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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. His family, at least his immediate family live pretty far from Adelaide and Perth. So I imagine the homesickness will be there regardless of where he lives. I have no doubt he will end his career elsewhere, but everything I’ve heard recently is that Kosi is happy at Melbourne and loves Goody and his partner is happy here too. I also don’t think his manager would come out and shut down trade rumours a week ago, if Kosi was telling him he wanted a trade. I doubt Kosi only got home sick on Monday.
  2. 5 days since our season ended and this is already worse than our last off season Not sure we will make it through another 6 months
  3. Anyone can say anything and we have a meltdown?
  4. No it is not. But it’s also not outlandish to think that he said he’s feeling a bit homesick but he wants to stick around and the media is just feeding on our dead carcass.
  5. This is dramatically opposed to what I’ve been told. And also goes against what his manager said only a week or so ago. I would take this with a large grain of salt
  6. This is an out and out fabrication, or Trac has absolutely no idea why Nibbler is leaving. What’s next? Gus wouldn’t have been medically retired if our culture was better?
  7. Elon Musk can afford the lawsuits. Andy can’t.
  8. Only those who have something to hide, refuse to open the curtains. Every good organisation with as many share holders as ours, should undertake regular reviews, regardless of performance. And any review should be done independently and without agendas.
  9. It would wear out a lot quicker than George Gawn singing 17 rival club songs, that's for sure! #BrandGeorgeGawn
  10. Oh no, we are the worst team, with the worst culture, our under performing coach must be sacked. Burn the club to the ground, burn it all!
  11. Completely different situation, as it involved court cases in the legal system, where he was found GUILTY. As far as I'm aware, the individual you want delisted, has not yet been found guilty of anything that would constitute a conviction in a court of law in Australia. Nor is he the first or last footballer to be embroiled in this type of matter. Stengle and Hollands were not delisted, nor was Willie Rioli. The club can ill afford another legal battle on their hands for unfair dismissal. They are acting with what I am sure is legal advice on how to best handle this situation without causing us grief, nor the individual in question who I am sure is really struggling to cope with this too. As much as you want to treat players as robots, they are not. Smith has a young family, and is about to lose his livelihood over a very very silly and unacceptable mistake, but a mistake none the less.
  12. Their supporters are very understanding of where they are at. It's best to bottom out now and collect a draft bounty. Wait too long, and Tassie will ruin your chances of a rebuild. This is the best possible time to bottom out.
  13. Max is more marketable. He has charisma, he has wit. He is a natural born entertainer. Trac is not. Trac needs football, and a big following to be a social media star. That is the difference.
  14. What you don’t do, is cause untold damage to the club. This public hissy fit is wasting everyone’s time, least of all the people at our club who should be spending their time trying to make us better, not putting out fires. Already we lost a potential deal with Houston because of this mess. You can’t complain you want things to get better, but then go out of your way to make them worse! There is no justifying this action from someone who gets paid millions and has been very well loved, and looked after by our club. If you don’t like your workplace, do you go on Linkdin and trash them?
  15. Can’t complain about the club not doing better or getting better, while also complaining about people who are trying to make that happen. You cannot review yourself.
  16. There’s a filter on this site with certain trigger words that need to go thru the moderators before they get published. It’s to avoid getting the site into any legal trouble.
  17. At least if we don’t exist we can’t lose
  18. You realize we can’t delist a player in season right? He will be removed from the list at the expiration of his contract which is October 2024.
  19. Since you seem to know a bit about this, are his reasons for wanting to leave legitimate or are they just fluff and mostly driven by a desire to increase his brand exposure?
  20. Nor have any of those parties denied it. I think it’s easy enough to work out.
  21. Most certainly. I think they would be working overtime to appease the club behind the scenes, as we have always had a good working relationship with them, and overall are an 'easy' club to deal with at the trade table. I am also sure they would be working overtime to try and get Trac off the ledge. It just doesn't seem like he's listening to them. No self respecting management team would be advising him to do any of this.
  22. I have no doubt they would discuss it. They have a gigantic portfolio of some of the best players in the league. They would not be taking kindly to the time consuming circus that Trac has created, nor will their other clients be very pleased that they are being pushed aside while this drama is going on. It is also further complicated by the fact that his brother works there.
  23. I would bring in Gus, but of course that's solely dependant on how he's feeling and his ability to be the mediator. Maybe it's time Trac talked to someone who lost everything through an injury that the club hold no responsibility for, so he can understand how lucky he is to still have the ability to pull on the red and the blue. We all feel sad and horrified for what Trac went through, but it is no less horrible, nor will it have the same lifelong impact that Gus' injury has had. One has acted with nothing but complete respect and love for our club, and one has not.
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