolated from society. The experience was both humbling and meditative, providing me with the opportunity to review the mistakes of others and reflect on them in an attempt to find forgiveness. "twas a dismal failure but but I managed to catch enough rats and bugs to sustain life.My usual opulent lifestyle requires periods of abstinence occasionally anyway. Sadly,I've noticed Bitters is back and has been his usual ungenerous self especially to poor old Special Robert.There will always be a broom cupboard for you at the Gat if you behave yourself SR. As some token gesture towards rehabilitation ,I have generously signed over the Romsey Manor to an Orphange in S/E Asia.BBO doesn't know it yet but I tucked the title away after my last luncheon there. It's in a better place.
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