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Everything posted by McQueen

  1. That would explain the patronising posting style.
  2. I love my mates humour. just got this one: “If Maynard hadn’t of turned his body in mid air Brayshaw would’ve been eating the full length of Maynard’s [censored].” 😂
  3. Look out… Mods are on patrol! Ordinary night no doubt but I’m quietly confident we will got an appeal tomorrow.
  4. But there’s people in need of being offended too, Macca. We should entertain it so they also have a voice.
  5. I was trying to comprehend it as well so you’re not alone.
  6. For me, it’s pretty clear that the AFL has to appeal because if they don’t, then they are just caving in instead of meeting the FCFC saying that they will take it further no matter what if Maynard is suspended. If they don’t… it will be one of the worst retreats of all their charades over the years of the MRO coming into being. ed: and there’s gonna be eggs and [censored] on the faces of some very senior execs.
  7. Particularly if car A is airborne. What a ridiculous analogy.
  8. Isn’t Ihle the lawyer who we had for JVR when I’m he got off the two?
  9. Hopefully the ones sitting on the tribunal do too, Macca.
  10. Why get the biomechanics bloke in if you’re effing lawyer is trying to justify Maynard’s body movement? Fmd. What a [censored] show.
  11. Suggest not to visit this site and thread because you will only become more infuriated! As you can see, polar opposite thought process with Pies supporters.
  12. Don’t let it affect you so much mate. Maybe you could add to the conversation?
  13. And it also sounded like Goodwin had something to do with Hibberds nickname being ‘pig’ during their time at Essendon... And it seems to have carried all the way through. I’m aware that coach and player are already very tight mates so hope this breeds some more passion within the team.
  14. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxAQ7CNtD-h/?igshid=MWZjMTM2ODFkZg== ed: NFI why it’s not embedded.
  15. You sent me up the garden path a little bit 😆 - it’s actually the ‘Offsiders’ for anyone wanting to check it out but pretty sure you need the iview app and an account as I can’t share a link and had to do the above. AFL segment runs from 15 mins in until 22 mins.
  16. If Steve May collected Nick Daicos in that fashion the media would have him hung, drawn and quartered. I just don’t get the ‘love-fest’ for this bloke. It’s almost like he’s developed this persona of being the tough but fair player that regularly gets away questionable acts of white line fever in games that he’s now somehow earns a friggin prize for it. It’s nauseating.
  17. Press conference with Petracca on the mobile app. Trac gives a good overview but does say he’s not the best.
  18. I was about to post the same thing - glad I read ahead. Wishing for miracles from here on in.
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