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Everything posted by jimcor

  1. He was in the main group for all the time that I was there and did some nice things in the drills.
  2. Went down to training for an hour this morning. Cold. Good to see Petracca kicking and running, albeit away from the main group. Seems very 'up' and must be keen to get on the park. Kent was also away from the main group and didn't stay long. Pedersen was helping the ruck group by tossing the ball up and in with his left hand. Seems to be a good feeling out there. Brendan Mc is very vocal during training and is constantly urging greater effort from the young ones. Training drills ... pretty much what they normally do but they were going pretty hard at each other when I left. Nearly forgot, Frost was there as well but mainly as a spectator. How good is it to have so few 'outs'?
  3. A coupe of thoughts: I thought a lot of our problems today related to skill errors I.e. defects that should be corrected at training or, if that proves impossible, at the delisting table. The main ones that stood out to me were: 1/- either a inability to convert a rucking win into an effective clearance. Why do our inside mids not seem to know where the ball will go or how does Gawn not know where the inside mids are running to? 2/- our forwards were consistently unable to take a contested mark whereas their backs seemed unable to miss one. 3/- our pathetic goal-kicking. Couldn't understand why the likes of Bernie Vince and so many others couldn't execute the most basic of skills today. Sure, some misses were completely understandable and,as such, acceptable BUT there were many which there was no excuse for whatsoever. If everyone knows that Tom Mac is an unreliable kick why didn't someone insist on a handball so that they could take a bit of responsibility? From what I've seen at training, the rucks are trained to win hitouts rather than to hit the ball to what used to be called a 'rover'. Perhaps that needs to be addressed. Also, at training, TM almost always kicks accurately but it is meaningless if there is no actual pressure being applied. Maybe we need to use AVDB, Riley, Vineyard, Brayshaw at training as attack dogs and risk the odd injury. Overall, a really disappointing performance with,in my view, the exceptions of Gawn's absolute dominance in the hitouts, Garland and Watts.
  4. I hesitate to comment but I think it's impossible to judge intensity at training. Harry O always seems to go at 110% but I don't think the others match his approach.....I'm not even sure if it's necessary given the consequences if someone is injured during training. At the end of the day, match day performance is the ultimate (and only) indicator. What I liked about seeing JT & JW practising 'crashing' packs was the recognition that repetition is a significant part of learning and that these players still need to be taught. Maybe one of them can be turned into the midfield general that we desperately need when the chips are down.
  5. He was training. If they think he's ready, I guess they'll play him. I saw nothing to suggest one thing or the other.
  6. Bit cold so got there at around 1030 & left after 40 mins. Interestingly numbers were really low..24 or 25 players only. Thought there might have been a tragic bus accident on the way to training! Realised after a little while that it was only the squad for Sun that seemed to be out there. I was told that there were a couple of others out there earlier but they'd gone by the time I arrived - except Spencer. Anyway, on reflection, it makes sense to try some practice with only the people you'll be playing with, I guess. Also noteworthy, I thought, was Goodwin pairing up JW & Toumpas to practice hard tackling on each other and also competitive high marking. Given that these are two players that might over-think their performances, it was good to see them get some special attention. Nothing else noticed by me except Tyson looks better for the break.
  7. Certainly have and I suspect Selwood didn't pop out of the womb holding his brothers to account. Over time he has no doubt grown confident about his own capabilities and is comfortable demanding the best of his teammates. He had the benefit of a host of strong leaders providing guidance and example and was surrounded by some of the best players in the game. Our situation has been a little different. Our leaders need to demand those standards from our squad but we have very few (if any) who can consistently deliver the required standard themselves. IIRC Judd wasn't keen to take on the WCE captaincy and said much the same thing with Carlton. He might have been the only one whose performances justified the selection. Too early to write Jones off...particularly in light of the lack of alternatives.
  8. My numbers added: 1/- no, you can't actually. You're much more likely to identify an introvert or extrovert in the playground. Both types are potentially good leaders. Jones, I think, is an introvert but so is Selwood, so is Judd. 2/- leaders are nurtured, not born. Not genetic. 3/- Jones at least has the desire to lead. Let's hope he has the potential to turn this desire into reality rather than writing him off. 4/- I agree that this is the current situation but am yet to be convinced that this cannot change. Then again, what do I know? I still think JW will come good!
  9. Simply wrong, I think. I've seen many good leaders learn how to lead by taking their cue from what other good leaders do and also to be taught what to do. Leadership is just another skill, albeit a lot rarer than most. I think the reason for this is that leaders (again, by definition) must have a base of excellence upon which they can build on their leadership skills. Unfortunately, our recent home-grown crop of leaders have not had the benefit of great mentors to assist them. I think Roos has probably got it right by focussing initially on the playing group as a whole but, at the same time, probably trying to help Jones make the next step. The investment will probably be worthwhile in that, at least by recognising Jones ' contribution, he signed a new contract and anything else will be a bonus. In the meantime, We still might be able to attract some ready made leadership if we can continue to improve.
  10. I agree. We have an absolute failure of on-field leadership when things start to go awry. The good news is that leadership is not necessarily something that people are born with...it can be taught, it can be learnt! My guess is that the coaches will be trying (at the moment, with little obvious success) to teach Nathan Jones and the others in the LG, what they should be doing. People who say on here that it's simply a matter of setting the example are deluding themselves. It's simply not enough. Leaders, by definition, are expected to set the example and,if not, should not be considered for the LG. It's when things start to go wrong during the game, that's when the leaders have to stand up. Too often our leaders become invisible at that point. Just not good enough.
