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Posts posted by Sdemon53

  1. There is a cd called "America's Song Butchers: The Weird World Of Homer and Jethro"

    We are "Australia's AFL Butchers: The Weird World Of The Melbourne Football Team"

    I bet Paul Roos is wishing he stayed in the media now.

    It is not the fault of PR. It is the total lack of professionalism of the players.

    PR should make the players watch the women's team that represented the Melbourne football team time after time until they get the message. By the way the women defeated the Western Bulldogs 72 to 26.

    Or did we have the wrong gender playing for the 4 points?

  2. I like the fact Roos will be away. This will put pressure on the other coaches to manage the players. It will be a test for the players to see how committed they are to improving under the other coaches without Paul Roos being there.

    The result could be a big positive when the pre-season matches start.

  3. 40 other rookies have been spoken to by us, doesn't mean that we are going to select them.

    Sorry I should have said he has been really spoken to. From what I have been told the only way Freeman will not be taken by us is if he is No ! selection.

  4. We will have selection 2 come draft night.

    We will select Nathan Freeman.

    He has already been spoken to by us.

    I have a feeling we will not be all that active in the trading period. Paul Roos will not trade like we did last year.

  5. was dissappointed last year, not to get Wines, Solid build ready to play Still feel the same

    I am the same also. With all the information we had plus the Viney Family and Ollie Wines wanting to play with us you just think that there is not a brain in the footy department. Wines wanted to come to us so much Port got the vibes he wanted to be in Melbourne.

    Wines will be an elite player, cannot say the same for Toumpas.

    Also the argument that you cannot have Viney and Wines in the same team is rubbish. Ask Paul Roos if he would have them in the team. The answer would be YESSSSSS I have no doubt.

  6. Viney is hopefully going to be very good.

    But on what we've seen of Wines, nothing suggests he is below Jack in any area.

    Viney is more explosive, but Wines is bigger, stronger and there is nothing wrong with his skills.

    Ollie has the points on the board, Dees fans only knock him because we haven't got him.

    That is not Ollie Wines fault, he also had a strong desire to play for the MFC.

    I much prefer Wines Vs Viney comparisons though, than Wines Vs Toumpas.

    Viney has shown that he might catch and surpass Ollie eventually, but Toumpas hasn't shown that.

    That is the most frustrating aspect for us is that Wines was a ready made player that is already hard at the ball and can tackle.

    What do we do take a player that has had problems that cannot tackle.

    Think of this for a scenario.

    Ollie Wines at the end of the season says he hats Adelaide and wants to go back to Victoria. He also says he only wants to play for Melbourne.

    What does the MFC do?

    Do we offer Jimmy Toupmas.

    Trouble is that Toumpas has very little currency now.

    Hopefully those that say we made the right selection will see how we totally stuffed up once again with a first round selection in the draft.

    We needed a player that will lead and drive the team up the ladder. Wines is the player we needed now. Toumpas is the player we may need in 3-5 seasons.

  7. Fool. Supporters like you make the rest of us embarrassed! You realise from a photo who will lead our Club into the future???? If size was all that mattered, Sellar would be our saviour. Obviously not. It is easier to teach a skilled player to put his head over it than it is to teach a monster how to kick and quickly summarise his best options. This is not a dig at Ollie as I believe him to be a great kid.

    If you could use a football brain I was pointing out that Wines has the size and ability to be a real driving force for the team now and in the future. To be blunt I think we made a big mistake and so far Ollie Wines is showing the Melbourne idiots what they are missing out on.

    The big point with Wines is that he WANTED TO PLAY FOR MELBOURNE with his mate Jack Viney.

    As for the Geelong game it was such a bad day that it would be hard to judge. Fitzpatrick hardly touched the ball. But I think he will be a real asset for us.

  8. I have a feeling that Jimmy Toumpas is a front runner and will only do well if the team is on top of the opposition so he has the space to play in.

    However the photo of Viney and Wines together from round one made me realize that we really stuffed up by not taking Ollie. Wines is large compared to Jack Viney and would provide us with the drive that we do not have and require desperately.

    Yes Jimmy Toumpas would be a good player with a very good side, he is not the player that will drive us up the ladder like Wines would do for us. Watching him play for Port Adelaide makes me cry that we have such idiots at our club that do not understand what we need to drive the team to become a successful club.

    • Like 1
  9. This thread should be taken down as it is in bad taste, reflects badly on the club and those that post on this site.

    For the ignorant among you James Hector Cardwell was instrumental in us winning our premierships coached by Norm Smith. He was a true Melbourne person from the days he played for the reserves until the day he died.

  10. David Schwarz to head our football department?

    Good move?

    I agree David is the right type of person to have as Head of the Football Department. I have no doubt that he would run the it as it should be.

    For those that say he is inexperienced are forgetting Jackie Emmerton. Jackie will help him settle in.

    David Schwarz will be a tough manager that I think will sort out the bad culture we have at the club. For a start all the players will respect him for what he has done for the MFC as a player so therefore he will have the impact we need. The Ox is no dummy he is a mature individual now that will be able to handle the pressure of being the Head of the Football Department.

