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Outside fifty

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Everything posted by Outside fifty

  1. Mark Neeld will be the tonic that this club so desperately needs. Sure at first the taste may be bitter and hard to swallow but with time we will become accustomed to it . For years now we have cried out for someone with a spine of steel and unwavering commitment to raise this mediocre club out of its pathetic slumber. Not since Norm Smith have we had someone as focused and determined as this man, and yet as always they're our those amongst who waiver and baulk at the first hurdle. This isn't gonna be a joy ride folks. Buckle up and hold on for one rough ride. The jackals and vultures of the media are circling. Lets for once ignore their pathetic attempts to create a story and hold true. For good or bad we have decided this is the man to lead us forward and the truth is that we really don't have too many shots left in the locker. Like you I was appalled by what I witnessed on Saturday afternoon and then strangely I felt uplifted by his press conference. It was everything I wanted to hear, no more spin, no more excuses, no more B.S just the undiluted truth. The question is can we "Handle the truth". The good thing about last week is that he now knows without doubt what lays ahead of him and I for one do not doubt he will not baulk at the hard decisions. All power to you Mark Neeld. Drag this soft,self satisfied, mediocre football club kicking and screaming all the way to the top. At the risk of sounding corny to quote Thomas Yancey, " Cometh the hour cometh the man,history beckons".
  2. I'm really struggling to write anything that isn't either ridiculously bitter and twisted or pathetically optimistic. I don't know which way to go. Ah h stuff it bitter and twisted wins! I am so sick and blood tired of being embarrassed by the football team I support. Another year of misery and shame ahead.
  3. Looking at the side I am a little bit concerned by the lack of pace. Apart from Blease and Bail the side looks fairly pedestrian.
  4. A very touching service befitting of a wonderful man. Great to see the red and blue en-mass. Farewell Jim. R.I.P.
  5. Couldn't agree more Jordie. The old dog can still fetch a stick.
  6. Perhaps the most insightful comment that I have ever read regarding Watts.
  7. I'm not really talking about a sign or an inspirational poster bought at the two dollar shop as such. And i'm not talking about pop psychology either. I'm talking about an embedded belief that comes from deep within. I hope through our grief maybe that sign above the players race will take on a deeper significance, a significance that will last beyond the change room and the players race, and shadow the players and all attached to the club throughout their lives.
  8. Couldn't agree more. It's time this club stopped looking for temporary crutches to emotionally prop ourselves up and stood strong and proud based on an ethos of "whatever it takes". It should be the life blood that courses through the veins of this great club. The mantra that whispers it name with every breath our boys take. It should reside deep within the souls of all that call the MFC their club. This is what I believe Jimmy would have wanted for our club more than anything, and I believe this what Jack Grimes was alluding to this when he spoke.
  9. Martin Flanagan stands out as this countries premier writer on Australian Rules Football. Another great piece that is both evocative and thought provoking. Whilst I'm usually quick to Damn the media in this Country with the mantle of mediocrity I must confess I am quietly impressed with the quality and depth of what I have read and heard on Jim's passing from all quarters of the media.
  10. Thank you WJ. Beautifully written with a soulful melody and cadence that Big Jimma would appreciate and love.
  11. Goodbye big fella. it's been a honour to have known you and to share your journey. R.I.P
  12. I heard it was a degenerative cheek bone. Could possibly curtail his whole career.
  13. 12th. The first half of the season will be all learning curve. The second half of the season will see the coin will slowly drop. I expect a few surprise results in the latter part of the season, and when I say surprises I mean of a good kind.
  14. Whilst I agree with your sentiment I'm afraid that I can't muster much enthusiasm for Bennell. I question how much time we have to give Jamie to develop into a consistent footballer, given he's been in the system for at least 3 years and this is his fourth. Apart from Jamie I agree with the rest of your post. On a personal note I get very excited by the likes of Howe, Clarke, and Magner. Finally I hope that in a couple of years time I write a post declaring what a gun Jamie Bennell is and what a nuffty I was to ever doubt him.
  15. Maybe a small crumbing forward is his go, because he certainly can't play back. He's a ball watcher of the highest order and constantly loses his man in traffic. To be honest as much as I want the guy to succeed I just can't see it happening.
  16. Thanks Fork for a very insightful post. However I must confess not one that fills me with a great deal of hope. The state of our indigenous people is a festering sore that at times seems insurmountable, with no one willing or capable of tackling the issue. One of the few rays of light that does shine through is the importance of Football and the role it plays in these peoples lives. Imagine if Liam were to overcome all the problems that he currently faces and become the "Once in a lifetime Footballer" that we know he is capable of. What pride he would bring to his people and what an example he would set. Of course it wouldn't hurt the MFC either.
  17. I like most of you am devastated, and like most of you struggle to understand the complexities of this situation. However I for one have had my middle class middle age eyes opened wide to the plight that confronts many of our indigenous brothers. Their journey is so much harder and angst ridden than most of us will ever know. That such a situation as the one in Yuendumu exists in this country is a blight on our great country. I wish Liam and his family well and most of all that the people of Yuendumu find peace amongst themselves. Perhaps that now that such a high profile person is involved the responsible Governments may step in and finally tackle an intolerable situation. I'm also sad and disappointed for our football club who have demonstrated great understanding and support for indigenous players and should be commended for doing so.
  18. Went down and had a look. As previously mentioned every body looked pretty sharp however one player stood out for contested marking. Jade Rawlings! The guy seriously looks fit and contested with the best of them in the match simulations.
  19. Warren Dean could have been anything if not for his wonky Knees, still one of my personal favourites. As for swooper he was the spine of steel we so desperately needed. A tough straight talking coach who demanded absolute unwavering commitment, without doubt the best MFC coach in my lifetime.
  20. Don't get me wrong i'm no Cale fanboy but for whats it's worth I really think that he cops too much bad press on these forums. On Friday he was in the 1st group of runners and finished toward the top of the group in the first session and 2nd or third in the final session behind Tommy MacDonald. I hadn't been to a session this year and was expecting to see him dragging his arse around the field in a "LACONIC" fashion. However I was quite impressed with his application and willingness to push and hurt himself. I still have hope that Neeld will find the switch and turn the boy into a useful footballer. By the by MacDonald is a running machine and given his size offers enormous upside.
  21. "and a quick midfielder that can break the lines and use the ball, as at the moment Blease has neither the tank or body to play midfield all day and he is the only guy on the list with the pace and poise we need running thru the middle." You make a good point about the potential of our forward line, however I wouldn't dismiss either Bail and Nicholson as highly effective mids. Both have the tank for the mid field and the leg speed. Granted not as explosive as Blease who has the potential to be devastating.
  22. Barrassi was and is a great servant of our club. We owe him far more than he ever owed us. I have no doubt that the forums would have been alight with indignation and venom. At the end of the day the universe was balanced in Karmic harmony when we gave them Johnstone and McLean. That i'll teach them.
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