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Norm Smith's Curse

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Everything posted by Norm Smith's Curse

  1. General view was that if gws are ok with pumping a few years into draftees and then trading them for more draft picks with unknown potential then we are fine with that.
  2. Was told we are making a play for another homesick giant. Pick 9 possibly being offered.
  3. Are on holiday but I hear from a contact that Hogan is loving the direction of the club.
  4. I'm pumping sources on this one right now. Nothing to report yet however. Other than a certain player reportedly loving being at the club now.
  5. Not in our best 22? He kicked three goals against GWS - get back to me when Bail, Nicho, Tappie, and a few other running types do the same.
  6. I may be fairly ignorant on this topic but don't some of these private schools offer kids with footy talent scholarships in return for them playing for the school? Maybe roosy thinks there is something about the private school footy experience that he rates?
  7. That being said id take Adams via trade and low pick. pock nine has to be used for mine
  8. I think both Tyson and Shiel are above Adams for mine? One hasn't played many games but both seem like potential game changers whereas Adams seems like a respectable but no frills mid. Every positive word said by Viney is no doubt countered by Sculldog Millionaire.
  9. Although there were rumours that Tappie was up for trade.
  10. Nicho did ok in a negative tagging role. Might see him do more of that because he can run all day like a kelpie but has poor disposal.
  11. We were rumoured somewhere to have offered Vince a three year deal so you'd think he'd be keen. I really also rate Lyons so hoping he can be persuaded although I've read on here and heard on SEN that he isn't keen on leaving Adelaide.
  12. A few years in the system as well. Now we just need to slip something in GWS's recruiter's drinks and then sell them the merits of a Dunn v Shiel straight swap...
  13. The person im pumping for info tells me 'he can't know everything' when I asked about pick 2 v Tyson. Lol. We were keen on shoel, they tried to palm off a package of grunt players, but Dom was happy at gws but open to playing under Roos according to his manager. Shiel was less keen and they wanted to keep him. Guy at work with questionable sources tells me Lyons not particularly keen on a trade. as for the trade some are suggesting we lose but anyone with a modicum of footy smarts can see the clear merit in us snaring a pick 3 rising star nominee who is as good inside as many of their talented mids, has the height that Roos loves and who is great in traffic and has composure. he looks a quality talent and being from Camberwell would probably have MFC / MCC family or friends.
  14. He's a camberwell boy so he'll fit in nicely. Stick that in your pipe Greg Denham.
  15. You can see him in the MCC quite often. Although nowdays that is much more a booze house than an exclusive club in my opinion.
  16. Emma Q who "broke" the Bugg Buntine story later tweeted that it was GWS's offer and that it was very unlikely we would take it.
  17. Yeah it was posted above. But wasn't entirely edifying other than that st kilda were also keen on Michie and some other stuff about players that if I post may cause hassles.
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