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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. No confidence going into tonight to be honest. Gawn is not fit, Clarry with a broken thumb, no BB. It is another tough assignment.
  2. [censored] the AFL and their rubbish draw. We have that many short breaks now plus travel, on top of having basically no real bye. Absolute trash. They would never treat a big club like that.
  3. Yeah I don’t think he is going to be broke playing at Melbourne. If he’s just after a money grab when he has years left in his career, and would rather lose games than win flags again, so be it.
  4. So over this. I want to get on with winning the flag this year. Jackson and Gus are both adding an unnecessary distraction with their BS.
  5. So over these endless contract chats. If Gus doesn’t want to stay after working so hard for so many years to win a flag and being a leader of our club, then I give up knowing what the hell players want these days.
  6. Really feel for Tomlinson. Thought he was finally showing some great form. Maybe Lever is a late out tho and Tomlinson will come straight back in. Also harsh on Toby. Melksham must be doing something that I can’t see.
  7. I agree on Keli Underwood and I agree that of course Channel 7 has given Daisy her job initially because she was pioneering women's footy and is an exceptional public speaker. However as you said, she has more than earnt her spot. I do think however that it would be remiss of us not to acknowledge that basically all the commentators were not selected on merit, but rather on the fact that once upon a time they were great player, and apparently that makes them palatable or knowledgeable or skilled enough to commentate. It does not. Wayne Carey, a woman basher, is apparently selected on merit? Nah. BT who literally can't tell his own head from his own [censored]? Certainly not. The best commentator for me is Adam Papalia. Now here is a guy who was selected on his game calling ability and not because he was a big name player who can't string 3 words together.
  8. I am not here to argue with you. We have different opinions. I just don't feel the need to be as arrogant as you are when presenting my opinion, as if who you are or what you've done really matters to anybody on here. But you please yourself.
  9. I never suggested that I like Fritta burning teammates, nor that I think the club hasn't spoken to him about it. All I am saying is that the pile on both on here and in the media has been so blown out of proportion, as if all Fritsch does is take shots from 80m in the pocket when he has 4 teammates open in the goal square every single week. He had 10 score involvements and 3 goal assists on the weekend. Kosi had 0 goal assists and 8 involvements as a comparison, and I think we all agree that Kosi was BOG. So to brand him a selfish player is just not correct. Sometimes he doesn't do the most team orientated thing in front of goal, and I have no doubt his teammates and the coaches let him know about it. But he is not some show pony who cares only about himself, and to suggest otherwise is to really diminish what he has achieved in his career to date.
  10. It's got nothing to do with him being a favourite. I just think he is being singled out for ridiculous reasons. Is Pickett selfish if he tries to kick a goal from the pocket? Is Trac selfish for attempting a set shot when he's generally really poor at them? Is it selfish of Oliver to try a blind handball? Is May selfish if he tries marking the footy at FB instead of punching the ball? These guys make hundreds of split second decisions in the heat of battle. Everyone was so mad at Tmac for marking Harmes' shot on goal earlier this year, but would have been angrier if that kick bounces in front of the line. How often do you yell "just go for goal" because we try passing it inside 50 and stuff around with it so much? Fritsch is an elite medium forward. He has proven himself time and time again and delivered a performance not seen for a decade in a grand final. So he chose not to handball inside 50 a couple of times. Lets hang him for it and make all our players perfect robots. Everyone loves him when he kicks great goals. He is an opportunistic forward and sometimes he will make poor decisions. He is hardly alone. Edit: as for the media, please give me a break. Two weeks ago Ginnivin is a ducking cheat. This week he's being robbed of free kicks. The media are a bunch of flogs trying to feel space with rubbish.
  11. Really? He’s one of my absolute favourite. Medium forwards have such a tough gig these days given how congested forwardlines are. He kicked 6 [censored] goals in a grand final and is once again our leading goal kicker. How can anyone not love him?
  12. Would be very happy to have him or Larkey.
  13. No chance we win yesterday without Fritta. He is our best forward. If he burns a teammate once in a blue moon then so be it.
  14. Yeah the Fritta pile on is ridiculous. So he burnt a teammate. He is also our most reliable goal kicker and regularly kicks a lot more goals than he’s entitled to given his height and how often he’s triple teamed and dragged down in contests. I rather he goes for goals he reasonably thinks he can kick than we keep stuffing around with the ball inside 50 and make a meal of it. He is an elite medium forward and had like 10 score involvements yesterday. But let’s drop him so we can have an even more dysfunction forwardline 🙄
  15. We are never dropping Fritta. Get on with it. Oliver and Petty automatic ins. Bedford wasn’t great again, so he’s a fairly easy out. Tomlinson however was good and deserves to stay in. So either Lever gets the week off and Petty comes in, or we play Petty forward.
  16. Old man calves aside, Hibbo is aging backwards. Hasn’t lost any speed and is doing a sensational job shutting down small forwards. I also thought Rivers was good today. I like the physicality he brings down back. In fact I thought our backline was very good today even without Petty and Lever being clearly injured. Tomlinson really stood up for mine. Especially once Lever was hurt. Midfield was very well beaten for large parts of the game and we are absolutely screaming for another tall marking target. Doesn’t help that Gawn is clearly not fit.
  17. I just came back to praise Kosi again. What a game. Absolutely magnificent in front of a crowd full of young kids who would be so inspired by him. A privilege to watch this kid in a Melbourne jumper.
  18. Deserves a senior gig and I wish him only success wherever he goes.
  19. Hot garbage. Kosi magnificent. Hibbo and the defenders in general superb. Midfield an epic let down. Bring back Oliver!
  20. That was hot garbage. Thank god for Kosi
  21. What is that set up? We are all behind Gawn and Gawn taps it forward. Why??? We can lose this. What a joke.
  22. One of my favourite players of all time. Absolute champ.
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