  11. I was there for about an hour and was struck with what seemed to be a bit of a change in atmosphere by comparison with past sessions. To me, it seemed the players were much less intense and, as a result, seemed to be actually enjoying the session. In my view, a very pleasant change. I think it's important, given the unrelenting pressure of playing in an unsuccessful team, that the players still maintain a level of enjoyment. At the moment, if you disregard the money (?), there is nothing other than pride, love of club or the team to motivate them. If we are to hold onto the good players, we need to try and make sure that we satisfy their needs as well as our supporter aspirations.
  12. Given the incredible variation in the performance and result from last week, could it be something simple like our inability to respond to changing circumstances I.e. a lack of intelligent on-field leadership with leadership not just being about being amongst the hardest triers? I wonder if we travel OK out of the middle when Jamar is winning and we are roving to his taps however when he is not winning we fail to start roving to the oppositions's taps when they are winning the ruck duels. If this is part of the problem, then that's not just about effort, it's also a lot about leadership (by players & coaches) and coaching.
  13. On the positive side, at least there won't be the same selection headaches as last week when it was hard to work out who to drop. This week there's a little bit more to choose from.
  14. Is VFL being shown on free to air his year. Last I recall is that ABC no longer has the rights.
  15. Late in the 3rd quarter, after garland had been slammed backwards into the plastic grass on the boundary, Hogan went up to the the GC player (Day?) and abused him at length. Day(?) backed off almost apologetically and maybe a little fearfully. Nice to see someone a bit frightening in red & blue. For me, the first since Byron Pickett to be genuinely scary. Frightening (in a very warm way) to think what he's going to be like when he gains some confidence!
  16. Without meaning to tempt fate, I think that it's a miracle that we have so many participating in full training at this time of the year. At least that's one true indicator of where we are at and it gives cause for hope. I also thought that McCartney's session was illuminating and positive. At one point, he was giving specific instructions to Tommy Mc after a play and, in spite of Tom not wanting to make eye contact, BM laboured the point until he got the acknowledgement he was after. Sometimes a player can think that he doesn't need coaching...he is wrong. Really looking forward to the game this week. Hope everyone is aware that they can get a free AFL live pass to watch it on their phone or tablet....works well.
  17. Just emailed the club as follows: "Hello there Why did the club not send someone out to Gosch's at 12 o'clock to explain why the time had changed? Why can we not get the basics right? Many families were already there & waiting by the time I got there at 12.30 and this sort of disrespect may be indicative of continuing shortcomings in our (mal)administration. Thank you for wasting my time. Regards Jim C" Not sure if it has any impact but I would hate them to think that I'm happy with this incompetence.
  18. Not sure that this is right. By definition, MFC supporters have to be optimists or we would just not bother. Having said that,in Neeld's last pre-season, I had the horrible feeling that there was not only no light at the end of the tunnel, we couldn't even find where the tunnel began. Last pre-season, even with the arrival of Roos, there were still a lot of unknowns plus a number of injuries. I can't recall too many posters being anything other than guarded in their reports and predictions. However, in light of what I've seen since the beginning of last season, the success of the 2014 recruits, the pragmatism in the delistings and the quality of the 2015 recruits, the a intensity of the training, I am at least optimistic - perhaps even of finals footy. My wife and I are thinking of going overseas for a year or two and I am even thinking about coming back to Melbourne for the finals over the next couple of years. How bizarre is that? Maybe a premiership before I die. Anyway, I can't help but be optimistic for the coming season and can't wait to see Hogan belt his first defender...can I say that?
  19. Two things I've noticed about this year's training by comparison with previous years: 1/- there is no jogging between exercises. It's all done at high pace and an apparent sense of urgency. HL is a big exponent of this. 2/- Hogan is not only big, strong & capable, he also has attitude - even with team mates. I am keen to see how this transfers to match day and particularly how he responds when mongrel defenders get at him. I suspect he'll sort them out. Roll on 2015.
  20. In fact,there was. I arrived at about 11 and it looked as if they'd been at it for some time. Highlight was the late appearance (with other rehabbers) of Jack Trengove with a tricycle supporting his dodgy leg. He also joined in with some handball reaction training with the Gawn, Watts, Spencer, group. Lots of laughs.
  21. Def not Garlett and I don't think I saw Frost - not sure that I'd recognise him but I don't think he was there. Just remembered that Jetta & McKenzie were also there from the older group.
  22. Tapscott definitely training with the group. Gawn & Terlich seemed to be in the remedial class. Not many older players however Jamar, Spencer, Howe all notably present.
  23. Tapscott was training with the other 22 or 23 players this morning. Not sure if that's significant.
  24. I went for the first time last year and it was an OK night so I'm going again this year. Last year, I thought there might be the exciting announcement of the new coach but, sadly not. Like many recent MFC events, disappointing. However, in true Demon supporter fashion, I've learnt nothing from the experience so am going again this year. Am not expecting anything extraordinary this year so might be pleasantly surprised by something....the second coming of Mitch, the re-signing of Frawley, Sylvia asking to come back, etc. never stop believing.
  25. What a gift it is to be able to capture the joy and misery of supporting Melbourne in a single para. The joy is sometimes a little hard to identify but it is something like the pleasure of supporting what others might think is a joke. And it is certainly religious-like because it requires blind faith in something that has no apparent proof. He writes: "Melbourne supporters have the image of being feckless wealthy types who prefer skiing at Mt Buller to supporting their team unless they're in the finals. Well, the Melbourne supporters I know are the opposite of that. They're like a religious sect and what a bleak religion it is, since it delivers little reward in the here and now." And some more nice words about David Bridie. Winning a flag for Papua New Guinea in Melbourne
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