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Norm Smith's Curse

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Everything posted by Norm Smith's Curse

  1. HAHAHAH. Yes... How is it we used to nearly win games we were trying to tank yet cant win a game when we're trying to win
  2. 5 premierships in 6 years can hardly be described as rot LOL
  3. Id just like to see him play a full season with some consistency. But I doubt he'd have as much impact as a full forward.
  4. Yeah but we arent winning some weeks. Infact given the four previous performances I cant see us winning before round 13 and judging by how GWS look against the doggies maybe not even then if Im brutally honest.
  5. Mitch comes across as a natural leader kinda like a younger Pavlich as well.
  6. If there is one thing I cannot stand its a saint supporter. LOL. i was there in 2006 when these two face-painted spanks got in my face when the saints kicked two in a row in the final but unfortunately they were no where to be seen when i wanted to return the favour at the end of the game...
  7. Im wondering whether im even gonna bother going tonight after that news. My wife just told me she doesnt want another weekend ruined...
  8. Out of that list I stand corrected on Nat Jones and if maybe McKenzie. Bartram and Bail are just list cloggers for mine. Grimesy spends more time injured than playing.
  9. I think you've summed it up nicely. But I must also say that I used to have a greater expectation of our list even in the final years under Daniher. There was always so much unproven about our list under Bailey for mine and I thought I was being proven wrong in 2010. What I mean is that I always trusted that the lists under daniher would put in a decent effort usually - whereas with our list of Bail, Garland, Batram and the like you never knew what you were going to get.
  10. What do you want to see happen tonight in the game? Would you like to see just one player have a break out game? Watts, Morton? Would you like to see for once a player on our list who has been harshly criticised coming out and proving everyone wrong? Sylvia? Or just want to see some noticable improvement from some of the players that actually look like they have a future? Watts, Howe? Or are you concentrating on the negative - looking for the players that are letting us down to draw a line through? or just looking to get some value for another years membership? While drowning your sorrows with carpet-tasting MCG beer? To be honest I dont even know what I want to see anymore tonight. Im not depressed that we are losing. Im not depressed that our list doesnt look as good as many thought it did. What I am depressed about is just the lack of passion in the eyes of the players and the dreary look of resignation in the coach and supporters. I just want to see the boys put everything on the line - play with passion - play with conviction and actually stand up and draw a line in the sand for themselves, the team and the supporters. Round 1 i sat next to a bloke that had the biggest grin on his face - and i saw him again a few weeks later with a face covered in a dark frown. the frown we all know a little too well...
  11. best call Ive seen on these forums for a while. He is about the only player that feels like he has to put in a proper effort every game he plays.
  12. To his credit he usually doesnt write utter tripe like many.
  13. the more we play Cale the less value he is gonna have. We'd be lucky to get anything for him.
  14. Tearing my hair out! We have no midfield - and the last ten years we've had more tall duds than any other team - the last thing we need is more list cloggers like Meeson etc.
  15. And the biggest point i forgot: Dermie: why appoint two 20 year olds as captain? [censored] off all the older players and ruin their careers,et c
  16. They just had a 20 minute discussion about the Dees and where we went wrong - which can be summed up as: Walls: Bailey was progressing the group well although slowly Walls: The players were causing infighting Dermie: Aaron Davey looks like he doesnt want to be out there Walls: why would you go and watch the team - there are no exciting players to go and watch Dermie: they have gone far backwards in the last 12 months and it doesnt look good. Usual 'analysis' really...
  17. What better scape goat than a pick 4 who is scared of second efforts.
  18. It does if your thinking about what your supposed to be doing for the coach while kicking the ball thus distracting yourself or second guessing while choosing a target which is what ive seen a number of times so far this year. I dont think some of the clangers have been skill errors, some have been hesitations and cant-decides.
  19. they way i take it if jason says something I usually believe the opposite is true.
  20. We've been running on potential at this club for too long. Id prefer the proven journeymen myself. At least they could play.
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