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Everything posted by Satan

  1. Just read a former Adelaide player has passed away . No suspicious circumstances .
  2. I was the flight to the states with these guys plus hawks and cats. didnt realize I was on the flight till waiting to board I was in the land of giants .lucky there were no smart phones and soc med . In transit in Hawaii someone brought outa footy for kick to kick . To quote clint , a man has to know his limitations so I decided not to ask to join in and show my lack of skills :) . I did however collect the few stray kicks. A certain footy player needed assistance off the plane in LA
  3. And any spammer now will get a third party to become a member of any club wait for an election do a voldermort , go to court get emails under false pretences and goes spam
  4. From the age The decision could have wider application as clubs hold membership details including email addresses and credit card details on the AFL’s server, the league-wide database of club members. Although the court limited the access of details for proper purposes it opened the question as to what consisted of the register for polling purposes. The application of costs would be determined next week. lets tell the russian bots on the age who to hack next
  5. Cant believe no one tagged me :)
  6. Your last chance for luke jackson jumper is on the melbourne auction :)
  7. Because 65k email addresses potentially hacked ( see optus , medicare private ) despite good intentions could generate so much spam .
  8. Watch this peter voldermort complain if a few members say the didnt get the email . Out of 65k members a few emails will bounce
  9. This has the collingwood board fiasco in the making for us
  10. Im tipping there not these golden state rings https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nba/warriors/2022/10/19/golden-state-warriors-nba-championship-rings-details/10537086002/
  11. Reading elsewhere , allegedly pies membership running hot with fans wanting To cancel nembership
  12. Gawn and Grundy supercoach rucks locked and loaded
  13. Bloody afl sending emails out to Melbourne supporters offering Geelong signed framed jumpers like last year. Ill take a gross not
  14. Sad watching cats players with family and kids . Our players couldnt do it last year
  15. The spilt enz member is finished
  16. Last week lions could not miss a mark this week useless
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