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Outside fifty

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Everything posted by Outside fifty

  1. Wouldn't have changed a thing. Umpiring is the least of problems.
  2. Reading the article this seems to be a private investment by JUDD and has nothing to with player payments from Carlton and thus nothing to do with the Carlton Salary Cap. It does however say something about JUDD and the lengths he will go he to manage and manipulate his public image. I would suggest if he is that concerned about his public persona then surely going to Carlton was a huge mistake in the first place.
  3. Modern media today is not about the quality of content rather the quantity of content. Air time and pages must be filled. The obvious sacrifice in this arrangement is quality. When quality is not a factor the likes of Robinson and Barrett and any number of other witless drones come to the fore. Given that there is only ever a finite number of football related stories out there and intense competition to secure them the other casualty is quite often the truth. These sacrifices are often dismissed by the industry by describing these pieces as "Opinion", thus all responsibility is absolved. As with everything else in life the answers lie with the Simpsons. "Just don't look, Just don't look" .
  4. Because they don't work, just another shonky marketing scam.Thats another thing I blame Watts for, shonky marketing scams.
  5. Baby John Burgess's comeback. The diminishing size of wagon wheels. Erectile nasal sprays Dane Swans Tatts, ( fingers really! )
  6. I'm delighted to know that Frank Davis is still alive.
  7. The price of petrol. Shonky Repair men Kids who wear their jeans to low. Energy Watch ONE DIRECTION. WAAATTTTS!!!!
  8. In appreciation of Eddie efforts we should gift wrap Brian Royal and send him off to the lexus centre post haste. Those poor bastards deserve him.
  9. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Royal is coaching poison. Last year he crucified our defence after Wellman had built up a good defensive unit. This year he has turned his attention to our midfield. The results speak for themselves.
  10. Such cruel fate to be born a Demon supporter. Why have the gods cast us aside and cursed us so. Why have we been dealt such a wretched life. Just think of those lucky buggers living in the slums of India or the Philippines have never had to endure the agony of following the Melbourne Football Club. I Know it hurts but a little perspective is needed. To quote Redleg "It will change and I will be there when it does. My only alternative is to give up footy and I won't. To those who want to quit, grow some balls. Go Dees."
  11. Blaming the wrong people. I’m sick and tired of posters blaming the players or the coaching staff or indeed the Administration, for our current demise.None of these groups are to blame. The simple fact is I am to blame. Born in 1961 i was too young to remember 1964 but from around 1969 I have followed the team devoutly and passionately. During that time it has become apparent that the teams demise coincided and ebbed and flowed with my passion. As my passion grew inversely our on field performances would suffer. This year I was feeling particularly buoyant. You see I am the original Mozzer. Most of you will be too young to understand what that term means but in essence it is to damn something or someone with bad luck by barracking for them. So please I implore you no more of this nonsense of blaming the football club. If I could barrack for another team I would just to spare my beloved Dees this current indignity. Maybe there is a way I could use my mozzing powers for good and not evil. Any suggestions?
  12. No not Bennell. Any team that includes Bennell is declaring it's mediocrity. I always try to be pathetically optimistic about our players but Bennell is beyond even my optimism. The guy has had more chances than he deserves.
  13. Out Royal. Has anybody noticed that this guy is coaching poison. In 2010 we had a good developing backline coached by Sean Wellman. Fast track to 2011 and Royal takes over suddenly the backline leaks goals like a sieve. In 2010 we had a midfield that held a lot of promise. Fast track to 2012 and Royal is the Mid field coach and the mids are a pathetic rabble who are not competitive.
  14. 6. Magner 5. Clarke 4. Jones 3. Bate 2. Trengove 1. T Macdonald
  15. We have had these session in the past and not much seems to happen . I do however like the idea of the players being exposed to to what the supporters feel. Do they know how it affects us, how we get ridiculed at work because we support MFC, how our kids don't want to support this club because we are a joke. Or as I suspect do they just see us as simply a pay check. This club treats it's supporters with contempt.
  16. Watching today I couldn't figure out if Neeld was actually shell shocked or was watching too see what he had to work with. Well if that was the case he sure as hell knows now. Not much! The game plan has to be modified. A simplified structure adopted and a gradual development of a new game plan introduced. Quite simply we have some of the dumbest and laziest footballers in the comp. Keep it simple Neeld anything requiring an IQ in the double figures to execute will be beyond them.Time to get ruthless and cull the crud that frequents our club.
  17. It actually physically hurt me watching today. I think you hit the nail on the head when you suggested that Neeld needed to fashion a game plan based on what the players were capable of rather than what Collingwood do, because they aren't capable of executing his current plan. We have some of the dumbest footballers in the history of the game and a complicated game plan is beyond them. I have a feeling Neeld may have tried to make dramatic changes to the way we previously paid too soon and the playing group is imploding.
  18. Become the most obnoxious pain in the arse imaginable and spend the next two years repaying everybody who's given me sh*t for supporting the dees.
  19. I laughed out loud when I read the title and hadn't even open the thread. It could only ever have been a pisstake.
  20. Ahh guys I hate to tell you buts he's taking the [censored]. Things are desperate I know but lets not go postal. Still gotta laugh.
  21. And people ask "what do we stand for". Now everybody knows. We stand for integrity, honesty and principals of the highest order. Rare values indeed in todays society. At this moment in time I could not be prouder of the MFC.
  22. This is the exact point I am making. Granted I have no time for todays media but the problem stems from us being victims of our own making. We make ourselves the target because of our actions. The media will beat up on the easiest target and right now that is us. At the moment there is no doubt IMO that the media is hunting us down and all i'm saying is it's time this club stood strong for once. The best way to put out a fire is deny it oxygen. Once the media can't feed off our incompetence they will turn their attention to the next weakest club. As for the media being simply the messenger this is a naive view of modern day media practices. Unfortunately the media now instigates news as much as reports news.
  23. Hi guy this is my first thread so go easy. One of the more consistent themes that I pickup reading these forums is the notion that the media doesn't like us or has it in for us. I must confess I myself have come to pretty much the same conclusion after recent events. The football media seems to take unbridled joy in ripping us a new one at the slightest opportunity. A case in point being the criticism of Neeld using the "I" word too much in his first post match presser. This was a complete beat up orchestrated by a media pack more intent on creating stories than reporting facts. It did however make me think as to why the media likes to beat up on the MFC. Is it because we are an easy target that goes to pieces at the first signs of external pressure and is guaranteed to overreact, a case in point would be the way the Moloney affair was handled last year. The media hunted us down and we capitulated and overreacted in a way that a strong club would never do. Do we deserve to be kicked at every opportunity by a bullying media pack because we have in the past simply rolled over and accepted our fate. The media hunt in a pack and seek out the weak as their prey, are we that weak prey? Is it time the MFC closed ranks and presented a united front and stopped jumping at shadows.
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