    Plus he wants the MFC to win another PREMIERSHIP just like the rest of us. He will not be there just for the money.

  11. What the hell has it got to do with Cameron Schwab.

    Fair dinkum some of you that post on here are real idiots.

    The fact is there is an extremely bad culture within the playing group.

    I have no doubt the coaches and support staff are doing their best.

    It is the players that need a rocket. Plus we all have to realise that most likely we do not have enough players to compete strongly at an AFL level. At the moment only have about 4 or 5 players that are competitive and the rest are just not god enough. The total utter lack of confidence does not help as well.

    If we want to survive we need to ask for help from the AFL so we can eventually be a competitive team.

    • Like 2
  12. I hear your frustration Sdemon, but what player do you imagine doesn't want to give 150 % as you call it? It's just froth and bubble nonsense this idea of giving them ultimatums. They get onto AFL lists BECAUSE they have talent AND diligence AND application. Our list is not exceptional in being somehow less prepared to work hard. That's why coaches are there, to ferment those qualities and unify them into a team. Our coach and his staff are just NOT doing that, and ultimatums without inspiration and confidence are just pointless.

    Webber you are spot on. There is not enough fermenting happening at our club. We should train as we play under our coaches. However the coaches cannot run out onto the ground. Once the players cross that white line it is up to them. It seems our lot get stage fright in front of a small crowd. God knows what will happen next week with a crowd of 50,000 or more.

    One comment by Barry Hall really hurt and that was that when the Port players ran to the bench they where spent where as the Melbourne players had plenty left in the tank. What does that tell you?

  13. I believe that the board should not interfere with coaches and players.

    But I feel it is the right time for the board to confront the players and coaches and give it to them using both barrels.

    The message should be that the MFC only want plays that give 150% each time they play and train. The coaches should get their act together and deliver improvement out of the playing group.

    If any player does not want to give 150% then put your hand and go and play with the development team at Casey.

    Also it should be pointed out to the players that there will not be a club without members and sponsors the way they are performing.

    It is about time we stop treating the players like GODS and get to reality and plant their feet back on the ground.

    I have a gut feeling that the coaching group are not all preaching from the same football bible.

  14. The answer to this question is that the Melbourne Football Club was part of the Melbourne Cricket Club. If we had not been part of the MCC we would have picked up a much larger supporter base since WWII. The 50s and early 60's would have especially broadened our pool of members. We still have families that go back generations but with our poor performance since the second half of the 60s we have found it hard to attract young members of these families. Also with the membership of the MCC many thought they also had membership of the MFC as it was part of the MCC.

    The other big problem has been that the club did not value its members. One CEO told me he could not give a f*** about the members. It has been the current board to care about the members at long last.

  15. If the club had rolled over this thing would have been over 5 months ago and we would've been on our knees begging for mercy. We publicly stated many times that we would fight and I reckon had it gone to court we would've have a massive crack.

    But this has already been drawn out and as Don said the costs of this going on for longer could do more damage than good.

    I support the clubs decision. No draft penalties and a financial fine that I believe we (as a collective) can cover.

    It's done, I'm happy.

    Pates I agree with 100%. The club should set up a fund so that all members and supporters can contribute what they are able to spare.

    What worries me is that the footy department will have their program modified because of lack of funds.

    We now have a MFC heading in the right direction so we need to show that we want it to continue doing so.

  16. It is only my opinion not the end of the world.

    No I do not remember RF's first game.

    That is exactly why I would prefer he did not play.

    However can we get over JH there are another 40 players running around on Friday week.

    Any interest in any of them?

    Old Dee I am interested in all the players we have on our senior and rookie lists. This Friday plus the NAB Cup will show us what we have and if the pre-season has paid off with the extra 15% workload. What I am looking for is that we are competitive and not fall away halfway through the game.

  17. For once H_T I hope you are wrong

    How old was Robert Flower when he played his first senior game? Answer 17. Old Dee you must remember that day. Or was that you that kept screaming don't play him. Would Flower get a game with us if you had your way Old Dee? Robert Flower was pound for pound one of the strongest players running around in his day.

    As for Jesse Hogan, he has done a full pre-season and you say do not play him. Do you want to break him before he even gets going. He needs to play in the NAB Cup to give him the taste of senior footy of sorts. By giving him some time will give him the incentive to do his best with Casey knowing what it is like to play AFL footy. Old Dee it is called the Carrot at the End of the Stick Principle. Plus for god sake the kid is more than big enough to look after himself and he knows how to move around the ground.

    If is about time we show some mongrel at Melbourne and be pro-active and that includes the members and supporters.

  18. The Second Coming on Demonology said:

    "I was there it was Dean Terlich went up in a contest & didnt get back up
    once hitting tIhe ground was being attended to for a long time by the trainers
    then the ambulance arrived,didnt seem to be great panic by the rest of the
    playing group & coaches so hope he is ok."

  19. what's the hurry, its only been 68 years

    and don't shout

    After 48 years it is starting to be rather frustrating. I was talking to another MFC member yesterday and she asked me if we will see Melbourne win another premiership before we die. Interesting question when you think about it. The sad fact is that she is in her 30's while I am 59.

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