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Everything posted by bjDee

  1. Start of the 3rd qtr. Absolutely turned around from the 1st half where they let it go at all costs. Then we had 2 x holding the ball against us (Salem's was totally ridiculous), 1 x 50m penalty and 1 x holding the man. At least 1 turned into an umpire's goal. Looked like they were trying to gift Richmind the game. So proud that our boys didn't drop their heads, either then or in the last qtr under pressure.
  2. Jetta was well outpaced by Matera when chasing down the ball in defence. Looked very sluggish.
  3. So many rebounds turned over at half back. We are back to having no system for taking the ball out of defence.
  4. Wasn't what I was meaning, but whatever. Don't want to get into a stoush on a weekend when there is just too much to be happy about.
  5. Kinda know what you mean, in a manly sort of way, but still think this site needs an 'eewww' button.
  6. Third thing I told my family (actually only my eldest son - the only one of 3 kids to follow the Dees) - for the first time since they were made by Mitch Robinson and others, today we played like we wanted to avenge the "bruise free" taunts from the Blues. I reckon N Jonesy had a lot to do with that. Just love that Jones Boy.
  7. That's almost exactly what I told my family tonight as well....
  8. Ha ha - when I came home I told my family I had the best tasting pie today at half time at the footy - and it was nothing to do with the pie. I realised that's the way they should always tase - not clouded by disappointment.
  9. And by the end of round 2 he will have racked up 4 games, kicked 20 goals and picked up 15 Brownlow votes. Would love to see a 3 way playoff between JKH, Jack Viney and Chuck Norris.
  10. Looks like the Bulldogs have father-sonned the umpires as well!
  11. Can we just forfeit and get the home and away season over with? In the past few years, pre-season has become the only season that I enjoy.
  12. I'd put Warner on Gazza and tell him to treat Gazza like he did to Root. Siddle at CHB, to run up through the middle all game with the ball, deliver it, turn around and do it again and again. Silicon on the goal posts at our end. And Watto to be the sub - because I'd perversely enjoy the sight of the nancy boy sulking yet again.
  13. I still hold out a lot of hope for Strauss and Tappy. Haven't seen enough of Taggert to decide. Strauss has had a lot of disruption due to injury but we are still crying out for good delivery skills which he promises to provide if given a decent run in the team. Tappy seems to have the goods off the ball, but when it's been his turn to go with the ball, up till now it seems to have mostly ended up in disappointment somehow. Hopefully the new coach and culture will make the difference for all these guys. But rufus you make a great point re our poor performance in 1 on 1 contests - worth well more than 2 cents I think.
  14. Thought in previous FS appearances he had been nervous and a bit lightweight. Changed my opinion big time after the last few days and tonight's appearance. Confident, clear, well spoken and with a sense of purpose I wish would infect all our other players.
  15. bjDee

    AFL 360

    The NNG 3rds statistician is just frantically calculating the percentage boost they will get when this game comes around...
  16. +1. Got mine last Thursday. Broken navicular. Wearing it for next 6 weeks. They don't come in club colours (I asked!), just plain black. Can't really say I love it, but I hope it works.
  17. My eldest son is now 21. As a little tacker we bought him a guernsey and he wanted Jeff Farmers number on it. Then Wiz left and we had Woey's number put on his back. When he left I said this is a bad pattern - FCS don't put David Neitz's number on your back. He was with me at the 2000 elimination final win over the Blues, which in hindsight was probably the last great highlight for this club. Now I look at the last 15 or so years of his life and think - poor b*****d, what have I done to him. MFC - take note of this. I don't know how much longer I will stick with it but you will be losing your future supporters big time.
  18. You might need to stop thinking and point your arse towards the keyboard....
  19. I've actually switched to light beers in the 2nd term - to avoid being under the table by the end of the game. In response to the game I was getting stuck into the heavies but I want to be here for the turnaround.
  20. Maybe we're bit players in Papillon or The Shawshank Redemption. Pass the spoon, I think I can dig my way outta here. Unfortunately that takes me into the sewer, but that's hardly any worse than where we are now.
  21. This. We talk about not being able to keep our kids interested in supporting this club. But it's the rusted-on supporters who are being gutted as well by this crap.
  22. I want to have my passion for the club and interest in the footy season sustained for most of the season, instead of being dashed on the rocks of hopelessness and despair after just 1 or 2 rounds.
  23. Just so sick of all the turnovers. We hardly ever get to keep possession of the ball for more than a third or half the field before gifting it back to the opposition.
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