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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Tom marks for the first time since 1976.... still waiting for his goal this decade
  2. Umpiring is certainly not making me less angry
  3. I’m done. This is a joke. Do something you dumb [censored] sitting in the box.
  4. Game over. Well done Melbourne. You never cease to be a disappointing mediocre bunch of average footballers with a horribly coached set up.
  5. Back line constantly out of position. Our midfielders are just jogging like they’re on a [censored] vacation. Game over I believe.
  6. Call in sick tomorrow. Be a good citizen. Never has calling in sick been more heroic.
  7. Lol. This kick is the exact reason why watching Melbourne is about as fun as getting anally probed.
  8. Absolute rubbish Welcome back the Melbourne I know and love
  9. This is going to be a smashing Honestly [censored] this day
  10. Already I hate the McDonald inclusion. We look slow.
  11. Looking forward to spending the next two hours being angry at footy rather than Covid and the stupid people in this world. Bring it on.
  12. Yeah and these are the stories they don’t tell you, so young people keep doing the wrong thing. “It doesn’t affect me. I am healthy. Old people will die anyway who cares”. The lack of respect and basic human decency that so many are showing towards the vulnerable, the elderly and our amazing healthcare workers is disgusting. My friend is an emergency pediatric doctor. His wife is also a doctor. So right now there are 2 less health professionals working. While the private impact on their lives and the lives of their loved ones can’t be properly explained in words, this also increases the pressure on our hospitals who are having major staffing issues. People just don’t see the bigger picture, because going to a party or to KFC or to work when you’re sick is just so much more important apparently.
  13. They should! To be honest my 34 year old friend is currently on a ventilator fighting for life, not because he was partying, refusing to wear a mask or social distance, but because he is a doctor who helps dozens of sick people every day, some of which have done the wrong thing. So you'll excuse me if my tolerance for people and their [censored] is at an all time low right now. Name, shame, blame, throw in jail, do whatever it takes to stop people from being the selfish disgusting wastes of oxygen that they appear to be. I've never been more embarrassed to be a human being.
  14. With the horrible new in Victoria just keeping on keeping on, I for one am looking forward to 2 hours of being angry at something other than Covid.
  15. Hahahaha I love that. What if his puppy is his support person? Not everyone likes the company of other humans.
  16. Normally I'd agree, but frankly I have had enough of people breaking the rules, risking the lives of others, and getting away with it. I hope they cop the wrath of both the legal system and society. They are a couple of dumb selfish morons who have now brought the virus to an environment that was virus free, all because they wanted to do what they felt like with no regard for other people. We are ALL suffering. Anyone in Melbourne would know what this has been like, and how hard it is to stay home, not see your loved ones, not be able to make a living in many cases. Why are some idiots exempt? So [censored] them. I hope they cop it left right and centre and I hope they get thrown in jail. I am sick and tired of our lives being continuously put on hold, our livelihoods being at risk and people dying because of the selfishness of a few.
  17. This is utter rubbish. They wouldn't be allowed to do any of that if they were back home in Melbourne, so WHY be selfish and do it on the Gold Coast and risk the season? This is your livelihood. You are being paid by the AFL to be with your partner who is earning money to keep your family going. Why then are you blatantly disregarding the rules? The selfishness and stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me. Never moreso than during this pandemic. 700 odd new cases in Victoria today, many coming from aged care residents who will likely DIE from this, all because people CANNOT FOLLOW SIMPLE RULES. Stay home you flogs.
  18. It does make sense as we play in Adelaide the week before. Can we not just stay in Adelaide between the two games and therefore avoid extra travel?
  19. I still have no idea what tackle they are even referring to?
  20. The tank is not the issue. His lack of speed and agility is the issue. He is as slow as the day is long, and he is not great below his knees. Combine that with his not so great marking of late, and you have yourself a very one dimensional wingman. If he was back to his marking best, there could be an argument to suggest that he could be a good wingman, and make us less predictable coming out of the backline where we always just kick it long to Max. But his form has been very ordinary of late, that quite frankly if he was to play it needs to be at CHF. Jackson could be pretty good on the wing tho, fitness permitting.
  21. Not disappointed with the trade itself, as I know he cost us nothing (except salary cap). I meant I'm disappointed with how that trade has worked out (free agency transaction whatever you want to name it). I had high hopes, and to have him already out of the team after 5 games is definitely not what I think we expected or wanted. Not writing him off, never did. Just said I was disappointed that he showed basically nothing this season and has been dropped. I expected more.
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