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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. I know a few girls that love to put a team together and get on the carpet. Not sure if they would let you join in.
  2. Geelong is a an old warrior trying to maintain some semblance of a united team but the tigers.
  3. Exactly the same way i feel about Jim Morrison. if he learned how to inject himself safely he could have won the noble prize fro literature but instead he died in the bath . Unlike your unique aroma.
  4. Moving ,as I do ,in alcoholic circles,both physicaly and socially,i am hoping the Tigers win ,for those inner city types that retain some indiscretion and obnoxious behaviour. People from Geelong are too common to have any truck with.
  5. That kid has African hair and white skin. He will either have his moment in the sun or a bad hair day at some stage. I'm busy shampoo ing the rug in preparation for the next round of footy. Its a hair raising time for us all.
  6. I hear those cartoonists went and got a job at Charlie Hebdo after that. Batman and Robin were very melodramatic I must say .
  7. Batman operated outside the law when he massacred In the colony of Van Diemens Land. He had a deservedly horrible end to his life. His son drowned in the Yarra and his face fell off from syphillus. Victorian land was grabbed by squatters like him from Tas. He was reviled by most of society. Ripping down the statue of him will produce nothing good. Its plain old icon smashing. H can't judge us all by the actions of a few Georgian era Aristocrats and the white race can't alter the past. We can only tell it like it was.
  8. Yes- so therefore we must " de- colonise" and look at our " moral landscape".i.e vandalise public art. The next step is to burn the history books that we don't agree with. There is an aimless air of cultural revolution about such ridiculous ideas. It doesn't change the past or even the way the past is retold . British Australia was built on Rum,Sodomy and the lash.It was extremely violent and life was extremely harsh. The convicts didn't really want to be transported here either . 7 men were hanged as a result of the massacre you mentioned.
  9. Great because we constantly need the rules of racism spelt out to us and re-invented or else we fall behind in progressive nuanced micro-agrssions and other such new emergences as we get stuck in the boys club talking business.Sometime we get stuck at the club figuring out how to exclude people from the good jobs. The woman is an author, former journo who has released a book on the subject with the same grievance list H has about "hierarchy and normal" as opposed to being the other.She is for all the usual bogus "positive discrimination ""affirmative action" quotas and H has clearly read this drivel ,questioning who the MFC employs and on what basis whilst we pay him to educate us .GAGF say I to both as I would to idiots supporting these bolshy ,ultimately costly experiments in social engineering.
  10. How long has it been since you gave the old prunes a go DC?
  11. Casting Nasturtiums. I don't hate H. I reckon he has issues. I'm middle aged and white but I liked Barack Obama . I heard a woman on RRR yesterday state that she would "be comfortable" with no white people being around in London in 2066.The interviewer was white but laughed along as if this were something funny. This would be considered hate speech with any dispassionate look at the wording of the law.But she was "fighting"racism apparently. H has a history of borderline mental issues and perceived injustice is one of his narcissistic traits.
  12. so we may as well pay for boys to become girls and girls to become boys.
  13. She was lucky she was male.
  14. When a word you put down gets rejected in scrabble the best policy is to just tip the whole board over. My diarrhoea is often refused.
  15. Grouse news DC. Totes stoked okker has gone Ridgey ridge. Fully sick mate.
  16. Big wide looping handball is good and short handballs back and forth do nothing. A quick kick forward out of a pack is often marked by an opponent. A kick along the ground can be just as useful, followed by wide targets by hand. "One twos" are the greatest time waste but sometimes needed to get out of a pack. in attack the little handball is dumb.
  17. All well and good Jara but they will push to have equality and acceptance as " mainstream" making our society further weakened and discordant. 95% of people are in the I don't GAF category in this-. With the qualifying tenet that we don't want tax money spent to condition the rest of us to their normality. If a Qld farmer thinks they should be shot I am not wasting time or energy convincing him otherwise.
  18. All for Lewis but he must be subject to being dropped if he stinks it up as he did mid year. Cannot have the veterans getting a free pass because of their "IP which amounts to knowing where to set up for a contest.
  19. The Age has lead Sunday articles about confused people who think it is possible to have a female dad ,and girls dressed as boys. It comes across that the gender confused need people to see them as "normal"-when they are not. They can do what they like-what i think of them(they are confused) should have little or no bearing in their lives. Carry on cross dressing! Enjoy yourselves. Please don't fight for the rights to be firemen, pilots,Linesmen etc-you have a mental issues which makes it hard for you to realise you are abnormal.You are annoying to work with and essentially selfish.You are mentally weak and likely physically weak and obstreperous .In a group situation your need for recognition trumps the initial goals of the team so you are in fact a liability. In the old days a tranny was a good bloke who liked a laugh and a drink -now they want to be taken seriously. They are perpetual teens-annoying ,self obsessed and energy sapping.
  20. We should take both of them.
  21. Lillee runs in, bowls to Boycott,who lets it go to Marsh ,who then just pops it up to Chappell at slip, who shines it vigorously before returning it to Lillee via the agency of Border in the covers.
  22. They should all roll up as either pin cushions or Cyclists. Or Lindy Chamberlain.
  23. Useless layabouts with no jobs and no ambition ?
  24. Russell Robinson turned up to support the boys dressed as paint drying, which was innovative.
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