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Red and Bluebeard

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Everything posted by Red and Bluebeard

  1. There is a reason why the Thunderbirds are go ...
  2. More classy people, presumably BB ... perhaps our Earl and the local Romsey dynasty and various hipsters who hibernate on this thread ....
  3. But what happens in the 2nd 10 minutes?
  4. Following BB's rule, it would all be fertiliser anyway ... speaking of which, the roses are looking promising after the recent rain.
  5. You left out rounding up the alpacas ...
  6. You must go through a vast amount of salt ...
  7. I wouldn't suggest waiting six months and then making the smoothie with those bananas ... anyway, what is AFL?
  8. So, anyone had any good banana smoothies lately?
  9. Closing down the local pub won't win many friends (except perhaps the missus). BBO probably finds this unthinkable anyway.
  10. Some good times this season though (as well as some !$^@ ones). But why are we talking footy on this thread? Had any good bananas lately?
  11. Watching footy is better without sound
  12. Nothing wrong with bananas. Had a couple today. One has to treat them with respect though ...
  13. Depends on whether you consider dominate a transitive verb or not ...
  14. On current form, yes! Although if we have too much footy talk in this thread, BB will get upset ...
  15. I like this kind of "normal" OD ...?
  16. Perhaps citizens of the nation of Dual aren't very patriotic, and like to forget this fact?
  17. Or to promote McDonalds in China? Speaking of which, we have two McDonalds in our team, so that should be a natural fit for us. But I still think the yellow ball sucks
  18. Somehow the yellow just doesn't work for me. Hardly the most momentous of issues, I know. The 2.10 does seem the perfect time to me too!
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