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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. It's looking like the club he wants to go to, has absolutely no trade capital, as openly discussed by said club's coach on radio.
  2. Not to derail this thread, but please tell us what we are getting in return since you are resolute that he's gone. Is it a MEGA TRADE?
  3. The no BS no CP thread is gonna go off @Redleg
  4. I will take option B, thanks Eddie.
  5. What is the harm in reviewing performance and operations?
  6. How much more can this club put their supporters through, before supporters once again start voting with their wallet? Membership payments will be due soon. The club will need to get it together pretty quickly if they want people in this economy to spend hundreds of dollars on a bad product.
  7. Please, you wear red and blue. 7 weeks for rough conduct.
  8. You need to go and read the Trac thread. I am not going to spill that discussion into this one. There are like 34,000 posts discussing the player's feelings about the Trac situation, and a million articles online too.
  9. Continually? We won and flag and backed it up with two top 4 finishes. We are hardly the worst performing club out there. Only in off field matters we are.
  10. Do you know how sponsorships are being impacted? We haven't been able to reach the same membership numbers again this year. We have missed out on several players who do not want to come to our club because of the perception that it's a mess. That is all part of the bottom line. Several issues have been leaked to the media, whether from inside the club or not, including private information relating to Clarry, Smith, the issues with the board, the issues between our ex doctor and the club, the issues relating to Trac, rumours about Goodwin etc etc. Whether those leaks are coming directly from the club or not is irrelevant. What matters is that people with a powerful voice are finding out about those things from people are close to the issues, and running with them, and our club is letting it happen. I am not going to keep arguing with you, as clearly you think the board is blameless. Good luck to you.
  11. I totally agree, scrutiny should be on everyone right now. The board, the CEO, the footy department, the playing group AND Trac and his management. Everyone is part of the problem if they are not trying to be part of the solution.
  12. But it's affecting the bottom line of our club. It's affecting our ability to attract players, sponsors, members. It is completely naive to think that the ongoing negative perception of our club, be it by the media, fans, or other players, is not damaging to our club! The Trac issue is just one of many issues that have been a constant source of contention. While I will say again, that our issues are not unique, what is unique is the way that our club is so unable to contain the issues in house, and limit the damaging narrative that is out there about said issues. For our president to go on radio today and say she has not spoken to Trac or his family, is absolutely astounding. I don't need the board to get involved in list management, but people management is absolutely 100% their job. Not being in contact with one of our biggest stars who is incredibly unhappy, is just laziness.
  13. 100% agree with you there. The last thing we need is a board challenge that spills into an ugly Days of Our Lives drama. We have enough of that going on already. But equally just complaining on SEN and Demonland is not going to make a difference to a board that seems completely incapable of taking ownership of anything. I know there are posters on this site who would have some pretty powerful connections inside the club, and even within the board. Wonder if passing along the general feelings of our most passionate supporters to them, would at least trigger some sort of fire for meaningful change, or at least an admission of failure.
  14. We all understand how difficult getting this project off the ground is, and the failure on the home base is a legacy of decades of poor governance. This is certainly not all on our current board. But if they got their [censored] together and sent out periodic updates, then they would resolve a lot of the angst. Members want to be informed. I shouldn't have to come on Demonland to read second hand info that the project is moving along. Whether positive or negative, keeping the members informed, instead of sending me emails with half truths about yet another unnecessary lawsuit outcome, would be far more appreciated. Our members are constantly being treated like fools by this administration. After years of being the laughing stock of the competition, we have returned back to our rightful place, and that is despite being one of the best performing clubs on field over the last 4 seasons!
  15. You have to question why is he on the board then? What credentials does he bring to the table? I am not questioning him, just curious.
  16. It is, but if that's the case you say "I have reached out to them several times and waiting to arrange a time which is suitable for them to catch up", or "I have been in contact with them" and you do not go further into whether that contact was reciprocated or not. FFS this is PR 101. I manage a brand half the size of the MFC, and I know this stuff. How can the president of a multi million dollar club with 65,000 paid members not know this stuff? The communication coming out of this club, both on purpose and via leaks, is astoundingly bad. Like I run a fish and chip shop level bad!
  17. You know who they should roll out from the board to speak about football matters? Brad Green. Former player, turned board member. He should be the one getting involved in football matters. Is this not why he was put on the board to begin with?
  18. The real question is, how do the members put enough pressure on this board to improve? Because the avenues seem pretty limited right now. Nobody wants to hurt the club, least of all financially.
  19. Maybe, and please do not think for a second that I am in any way shape or form defending her, we have some decent offers for Trac now, and seeing how he's behaved and the feelings of the group towards him, she knows a trade is more likely now than it was before? If she has not spoken to him or his family, she's negligent, but equally she might be aware that there are deals being worked out but doesn't want to discuss it in a public forum so to bring more heat? I don't know really.
  20. I am pretty much telling West Coast it's Reid or nothing. And I am telling Freo it's Sarong or Young or nothing. The fact remains that Koz was very keen to leave before, but ended up recommitting. This is nothing new, and if we could work it out before with him while he was OOC, I can't see how we can't work it out with him now that he is contracted.
  21. ANB and Kosi did not re-sign this year. Nor has Trac. Are you saying that JVR, Langdon and Disco who all re-signed this year told the club they want to leave? I am totally agreeing with you on the last part of your post. We absolutely need a review of every position, and I have no doubt that Goody will come under review, as he should. But IMO there are people sitting above him who are a far bigger problem than he is. The overall sense I got is that the players really like and respect Goodwin.
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